

  • I tried the bigger breakfast, and it worked! (for me that is actually at like 12 in the afternoon, b/c i work nights, but same difference). Thanks! :bigsmile:
  • i feel the same way. it is getting a bit better now that i have been at it for a little over a week, but i still get hungry sometimes. I have found that the more i eat for my first meal, which for me is lunch, the longer i last and feel full for the rest of the day. I tend to "spend" my calories more in that first meal,…
  • my only thing, and the reason i turned to slimfast is that i do not have time to cook in the morning/afternoon when i wake up. I work nights, which messes with my eating in the first place, and the shakes are the only way i can make myself eat breakfast. I figure some breakfast is better than none. i have started to do a…
  • so great to see this! i am trying to lose 75, and just started. i feel like it is such a long road...i don't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but i'm sure as those first few lbs come off, i will feel like i'm moving.
  • thank you. :happy:
  • so i am sort of new to this, but i am a food/recipe stalker, so i ask this stuff all the time... "wow, this is good, what is in it?" "what brand of spread is this, it's so good!" you get the idea, that way you are complementing the meal, and if it's store-bought you can look it up later, if it's not, you have an idea of…
  • oatmeal! most are only 150-160, and it sticks to your ribs in a big way.
  • and as a p.s. if there is ANY way you can get out the meal plan--do it! i lived in the dorms and after the first year i wormed my way out of the meal plan (come to find out you only had to have it for a year, and after that it was optional, they just didn't advertise that). try to find a loop hole.
  • i had the same issue! 50 lbs to lose too. i have a school type cafeteria where i work, and here is what i do....salad, yes, but i bring my own little toppings with me (dried cranberries, sliced almonds, stuff that does not have to be refrigerated)...this way i don't get bored with that offering. if they have a supreme…
  • a problem i do not have. lol. i figure if i am going to have something fatty, i may as well have the real thing. i feel cheated if i don't. i just adjust elsewhere. i think that 1200 sounds okay, that is what i take in...but i don't think that i am as active as you either. :happy: i would listen to the doc and see how it…
  • i had the same issue! i take baby carrots, celery with a little pb, apples (i keep a knife at my desk to cut them), trail mix (the ones without the chocolate in it)...things like that. I have to keep switching it up so that I don't get bored with something, b/c that is when i turn to the snack machine.
  • prenatal. that's it. not knocked up yet but we are trying :laugh: they say to take the prenatal b/c it helps with fertility too, and it has almost 100% of what i need everyday, plus the folic acid, which is good for any baby that may come along.
  • i don't know if i would call it a recipe, but i love to use the Montreal Chicken spice mix from McCormick (the Grill Mates collection). It is so awesome! Lots of flavor, and cuts back on me adding salt when it gets on my plate (a bad habit of mine). I love chicken parmesan--i just use an egg coating, then dip in italian…
  • i personally eat sashimi, which is just the fish, and a wonderful tuna with some pickled ginger (just a few small pieces) is just the best!
    in Sushi Comment by mrsbice November 2009
  • i would still make the cake you want, but have a smaller piece. for the icing, just make it with a low fat cream cheese, and i would use bitter sweet chocolate chips in the cake. i am not sure if they are lower calories, but they have proven that bitter/dark chocolate is better for you. enjoy your b-day!
  • unfit? wow. you are making yourself a "fit" mom so you can be a mother much longer! he is just angry and is trying to put you down. It is a mental game, if he can make you feel less then, then you are under his thumb. Ignore him and keep working out, for you and your son! :bigsmile:
  • i think that it all depends on the persons genes and health issues. I am on a constant watch for diabetes (runs in the family), so high-carb is a no-go for me (since most of it just turns straight to sugar). Low-carb does not work for some people due to their body needing more carbs, since they find that their energy…
  • they cannot lie about it, as it is against the law. the nutritional info has to be correct due to the food and drug act. so trust it and go eat some yummy quiznos! just check before you go on the calorie counts and decide what you want before you go.
  • i am not sure of the calorie count there, as i have not been since starting my diet, but i always get the tomato and mozzerella sandwich. so good! fresh tomatoes, fresh mozzerella and lots of fresh basil made up in a penini (sp?) :love: i love it
  • thank you all for your tips! To the person who asked what the 3-2-1 plan is, it is from slim fast--3 healthy snacks (about 100 cal each), 2 slim fast meal replacements (shake or bar), and 1 balenced meal a day (about 500 cal). I am following this to stop the bad snacking (like the halloween candy I just got rid of), but I…
  • sounds....interesting. i think that someone would have to just give it to me and not tell me what it was, and then i could get over the mental picture of dried up PB...just seems wrong to me. lol:tongue:
  • chicken and rice... season the chicken night before ( i use a little olive oil and the spices and put the chicken in a ziploc over night). add water (3 cans about) to crock pot (i use the no msg, low sodium stuff), along with the chicken (if you used only a little oil, just put it all in), add fresh parsley, chopped…
  • i don't think that artifical is the answer. it is empty calories, and the jury is still out on what it does to your body in the long run. I saw my dad become a new man (and about 40 lbs lighter) from cutting out artificial sweetners (he is a diabetic, so he didn't have to worry about cutting out real sugar too). I think…
  • my husband does this. and his mother. and his sister. must be heriditary.
  • Not flushing the toilet. I am a housekeeper and you have no idea how many people do not flush the toilet (including my husband..."what it's just pee" is his excuse) Also rude people who treat you like you are a lower life form. Just b/c I am a housekeeper, and you are paying 500+ for this room does not mean that you can be…
  • I would suggest water, water and more water. Most of those flavored waters have artificial sugars in them, and they do your body no good. I would especially lay off the diet drinks, i don't drink them due to getting migranes from artificial sweetners, but my dad used to drink them all the time. He stopped drinking them and…