Husband Gets Upset When I Throw Away Fattening Food

We got soooo many fattening cookies and candy for Christmas. I am tempted by it, but if I throw it away before I reach for it-I'm ok.
The problem is, my husband says I'm wasting it and that we can freeze it.

I would rather "waste" it than have it sitting on my hips but he doesn't see it that way.

Any ideas?


  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    throw it away when he isnt looking. You are not wasting anything. Cookies are not a food with nutritional value, therefor you can toss them! :laugh: thats my logic!
    I went to a cookie exchange party this year, and I came home with ALOT of cookies , I left them on the counter from Sunday to WED am, by that point I figured everyone in the house had tasted what they wanted ,and my willpower was shaking, so I tossed them, with no guilt at all. ITS OK to get rid of your temptation, you are not perfect , you will succeed a whole lot better without the temptation in your home.
    Good luck!
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    I give them to neighbors and friends. I hate to see good food go to waste too, but this way I don't have to eat it! :wink:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I'm having issues right now. My hubby went to a friends house and she sent back lots of goodies that I would have just sat down at ate before. Luckly, I can send them to work with him and they can eat all that they want and it gets it out of my house. :wink:
  • Nmama
    Nmama Posts: 191 Member
    I'm having issues right now. My hubby went to a friends house and she sent back lots of goodies that I would have just sat down at ate before. Luckly, I can send them to work with him and they can eat all that they want and it gets it out of my house. :wink:

    same here. My hubby took them to work, and left them out for the workers. They loved it ;)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    We had accumulated a bunch of "junk" food, so when we went to spend a couple of days at a friend's house this past week, I had put them in brown paper bags and put them in a corner by the door and took them over there. In addition, I took healthy goodies for me. By the time we left, ALL the junk food had been eaten (not one bite by me), and I could go home to a "clean" house. Sometimes being healthy may cost a little more (gym membership, not eating the whole dessert you order and throwing away leftovers on a cheat day), but your body will thank you. Your husband's too.
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Pitch it, there are nutrients in the junk foods so you are NOT throwing away good food. I kept everything made and sent until Christmas night and then it ALL went some has trickled in the last few days and it's going out tonight.

    My will power is low and it needs to go!!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    My husband is the same way! and he doesn't actually eat very many of the cookies because he isn't a snacker. I tell him he can take them with him to work or I am throwing them out. That usually works for us, maybe you can try that?
  • yvonneh
    I'm with your husband - I hate to waste food, especially if someone has spent time cooking it at home for you. I'm really trying to live more sustainably, so whenever I think of throwing something out, I think of all the people and resources it took to grow the grain for flour, raise the eggs, raise the cows for the butter, drive it to the store etc. Sure - the cookies are just a small piece of that, but it all adds up.

    So I bring them to work, or send them to my husband's work, and they are all gone before lunch, and people really seem to enjoy it. Also, places like Ronald McDonald House are always happy to have homemade treats. Just call ahead first to make sure they accept outside food. Some friends of mine get together once a month to make dinner for Ronald McDonald, and in December we had a cookie exchange and sent a whole bunch to the House.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yep - give it away. I gave most of my stuff to family/friends/neighbors/coworkers. I'm more popular now and I haven't gained any weight. Win-WIN. :laugh:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    There was nothing for me to throw away. My husband ate them all. Every bite of every snack, long before I even had a chance to think about whether I wanted some. I'm worried about him, he's sucking up the food like it's going out of style! That 100 pounds he lost over the last year is gonna come slamming back if he's not careful. Oh, and he hasn't gone to the gym in two months ><, ever since the time change.

  • BamaRose0107
    We had and still do have alot of sweets in the house. My husband loves them. They do tempt me but I am not going to make my husband suffer just because I want to eat better. He already does so much to be supportive. I just walk away from the cookies and cakes and grab a yogart instead.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,738 Member
    We had and still do have alot of sweets in the house. My husband loves them. They do tempt me but I am not going to make my husband suffer just because I want to eat better. He already does so much to be supportive. I just walk away from the cookies and cakes and grab a yogart instead.
    I like this approach the best. :happy:
  • rheign
    rheign Posts: 56
    Send them to work with him. He can still indulge and share with his co-workers AND it won't end up on your hips. Win/win situation.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Send them to work with him. He can still indulge and share with his co-workers AND it won't end up on your hips. Win/win situation.

    Yep - that's what I do.
  • lisanxd
    I either have my fiance hide it from me (meaning he is supposed to put it in his "man cave"), or after letting the cookies/fudge, etc. sit on the counter for a few hours I am able to convince myself that "the cat must have licked it by now" and that is a disgusting thought, so it works. Granted he's not always great at hiding the food, some of it is still sitting in the kitchen. He also took a pumpkin roll to work in his lunch box to get that away from the house. If that doesn't work, throw it out!! Good luck!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    try to donate- here are a few places I have taken treats : hubby's work, the church - they love their sweets at coffee hour! a Senior Center, Crisis Nursery, the Veteran's Hospital (not many treats get sent there home-made anyway), the local fire station, Urgent Care clinics- any business you frequent and know the employees - (I work in a bank, and we get lots of extra zucchinis and garden grown things), the post office, wherever. Those places that have GROUPS of people - they can all split it out, and it won't be bad at all.
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Thank you for the good ideas everyone. Unfortunately, my hubby works in an office all by himself, so having him take it to work would mean he would be the only one eating it. (bad idea!)

    I like the idea about donating or bringing to church. I think sometimes tossing it is the best option though. If I know it's there, in a weak moment I will dig till I find it.

    I look forward to the day when its not even a craving anymore!

    It amazes me how much my husband influences me! He has a major sweet tooth.