question about going over cal limit

mrsbice Posts: 31
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
i am trying to stick with the 1200 a day that FMP is giving me, but I tend to go over a bit each day due to hunger. like tummy making noise hunger. i try to make these extra calories healthy calories and filling (like a pack of oatmeal--good for the heart and only 130 for the flavor i use). should i eat when i feel hungry like this? i have to keep my sugar and iron levels up or i start to feel soooooooo drained. i spread out my meals as best i can, but i work nights and my schedule doesn't quite lend itself to normal meal/snack times.

any opinions or ideas?


  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough fiber, too, it will keep you feeling full longer. Also make sure you are drinking enough water. Are you eating your calories earned with exercise? Other than that, snacking on fruit or oatmeal (within reason of course) seems like a good idea.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    The calorie limit that MFP gives you has a built in deficit. If you go over by a few, you will still lose, just not as fast you want. What do you have your weight loss set on? 1 lb a week? 2? I have mine set on one, and while now (3.5 months into it) it is finally starting to average out to 1 lb a week. At the beginning is was 2 or 3. I've recently hit a "plateau":sad: , but until then it was going great.

    Another thing, be sure to log exercise and eat those calories. What else. . . . oh, as you make your choices through out the day, try to pick things that are filling but low cal and that don't cause a blood sugar surge and drop. Vegetables are great for this.

    I'm not the most knowledgable about it because I tend to go over one day, but then be way under the next. So I may not be the best person to answer this question, but hopefully I gave you an idea of where to start!

    You can do it!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    What is your BMR? It's under tools. I was told by a nutritionist not to go under that #. For me it's 1265 and that extra 65 seems to help a little. The weight still comes off just slower.

    Good luck
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    One trick that works for me is to have a bigger breakfast. When I get 200-300 calories for breakfast, I tend to not feel like I'm starving in the afternoon. Also, have a side salad with your lunch and dinner. It's really filling, but very low on calories, especially if you just put flavored vinegar on it or a little bit of light or low calorie dressing.

    Play around a little bit with your eating times and how many calories you eat for each meal. You'll find your ideal balance.

    Good luck!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Vegetables are your friend.
    Sure, you can have a pack of oatmeal for 130 calories. Or you can have like 3 cups of steamed broccoli for the same amount of calories. The fiber will keep you full, and hey, broccoli has iron in it, too! :wink:

    Maybe try a multivitamin with iron added. I have had issues with anemia and hypoglycemia, too, and that's helped.
  • It seems like the easiest thing for you to do would be to drink more water. If you do this, you will feel full. But, it is something you should do throughout the day. Don't just drink water when you feel as though you are getting hungry.

    Another thing that has helped me is taking Green Tea capsules. They are wonderful for curbing your appetite!
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    I echo what jam0525 said about checking your BMR. MFP recommended 1200 calories a day for me, but my BMR put me at 1417 and that's what I set as my own goal. I also eat about 3/4 of my exercise calories. I've lost 15 lbs in 7 weeks and feel wonderful and am hardly ever hungry.
  • I have hypoglycemia so I have to snack throughout the day too. Try snacking on almonds and veggies, and take a good vitamin supplement. stay away from soda and splenda! Splenda has been shown in recenty lab tests to trick the brain into eatting more. Water is great and tea is excellent.
  • One trick that works for me is to have a bigger breakfast. When I get 200-300 calories for breakfast, I tend to not feel like I'm starving in the afternoon. Also, have a side salad with your lunch and dinner. It's really filling, but very low on calories, especially if you just put flavored vinegar on it or a little bit of light or low calorie dressing.

    Play around a little bit with your eating times and how many calories you eat for each meal. You'll find your ideal balance.

    Good luck!


    I tried the bigger breakfast, and it worked! (for me that is actually at like 12 in the afternoon, b/c i work nights, but same difference). Thanks! :bigsmile:
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    One trick that works for me is to have a bigger breakfast. When I get 200-300 calories for breakfast, I tend to not feel like I'm starving in the afternoon. Also, have a side salad with your lunch and dinner. It's really filling, but very low on calories, especially if you just put flavored vinegar on it or a little bit of light or low calorie dressing.

    Play around a little bit with your eating times and how many calories you eat for each meal. You'll find your ideal balance.

    Good luck!


    I tried the bigger breakfast, and it worked! (for me that is actually at like 12 in the afternoon, b/c i work nights, but same difference). Thanks! :bigsmile:

    That's great! Today I got a late start on the day, so I had a smaller breakfast since lunch wasn't too far away, and I've been a bottomless pit all day. Tomorrow is back to big breakfast, regardless of what time it is.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Why not eat more and watch your progress? That way you aren't blunting your metabolism so early that you plateau prematurely and can't do anything with your calories.
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    Why not eat more and watch your progress? That way you aren't blunting your metabolism so early that you plateau prematurely and can't do anything with your calories.

    Great point and I agree.
  • Snack on foods that have very little calories but are still filling. When I'm hungry in between meals I snack on sliced cucumbers, strips of green, yellow or red peppers, and apples. They take the edge off of my hunger and keep me from eating high-calorie junk.
  • guamchar
    guamchar Posts: 100 Member
    If your stomach is growling, you are clearly hungry. Eat something!!! The fact that you are concerned, tells me that you know to eat something healthy like oatmeal versus a bag of chips.

    If you are constantly hungry, your body will slow down its metabolism to burn only the calories given (and not the extra stuff you want to burn off).
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