No More Excuses - Week 8



  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm up two this week, but this always happens when I travel, then within 3-4 days it's gone. I think it must be I don't get enough water, or my routines get all messed up.

    Laura - I understand how you feel. At one point I had lost 80 pounds, and over the years 40 of it has crept back. But I'm glad you are sticking with it! Really, we have to stick with it, because we'd feel even worse if we give up and then have to lose it all again. And I really think logging food & exercise will become a way of life. It helps me to know that this time I have a tool to keep in control of my life and not gain it back.

    Yvonne, drink water!! Are you glad to be home?
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Today was exhausting at work. I didn't get a lunch break, ate little bits while calling the Bingo numbers, got yelled out by several of the usual Bingo complainers that the numbers were called too slow, too fast, too whatever. Spent an hour and a half with a resident at the doctor while she almost coded several times. Managed to get Medicaid billed and my duties done and normally I :heart: :heart: my job. It is 6:43 and I am thinking I will go to bed by 7 pm. I should exercise but can't quit yawning!:yawn:
  • Yvonne, drink water!! Are you glad to be home?

    I have been drinking water and herbal tea all day, and am feeling better already. And yes, It's good to be home! It's good to visit family, and then it's good to be back at home with our pets and in our own bed.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Report fom inlaws.

    Good News: Only ate 1 frosted covered sugar cookie
    Bad News: Had 2 Snickerdoodles, and 4 frosted covered pretzels, and 4 Chips with Salsa. (thats on top of a lot of Chili, and a Ham Sandwich for Dinner)

    Way over on many categories today, but went to the gym at 8 pm and worked off 500 calories. My weight was still the same, but the problem with working out late in the day is that now I am hungry. All in all, I did pretty good today.

    In past years, I would have easily had a ten of those cookies, and probably a dozen of those pretzels, and don't even get me started on how many Chips and Salsa I would have knocked out.
  • Hello everyone!!!!
    I didn't think I was losing any weight but I got on the scale this morning and I lost half a pound. WAHOOO! That's better than nothing I guess.
    I hope everyone is doing well on their workouts and eating right. And there is nothing wrong with a little sweets here and there.
    Well everybody have a good night!!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    Well it is now almost 9 pm and I just finished using the Wii for 30 minutes and also didn't drink any coke today!!! I am off to bed! :yawn:
  • December 29 and all the goodies are finally gone from the house and office! That makes this endeavor a lot easier.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Tuesday morning all...Had a rough day yesterday with no exercise. It is my TOM and I just feel awful. I didn't feel like cooking and ended up with burgers for lunch and pizza for dinner, about 500 calories over my goal. I am going to make myself do some kind of exercise today. It is too easy for me to fall off the wagon during this time and so hard to get back on. I will have a better day today and I won't eat anymore of that leftover pizza. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    I haven't even stepped onto the scale. I've had a really rough week. My hips have been bothering me again and I'm really swollen on both sides, so I know that is going to affect the reading, plus, with the pain, I cant get on my treadmill or do wii fit. I'm just in a really bad place lately! I got a shot yesterday to help manage the swelling, and it's working, but then I had leg pain all night, in both legs, which frightens me to death, because the last time I had pain like this, it led into the whole hip dislocation/ruptured disc fisaco.

    I just want all this pain to go away so I can get back on track!! I NEED to get back on track.
  • Dragonfly - I'm sending you positive thoughts.

    I'm sure right now all you want (and need) to do is rest. If this is chronic, I would suggest when you feel a little better to investigate Rolfing. It's a form of bodywork, similar to massage, but instead of the muscles it works on the fascia holding muscles to each other and to the bones. Over the course of several months it puts your body back into alignment. After five years of seeing a dozen regular doctors & chiropractors who couldn't help me, the Rolfing is doing wonders for the back and hip pain which I've had for ten years due to some scoliosis.

    Also, I did a detox a while back where I just ate smoothies for breakfast and lunch with almond milk, rice protein, a little sweetner, a tablespoon of organic flax meal, and different fruits, then a simple vegetable salad with olive oil for dinner. By the end of the week, I was amazed to feel old pains in my neck, back, and hips were disappearing. I asked the doctor about why this would be, and she said it could be the simple diet gave my body a break and helped any inflammation I had go down, and/or that I had an intolerance to some food and felt better when it was removed.

