always hungry!!

i don't eat junk food, i don't skip meals yet i always seem to be hungry or craving food.

does anyone have this problem? how do you deal?


  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I felt that way when I first got on MFP. I'm constantly drinking water, and I really feel that it helps fill my stomach. Before MFP, I never would have believed it. But it only took me about a week for me to be convinced. Other times when I'm hungry between meals, I chew sugarless gum or have a Tic Tac. It's usually enough to keep me happy until my next planned meal or snack.
  • CinthyNair
    Sometimes your body thinks you are hungry, but in actual fact, you may be thirsty. Keep a bottle of water handy/next to you all the time. If you think/feel you are hungry, drink some water first. If you are still hungry after 1/2 hr, then go eat something.
  • gailaldridge
    I've found that eating protein really helps. In the morning, I have a tablespoon of peanut butter on a whole grain english muffin. Sometimes I snack on almonds in the afternoon, just be sure to limit yourself to one serving of fatty nut butters and nuts (read the container to be sure you know how much that is.) Also, if you eat a salad, be sure to add chicken or fish to it. Something about the combination of roughage & protein makes me feel really full. Sometimes I will have a few pieces of lean turkey lunch meat with a little mustard spread on them as a snack before dinner. These things seem to help me feel full. I'm sure everyone is different though. Plus, drinking water definitely helps.
  • mrsbice
    i feel the same way. it is getting a bit better now that i have been at it for a little over a week, but i still get hungry sometimes. I have found that the more i eat for my first meal, which for me is lunch, the longer i last and feel full for the rest of the day. I tend to "spend" my calories more in that first meal, and then I can have smaller calorie things for the rest of the day. (in other words, a "real" meal for the first meal, then a lean cuisine or healthy choice for the other meals.)
  • tacey21
    tacey21 Posts: 73 Member
    Water is important. Having something hot like broth or tea helps too.

    Try scheduling AM and PM snacks. Something small and healthy, but with substance. Almonds, carrots, yogurt and grapes.

    I've also noticed.
    I always think I'm hungry when someone else is eating. O.o Like when I'm watching TV and someone is eating. Or all those food commercials (DVR now.. fast forward through all of them! :) or when I'm playing my Sims3 and have to feed them... i feel like i'm snacking CONSTANTLY. I think subliminal triggers can do that to you as well.

    What works best for me is to break down my 3 big meals and and spread them over a whole day. You feel nourished but not stuffed.
  • MarshJulie1989
    If you are hungry, eat.


    Pick something high in protein or packed with whole grain...I LOVE the Cliff Z Kids bars (a little high in sugar, but they are a tasty mid-afternoon pick-me-up). You are hungry because your body needs more calories.

    Lots of people pegged water/drinking more fluids, and they are right. Most people can't tell the difference between hunger and thirst. Those Special-K protein drink mixes are awesome...though I recommend mixing them with 2x the amount of water that the package says you should, and even adding another non-protein drink powder (Sometimes I mix in a cup of light juice, too). They make you feel fuller but they've got kind of an odd aftertaste.
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I get this way from time to time as well. Definitely drink water, I really never believed it helped but have discovered recently that drinking water throughout the day does work. Also, I always have some sort of carb with every snack/meal. A snack of an apple will not do it for me so I make sure I keep calories for a snack of apple/carrots/granola bar.