cutting out sugar drinks & are sandwiches unhealthy

how much does cutting out sugar drinks affect ones weight loss and body toning?

I was told not to eat sandwiches or drink sodas but I eat sandwiches (with wheat bread, never use mayo, etc) & drink bottled/canned drinks since i'm usually on the go and it's the quickest thing we have to make at my house. ---Way too much sugar for me though because of the drinks, I reallyyy need to cut back on sugar so I figured i'd stop drinking sugary drinks all together & drink water instead but keep eating sandwiches.

BTW I don't eat sandwiches every meal. I eat them once a day or once every other day.

I'm pretty good at coming up with routines but the dieting part in weight loss is what gets me.


  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I heart sandwiches!

    Everything in moderation!
  • livingdeadlifter
    The most important things you can do to affect your body composition are to eat minimally processed/unprocessed foods, and to weight train.

    Unprocessed foods: vegetables, fruits, full-fat (YES FULL FAT) dairy, avocado, olive oil (but NOT industrially processed oils such as canola oil), meat/fish, eggs, tofu/tempeh if you're vegetarian, some whole grains, nuts and seeds, and starches/legumes.

    Some people will advocate paleo/primal which excludes legumes, sugar, dairy, bread/grains. Not everything works for everyone in my opinion... so I'd say cutting back on sugary drinks/sugar in general is one of the best things you can do for your health, and it will probably be helpful for your waistline. And sandwiches aren't terrible but you could do better. Maybe just start with the soda. Over time maybe just have a sandwich once or twice a week instead of every day or every other day. Just take little steps :)

    Also, you can't really "tone" your muscles... you either gain or lose muscle mass. "Toning" is actually just getting to a certain body fat percentage so that your muscle is more noticeable. Lift weights, see a trainer once or twice about proper form and ideas for exercise. Or even just starting with bodyweight exercises. Anything to improve your strength.
  • magdalen13
    magdalen13 Posts: 62 Member
    Well cutting out sugary drinks is good cause that's usually empty calories that are better replaced with water to fuel your body :)

    But sandwiches aren't so bad -- we make them with 45-calorie multigrain bread or 90-calorie thin multigrain buns (for burger-type sandwiches) and that way they don't kill you on calories and still have some fiber and nutrients. Light Miracle Whip in moderation or mustard, thin-sliced deli turkey, chicken or ham, and pile on the sandwich veggies like lettuce, tomato, cucumber, spinach and sprouts. There are a lot worse lunches you could have... I think when people say no sandwiches, it's because they can be easy to not think about what you're eating, and just slap on the usual mayo and cheese and processed meat and bread. Depends on the kind of sandwich you make.