magdalen13 Member


  • I was going to ask if you have a wok -- stir frys are so fast, and so customizable, you could add more protein when needed, and not when not :)
  • While I think that's totally possible to fall in love so fast... a red flag would be going off in my head about any man who is willing to leave his kids and move far away. Even older teenagers need their dad around. Putting his new love before the kids he's raised for how many years seems like a really bad move and one…
  • That just about sums up what we all should be doing :) thanks!
  • ^^^ yup, exactly what I do. Popcorn or fruit (or sometimes an individual Skinny Cow ice cream or Ben & Jerry's frozen yogurt) and a couple of glasses of water at night keep me full and not starving... I go to bed late, midnight, usually, so if I didn't eat after 6 I'd be starving and miserable all night.
  • Introduced our now-11-year-old to geocaching 3 years ago and she loved it a lot :) She also tends to be a sedentary kid and would rather play a video game or draw or listen to music than be outside. A few years ago though she was interested in a karate class and now she keeps in pretty good shape by going to karate class…
  • Yup exactly. I may not care for how some people on here phrase things or the words they use, but I try to take the wise parts of their advice and leave the rest. I know that I am not very far along on my goals compared to many here, which is why the advice is always good. At the same time, you catch more flies with honey…
  • I always was surprised at how many people who are clever at math and physics don't spell well. To me they both were a matter of precise thinking. I don't spell things wrong, and I like calculus :) Maxwell's equations, though? That's hardly as plain and simple as the other two, is it?
  • yup -- if you can avoid even having those foods around it helps. Your body is craving protein and fat and iron and nutrients it's losing at that time of the month -- so feed it "good" versions of those things,like salmon, greens, berries, nuts... Maybe taking a multivitamin will help some? The idea to exercise more is good…
  • Haha that actually just makes you awesome! OP and any others, feel free to add me -- My geekery includes comic cons, Doctor Who, sci-fi & fantasy, and, well, lots of other stuff :)
  • ^^^ All of that. It can be hard to confront your spouse, especially when you're already struggling but it sounds like you two need to communicate more. Being called a fat *kitten* and lazy is not OK. I might not divorce the man either but he would definitely get to hear my thoughts on the matter.
  • Absolutely! making yourself a priority is good for the kids & your husband too... You're modeling good eating and fitness and showing the kids how to respect themselves and eat right by being that example for them :) Thinking of that helps me commit to a healthy dinner even if I slipped earlier in the day... or it helps me…
  • I feel ya -- I hate cooking. Luckily my husband does not feel the same, so he cooks us a nice healthy dinner at night :) We usually are limited to about a half-hour to cook, too. Just starting to make menu plans, but our first two weeks include chicken stir fry, turkey burgers, portabella mushroom burgers, shrimp tacos…
  • Welcome :) Glad you are making a positive change in your life! Feel free to add me if you want to -- I am 30, married, and my husband & I are both doing MFP to change our lifestyle for the better & to be around a long time for my stepdaughter :)
  • Yup, my top 3 goes 1. Mass Effect 2 2. Skyrim 3. Diablo 2 Haven't played Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past but if we agree on the top 2, maybe I should :)
  • Congratulations! I quit four years ago (well, for Christmas 2008) and the first few months were the hardest. After about six months of constant telling myself "Not today" and "You don't need it" and "Think about something else".... I finally didn't have to think much about it at all anymore. I had really quit, physically…
  • Well cutting out sugary drinks is good cause that's usually empty calories that are better replaced with water to fuel your body :) But sandwiches aren't so bad -- we make them with 45-calorie multigrain bread or 90-calorie thin multigrain buns (for burger-type sandwiches) and that way they don't kill you on calories and…
  • sent you a message -- feel free to add me. I'm in Michigan too and used to work midnights though never been an RN :) Glad you're here -- keep going!
  • Reminds me of what we used to say in school when being teased for being fat, ugly, etc.... "I can lose weight (or whatever)... but you can't fix stupid" People like your neighbors are too stupid & mean-spirited even to realize that their attitude ultimately makes them the "loser", not you. Sorry you have to put up with…
  • Oh man, have I studied creamer labels looking for "the one". I did find one brand that was sugar-free, fat-free and about 15 calories/ tbsp but only in French vanilla flavor... I believe it was at Walmart. I can't remember cause now I just do black coffee with a little Equal if I feel like it.
  • Well, I got married twice, so I may have some insight on this stuff ;) 1: First time, about a year. Second time, about six months. 2. 1st, around $7,000-$8,000. 2nd, about $1,000. The first time, it was much more than I planned. The second time, it was less than I planned, so... That was good :) 3. 1st, invited 400, about…
  • Sent a request. It's better with all the great community support of friends :)
  • You're already approaching this so ethically, I think you'll have no trouble with after the kill. It's when you're not bothering to think about it, or when you take joy in causing suffering, that you have to worry. (Disclosure: I don't deer hunt; my husband and daughter do and I have been out in the blind with them and…
  • Great songs, you all :) I'm not ashamed of any of mine! Why be ashamed about something you like? Hellll no. Now, if you're asking which songs my family are ashamed of when I start singing... haha.. there are plenty of those.
  • welcome! I'm new too but have found that connecting with folks on the website is really helpful, seeing what they're eating and how they're working out and what incredible progress everyone is making :) Good for you that you're reaching your goals! (And congrats on the upcoming wedding!)
  • I have to second all those who said keep trying different types of birth control... I used to have debilitating cramps & nausea, etc. too, and after several years of birth control, I now have a pretty light, infrequent TOM (thank god!) that rarely comes with cramps anymore. However I don't have PCOS and I know that makes…
  • Yup. well.. that's what I'm watching my husband play :) It's a great game, seriously, so funny. And insane. When I ever get the xbox to myself I am replaying the Dragon Age series with different character builds. To have a range of options for #3 when it arrives, and cause I'm a nerd :)
  • I was going to say water... I know when my stepdaughter was about 7, she really didn't like drinking plain water, and as much as we gave it to her, she would drink as little as possible. Then after a few days of avoiding it, she'd be constipated... no surprise. (Thankfully that was a brief period and now she drinks water…
  • During the school year, I usually try for 7. 8 means leaving things undone in the evenings, 6 means I'm reallllly dragging in the morning. It's not an ideal balance; during the summer I get a more natural sleep cycle cause I don't have to get up to get the kiddo to school, and then I usually get 8-9 hours a night. That's…