

  • Julie, Stick with it. I gained about 20 pounds, too, when I cut out the gluten, and it has stuck around for a year and a half. I got bummed and starting sneaking gluten back in here and there, which didn't make me lose either. Only now am I finally starting to lose weight. I didn't start to lose until I also cut out…
  • I've been looking all over the internet about this same question the past two weeks, and there sure seems to be a lot of people who have celiac or gluten intolerance and who are also having a hard time losing weight. There are some posts earlier in this thread about it. On a couple of sites, I read people were told by…
  • Try adding a couple of tablespoons of ground flaxseed into your diet. You can sprinkle them on salads, put them in smoothies, or just mix it in with some juice/liquid (but drink right after you stir, and it will tast bland).
  • I didn't know about gluten free beer, but a friend of mine bought some for me and I really liked it. It's called Red Bridge and has a picture of a red wooden covered bridge on the bottle.
  • Congrats Sarina. I know it feels good to reach one of your minigoals!
  • kelynn, Glad to hear the endoscopy went well. Not having to worry about every little bit of gluten does really open up more options, since so many sauces have minute quantities of it.
  • Amanda, sending positive thoughts your way! Also, just changing my calories to go on maintenance for a couple of weeks has really helped me take a break but not lose any ground. You still have to log in the food, but the pressure is off some.
  • Happy Monday everyone! I had two really busy weeks at work and company visiting. I was reading the board sporadically, but I still have a lot of catching up on reading to do. But I had to post because I'm so excited - FINALLY the scales have moved - I lost two pounds this week and am out of the 180's! It took nearly three…
  • Another dinner idea - We used Mrs. Leeper's corn spaghetti to make a baked spaghetti. The corn spaghetti texture and taste are better to me than the rice spaghetti. Just cooked & drained the whole bag of spaghetti, mixed in several crushed garlic cloves, italian seasoning, and 1 cup ricotta cheese, then spread it in the…
  • Hi everybody. I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I searched "gluten-free" on Amazon.com and found a lot of the products I like at a good price, plus if you order over $25, a lot of them have free shipping.
  • I just bought a timex with a chest strap and am enjoying it, though I wore it for 24 hours straight just to see what it said and it registered 3200 calories, so I'm wondering if it's overestimating. I did about 500 calories of exercise, but that would still put me at 2700 a day. That just sounds too high for a 5'8 woman…
  • I had a good friend who struggled with endometriosis. She had an operation to help it, then it came back. After several years, she finally discovered she is gluten intolerant, which causes the lining of your intestine to wear away when you eat gluten. Then you can't absorb nutrients, the body can't make hormones properly,…
  • Tammy, I forgot to say thanks for the invite about 30 Day Shred. I haven't even ordered it yet, so I'll probably miss out, but I think I'll take it on later this year, so I'm interested to hear how it goes for you. Experience has taught me I need to make small, gradual changes to build up my exercise routine or I burn…
  • The gym is always extra crowded come January 1, but sadly it starts to trickle off pretty quickly. By midFebruary, usually it's back to normal. Jack, congrats on building up your running so fast! Reading about the success of several runners on MFP has encouraged me to try a little myself. I got a heart rate monitor for…
  • Hello everyone! I'm still at the same weight. The scale is still stuck, but people have told me I look like I'm losing, so I'm focusing on that. WIth that in mind, I'm finding the weekly weigh-in is making me less motivated than if I just focused on the inches and how I feel. So I want to stay in the support group, but…
  • Sorry to hear the detox thing didn't go well. I'd tried the one several years ago that sounds similar to yours - no dairy, no sugar, no salt, plus no eggs. I also didn't feel well. What I've read is that this can be normal - that toxins are being released and you feel better after a couple of days, but who knows if this is…
  • Yes, please keep us posted. There are lots of different versions, but this is the one I found works for me. I like hearing how others work, because I may mix and match pieces of them. My body just seems to appreciate the break every now and then. Out of curiosity, I checked the Walmart website for the ingredients because I…
  • Jack - 18 pounds lost in two months is not what I'd consider slow! You started the same time I did, and I've only down 3. You've been doing great. And congratulations on building up to running that long so fast. What a great feeling it must be! On another note, I have noticed when I eat poorly - too much bad fats,…
  • Dragonfly - I'm sending you positive thoughts. I'm sure right now all you want (and need) to do is rest. If this is chronic, I would suggest when you feel a little better to investigate Rolfing. It's a form of bodywork, similar to massage, but instead of the muscles it works on the fascia holding muscles to each other and…
  • December 29 and all the goodies are finally gone from the house and office! That makes this endeavor a lot easier.
  • I'm with your husband - I hate to waste food, especially if someone has spent time cooking it at home for you. I'm really trying to live more sustainably, so whenever I think of throwing something out, I think of all the people and resources it took to grow the grain for flour, raise the eggs, raise the cows for the…
  • I have been drinking water and herbal tea all day, and am feeling better already. And yes, It's good to be home! It's good to visit family, and then it's good to be back at home with our pets and in our own bed.
  • Hello everyone, I'm up two this week, but this always happens when I travel, then within 3-4 days it's gone. I think it must be I don't get enough water, or my routines get all messed up. Laura - I understand how you feel. At one point I had lost 80 pounds, and over the years 40 of it has crept back. But I'm glad you are…
  • Leigh & Sarah - congratulations to both of you for losing so much so quickly! I love reading the success stories on this site. Do you both mind sharing what you've been doing? I've been stuck for the past month and I'm wondering what has worked for others. Do you eat all your exercise calories? How much do you work out…
  • I've been weighing every day, too, but I'm going to do the same and just weigh on Sunday. I'm changing my goals to weight lost intervals without the time pressure. Putting date goals seemed like a good idea, but it was making me feel like I"m losing ground, but really, I'm feeling a lot healthier and in control.
  • I didn't seen any change, either. But this last week at yoga and then yesterday painting the house, going up & down the ladder & bending/squatting, I noticed I was feeling much stronger and more steady, so I must be building muscle. It feels like my core is getting a lot stronger, too. So regardless of the scale, I'm…
  • Verda, Here are some websites with lots of gluten free recipes: http://allrecipes.com/recipes/healthy-cooking/gluten-free/Main.aspx http://www.celiac.com/categories/Gluten%252dFree-Recipes http://www.gluten.net/recipes/ There are lots of others. Also, I've had good luck with making any cookie, brownie or scone recipe and…
  • Hang in there Shelley - there are more and more resources for people with allergies. It's overwhelming at first, but know that a lot of others deal with these things, and there's lots of information on the internet.
  • Happy Birthday Alison! Enjoy your dinner!
  • anglyn, I'm glad you are starting to feel better. I also have found removing gluten from my diet made joint pains I've felt for years start to recede. And I'm always fascinated by how much gluten affects every other system in the body. And kelynn, thanks for the website. I'm always looking for a good place for products. I…