I Lost 70 lbs the Healthy Way

I would like to share my weight loss journey with you. Losing weight is not an easything to do for anyone. It takes a certain level of commitment to yourself to get thru it. I know this because I was there. I still have that last 10 lbs to lose... does it ever end LOL? I decided after my second child was born to take a break from my professional equestrian career to be a full time mom to my boys. I had no idea that this decision would depress me further since I now had no outlet for physical activity. I was miserable and overweight. My friend dragged me to the gym... a place that I have never liked and I felt so self conscious but at least I had her there to support me. The gym is not a friendly place for most people. It is comparable to the first day of high school not knowing anyone... eww remember that feeling?
I became a full blown gymrat after some time at the gym but I would watch people just like me who would attempt to come to the gym but had no idea what to do there... so they would never come again. The gyms make so much money off people doing this... they buy a membership but freak out the first time they go that they decide to never go again. I decided to write about my experiences at the gym and how I lost my weight. I use video links to show examples of how the cardio/weight machines work to what the offered classes are. I also use tons of humor because life is too short to not giggle. Please feel free to read my free story. I hope to help anyone wishing to make a life change.
Good luck! Just remember that anything worthwhile is never easy to attain. :flowerforyou:


  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    I can't wait to read your story (work internet won't let me). It's a great encouragement to me because although I don't have to lose 70 lbs (more like 15 or 20), I still feel like it's a huge challenge. I like what you've done for others as well. I know how it feels to go to the gym and not know what to do - I still feel that way unless I have some direction! So, I started reading personal training books and am working to get my personal training certification. Of course, before I start practicing, I'll have to get in better shape. Anyways, your story is encouraging - good luck with the last 10 lbs!!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
  • mrsbice
    so great to see this! i am trying to lose 75, and just started. i feel like it is such a long road...i don't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but i'm sure as those first few lbs come off, i will feel like i'm moving.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi BeccaSwan69-

    Since it shows you just joined us, it looks like your journey was done without MFP. Regardless, your post is important encouragement for those here in the midst of their own journey.

    As for me, I discovered this site in mid-April. As of last Monday, it was 30 weeks since I started and I have lost 46 lbs--which works out to about 1.5 lbs. per week. I haven't weighed this light since 2001, and my eventual goal is to lose a total of 120 lbs. For the first time in 8 years the first number on my scale is a ONE, instead of a TWO. I call this the "land of the ONE-derful ONES."

    My journey started the week after my birthday in April. I had a hysterectomy in January and during the surgery and recovery, I lost 12 lbs. I thought this would be a good start in the right direction, so I vowed to "watch it"--and I did--watched my weight go back to where it had been, plus 2 more pounds!!!:sad: :grumble:

    I looked in the mirror on Easter Sunday and thought about new beginnings, and Spring, and prayed that I could find a way to get started moving in the right direction. I did some reading and internet research and found a couple of concepts that I decided to put to the test:

    1) People who log their food consumption and their exercise have a better chance of losing and keeping weight off.

    2) People who follow a program of moderation, in terms of calories, fat, and any other nutritional concerns (in my case, sodium, because I have hypertension) tend to lose and KEEP weight off for a longer period than those who follow an extreme program that they can't sustain.

    3) People who look upon the steps they are taking as "making a lifestyle change" rather than a "diet" have a much greater chance of success.

    I searched for a free site to do my food and exercise logging, and after finding one that I didn't particularly care for, I was fortunate to find MFP. The support I have received from those on the threads I frequent has been most helpful, and I have learned a lot from those I have come to know.

    When I started, I wanted to give myself the "gift" of losing 100 lbs. for my next birthday. At the rate I am going, it will probably be more like 80 lbs. lost by next April, but even though the journey is going to last a little longer than I originally planned, I know it is still worth the trip.

    Good luck to everyone on their own personal journey. Remember if you fall off the wagon, you can always climb back on and their will be lots of MFP members to encourage you along the way.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: