Welcome, Eve! It's a great discussion topic because so many people struggle with this issue. Discipline is really nothing more than a a belief system, honed through consistency over time, which tells us that we CAN do something (or not!). Essentially, it's a habit of action in a specific area. Really, at the core, it's all…
I agree with everything you said 100%! I am also getting back to action after a long lay off due to health condition and am already working way my back. Looking to rebuild a powerful MFP tribe. I am active on here, knowledgeably, enjoy discussions, direct yet always positive/supportive, and enjoy building connections with…
It's a great question because so many people struggle with this issue! I invite you to discard all the answers about lifting/cardio/or workouts and keto/vegan/paleo/whatever diets which may follow, and any noise about needing more 'motivation' and whatnot. It's all about what programming is running in our heads. The only…
I have a fair amount to lose and some challenges I'm overcoming myself. A community of support is a key to big changes!
Great goals you've laid out. Jumpstarting my own program this week after a long illness and layoff.
Count me in. I'm starting my own anyway so we might as all get in it together!
It's a very neglected issues worldwide. Thanks for taking the time to help raise some awareness.
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Pendaly Row Standing Cable Press American Kettle Bell Swing
"You can only have too much ammo when you're swimming or on fire." [/quote] Words to live by. Literally!
I'll not be repetitive because there are so many good repsonses and ideas above. The main thing for this type of opertion is staying light and effective. Energy dense foods so you can carry less weight, electrolytes, and WATER. You clearly realize the importrance of agua, but remember it's not only about survival and…
Your very best bet is to fet evaluated at a credible running store and properly fitted based on the findings. I recommned Road Runner Sports if there is one in your area because they do video analysis of your strike. If there not a mlocal RRS you can likley find another that useses video. Regardless, any evaluation by an…
I consider the startle they recieve to be a free lesson in being aware of ones space, especially in the outdoors. However, if I feel they are a potential danger to me due to their reeling and stumbling (often the case), I'll politely scream "Hold your line or go walk on a treadmill." Then I give them a friendly little wave…
The Zombie Buffet. Runners could sign up as either survivors or infected zoms, or join the pool of TBD runners for a 'special infected'dog tag. We joined the pool and lickily got selected to be zombies. Costumes were encouraged and almost everyone in both camps got really into it. Survivors wore flags that zombies tried to…
Agree with all of the wonderful advice above, as I've battled calf strains for months and months at points in my life. *Continue RICE as long as the accute symptoms remain, even for a few weeks after you feel you dont need it. *After rice transition to heat treatments. *Once you feel like can return to activity use a…
I was recently commenting to a friend that I cant imagine living in the Pacific Northwest for this reason. If we get three cloudy days in a row I can feel the drain. I'm so thankful for sunny places like Phoenix!
Absolutely yes. Sweat is the hot, new, anti-depressant. : ) I concur that while one doesnt need to exercise every single day for the normal array of health benefits, I definitley need to incorporate some movement (preferably outside) daily. Even workout program appropriate 'rest days' sometimes affect my mood. I have to…
You've worked hard and the results clearly show. Well done!
Forget the all the reaffirmation of goals and all that well intended tough love responses for a minute. Non of that applises to your situation right now. The first thing is to realize that the cycle of shame is self enhnacing. Every time you allow shame shame to wash through you it depends its track for next time. Work on…
I mix and match all three. Hook grip most of ther time- as much as possible, palms forward on high rep Romanians, and mixed for heaviest weights (alternating hand postions with every set).
Oh, but the resulting crushing abraisons hurt so just right. Or am I alone on this one? Such a protective device could also be useful for those who kettlebell swing with mucho gusto!
No, she clearly wanted facts or reasons with some basis of merit if any exist. At that point she hadnt gotten any. Uninformed pinions arent worth a hill of beans.
This is the way I have essntially always preferred to train, since I was very young. I was doing parkour before I had even heard of such a thing. : ) It just suits my wiring best. If you are intuitively drawn to it then I highly recommend it. Its the most fun one can have while getting stronger, and more importantly…
My strategy- free day! Eat ALL the foodz!!!
Whoa. Sounds like we are delving into some quantum physics here. There could be a govt research grant in it for you. Fudamentally it's sound, however.
I concur with where these guys are going. Personally I always recommend kettlebells first, followed by sandbags and good quality resistance bands. *Make sure you get educated in their proper use for safety and effectiveness. A good punching bag (think Wave-master style standing bag) can add another dimension, relieve the…
The only thing eating chicken will do is make you chicken. Have you been intimidated by leg day recently?