    Wishing you quick healing!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hi Everyone. I have gotten a reality check this morning and feeling kinda depressed about it, but I will not let this get me down. I have gained 21 pounds of the 52 pounds I had lost back. I have to get back at it and stay with it. I am just glad that I have not gained it all back like I have done in the past but I will do this, if it takes me forever. I think I am going to change my ticker and focus on some smaller goals right now, meaning I changed it to get down to 200 pounds and then when I meet that goal I will set another one. So, I am back on it as of today, I was going to wait till the 1st but I will not, I don't want to gain any more than I already have back SO NO MORE EXCUSES Laura!!!!!

    Laura, good for you to jump back on now instead of waiting. You can do this, I have faith in you!

    Thanks Amanda
  • Hi everyone

    We made it back to London safely through the rain, and I'm happy to see that our street is no longer an ice-rink so there was no danger of broken limbs while we unpacked the car. Phew.

    Dragonfly - I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain. It must be very tiring and frustrating for you. Are you able to get to a swimming pool? I just wondered if that might help relieve the pain a bit without putting pressure/stress on your joints? I hope the treatment starts to help very soon and that you start to feel more positive and less scared.

    Tammy - are you feeling any better yet? It's very hard to stay on track when you feel rough isn't it? By tomorrow hopefully you'll be able to focus on the bigger picture again.

    Well -that dinner at my old schoolfriend's last night was delicious but it certainly won't have done my weight any favours, and nor will grazing today. Back on track tomorrow if I'm going to hit that 11 stone mark by next weigh-in! What was lovely yesterday, though, was that we spent the evening with some people we haven't seen since this time last year, when I was more than 45 pounds heavier - and they all made lovely comments. Even my husband, who is usually fairly immune to matters of appearance, said I looked "cute" in the dress I was wearing - hooray!!

    Right - going to unpack the suitcases and then hit the treadmill.

    Alison x
  • Hi everyone :)

    I haven't even stepped onto the scale. I've had a really rough week. My hips have been bothering me again and I'm really swollen on both sides, so I know that is going to affect the reading, plus, with the pain, I cant get on my treadmill or do wii fit. I'm just in a really bad place lately! I got a shot yesterday to help manage the swelling, and it's working, but then I had leg pain all night, in both legs, which frightens me to death, because the last time I had pain like this, it led into the whole hip dislocation/ruptured disc fisaco.

    I just want all this pain to go away so I can get back on track!! I NEED to get back on track.

    Dragonfly.....Here's to hoping you are better soon. Take care of yourself.
  • Hi All...... So....this morning I get up and decide I am not sitting around the house for my entire vacation. So what do I do but decide to re--paint the upstairs bathroom. It turned out great and I had it done by noon when my dh got home for lunch. Now our oldest is on his way down to our house so that we can have Christmas with him and his girlfriend tonight. Should be fun. Off to the kitchen...

    Have a great evening!

    Oh....I did make it to curves too.
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Had a good day today. Kept diet in order, and just completed a full 3 mile run. That is the furthest I have ever run in my life. Lost another pound already this week.

    I am excited, Thursday is glutton day. Kinda ironic it happens to be the last day of the year. On that day I will not be on the diet in any way shape or form except I do plan on keeping track of all the calories. Should be kind of fun to see what I used to eat on a given day. I do plan on exercising that day, but that will only make up for a fraction of the calories I plan on going over on. :wink: This is the 1st day off the diet since November 2nd. I have been looking forward to it for quite some time. Since its New Years eve, I might even have to partake in a spirit or two.:drinker: :drinker:

    With the year ending, I have been looking back on the year. Been an interesting trip so far. This all started because one day I decided that I was getting too fat and out of shape and that it was time to do something about it. Every year it seemed I gained a few more pounds, I saw a few folks around me losing weight at work, and I read a couple stories that inspired me to make the change. I decided this year was going to be different.

    In my 1st workout, I could not even run a quarter mile. What has helped me quite a bit is that my wife and one of my very good friends jumped on the bandwagon at the same time. Finding this website has been a godscent. So far I have been completely committed. I have not had more than 2000 net calories on any day, and so far I have worked out 5 days a week every week since we started all this.

