

  • You poor thing :(. It's natural to become de-motivated when you don't see a change in the scales - and I'm currently experiencing that too, but don't give up! What is your diet like? Do you eat a lot of carbs, or protein, or do you eat fatty foods but not enough to go over your calories (if you get what I mean)? Do you…
  • I know, it's so annoying! Just have to try and find equivalent food on here, but it would be nice to know how much damage you're doing *exactly*.
  • Tesco do size 16/18 leggings in black, brown, grey and white, and they have cropped versions too. They're pretty comfortable although not the best quality in the world!
  • I'm 5'5'' and 26 too - sadly not the same weight as you though - I've still got about 5 stone to lose! Just wanted to post to say good luck reaching your goal - hopefully I'll be where you are sometime next year at the latest!
  • I agree with kylakesgal - I think one of the most effective approaches is "confusing" your metabolism into burning fat because it thinks it needs to. I almost always have a result if I alternate exercise patterns, e.g. I'll do stationary bike one day, then badminton the next, then back to bike, then maybe some kinect and…
    in Plateau Comment by Clairezibel June 2011
  • Here are the things I've found work best for me MrsBee: 1.) Drink lots of really cold water - stops you from bloating, and your body burns calories getting the water to body temp! 2.) If you can - fidget as much as possible! I've been jogging my legs under the desk at work, and it seems to help 3.) If exercise is part of…
  • I find my stationary bike a good cardio workout - I think running is more painful for most people because you're essentially dropping your whole weight on each leg repeatedly as you run, so it's not good for the knees. That's just my opinion though, I don't know much about running! I really like the bike, it's a fairly…
  • I'm coming up to the end of my first four weeks (started again four weeks ago on Friday, but joined last November) and so far I've lost 9lb, hoping to make it to 10 by Friday! I think you do lose weight more quickly at the start, because my first three days, I lost a pound a day, then plateau'd for 3 days, then lost 2,…
  • You look absolutely gorgeous! I use the Kinect and the Wii Fit Plus, it's so encouraging to see the video game work! The success stories part of this site is the best - I always come and check it out when I'm craving treats, and it gives you such a will power boost to see everyone doing so well! Congratulations…
  • You might have already tried it, but the Fry Light company do a Caesar Salad dressing (one calorie per spray!) that I really like. I think it's better than normal caesar dressing because it's got all the flavour but because it's a spray, it's easier to coat the salad nicely, without having big dollops some places and none…