    I have been surprised at how slow the process has been. I definately haven't been putting up biggest loser type numbers. Results are finally happening, and people are starting to take notice. The great thing is that clothes that were getting tight, started to fit, now those clothes are too big. I look better in the mirror, but I still have me a big inner tube around the waste and still plenty of belly leftover. It will take easily another 20 pounds of weight loss to get these to "normal" status. I will continue to be committed to this diet until I hit my target weight. Who knows, maybe by summer I will not be embarassed to take my shirt off.

    Thanks again to the "No More Excuses" gang, its nice to be able to talk with folks who are going through the same thing I am. (even if I am the only guy here) :wink:
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Hello everyone!

    I have been terrible this past week, we just got home after traveling to my inlaws on Christmas day until the 27th and then back home for one night to leave the next morning for my parents. I have eaten and eaten and then when I was full, I ate some more. I haven't exercised in two weeks!!
    So...tonight I finished off the Christmas pudding that my Mom sent home with me and tomorrow is the start of my new year!!
    xx Kim
  • Jack....I'm so happy for your success over the year. You are an inspiration. It seems like I have been on a "diet" all my life. I agree thta this website is wonderful. The support I have gotten and the great tips from others fighting the same fight is worth more than I can say. I am sooooo looking forward to 2010. I know it is going to be a great year for getting healthy for me. Looking back over the yoyo dieting and the fights to loose it only to re-gain it is discouraging, but I know I am going to get it off and keep it off.

    I went to curves tonight and realized I won't make my goals I initially set of going 5 times this week, because they are closed Thurs-Sunday. Dad Gome it. So.....on those 4 days, I plan to work out on the Wii.

    Just curious as to any other resolutions anyone is making other than weight and fitness. One of mine is to try and get a grip on our finances. During these times it isn't easy, but we are going to give it the good old college try!!!! ;)

    Well, we just had Christmas with our oldest who is a pilot so was flying around the country on Christmas. It was a nice evening.

    I think my bed is calling me though! Everyone have a restfull night! See you in the morning!
  • I'm sitting here watching the today show, cheating with some shortbread cookies for breakfast. (I will be so darn glad when they re gone!!) Anyway.....on the Today Show they come on with these 3 people that have lost huge amounts of 150 lbs and more. They each tell their stories. None joined a gym, one did it by counting calories (sound familiar), making better food choices (again familiar), and work out videos (yet again.....). Matt Lower (the host) asked the health person with them, "What can those at home take away from these stories) and I about fell off my chair when I heard her response....."There are NO EXCUSES" So how ironic is that! We are a smart team and we can do this. If those three could do it, so can we. The guy lost his in like 15 months. We all just need to be determined and motivated. Holy Crap. My 30 lbs is nothing compared to what these people did!

    Here we go team! THERE ARE NO EXCUSES.

    Have a happy and Healthy Wednesday!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member I'm sitting here watching the today show, cheating with some shortbread cookies for breakfast. (I will be so darn glad when they re gone!!) Anyway.....on the Today Show they come on with these 3 people that have lost huge amounts of 150 lbs and more. They each tell their stories. None joined a gym, one did it by counting calories (sound familiar), making better food choices (again familiar), and work out videos (yet again.....). Matt Lower (the host) asked the health person with them, "What can those at home take away from these stories) and I about fell off my chair when I heard her response....."There are NO EXCUSES" So how ironic is that! We are a smart team and we can do this. If those three could do it, so can we. The guy lost his in like 15 months. We all just need to be determined and motivated. Holy Crap. My 30 lbs is nothing compared to what these people did!

    Here we go team! THERE ARE NO EXCUSES.

    Have a happy and Healthy Wednesday!

    Thanks Ann! How motivating to start the day!
  • Jack - 18 pounds lost in two months is not what I'd consider slow! You started the same time I did, and I've only down 3. You've been doing great.

    And congratulations on building up to running that long so fast. What a great feeling it must be!

    On another note, I have noticed when I eat poorly - too much bad fats, processed sugar, and gluten - my hips and lower back hurt a lot more. When I went for the massage therapy the doctor prescribed yesterday, I asked her about it and said certain foods really can cause your joints to hurt. It inflames the tissues holding the digestive organs in place, which then causes the joints to hurt. Since I mentioned earlier that the weeklong detox made my back/neck pain decrease, I thought I would pass along this info in case anyone else ever noticed the same thing.

    Alison, glad you made it back home safely.
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