

  • Not necessarily, in the past 2 summers, i've gained 15lbs each and my body fat % has gone down both times, first from 8-6% and then from 10-8%. During the school year my diet goes to crap, as does my regimen, but changing that this year hopefully.
  • That's actually not the approach that a great many people take to gaining muscle while staying lean. There are lots of natural body builders that choose to do High protein/fat and low carb do to the fact that carbs tend to be the energy we use last, or at the very least the last processed. So after our body recovers it…
  • It is a scientifically proven fact that you cannot spot reduce, e.g. lose fat from a specific area of your body by only working that part of your body. If you only work a specific area of your body, of course the muscles will look more defined . . . because they're getting bigger. If you have a low percentage of body fat,…
  • Well, quick lesson in physiology, the fibers on the lower part of your pecs actually end up connecting above where the upper pecs connect, so doing any of the three workouts will work both upper and lower. But there is some benefit to trying to target the upper pecs. If you're going into bodybuilding, hope you stay clean,…
  • Over the long haul, you need to have at least 1 full day of rest a week. That's at the very LEAST.
  • This^
  • The almost non-stop intensity of cross-fit is a killer on your body. Imagine lifting 80% of your deadlift max for 6 reps, then doing 4 100yd sprints at 90% pace. Now do that for 15 minutes. That is a killer workout that will wreck your body. That's why the people that do cross-fit are absolute monsters in terms of…
  • Just be careful that you don't start over-training. An earlier post said that anything is better than nothing, but that isn't true at all. over-training, at its best, is just like doing nothing and at its worst, will set you back farther due to injury.
  • Once again, I never stated that fast twitch muscles were never used in distance running. But the idea that they take over when slow twitch fibers are fatigued makes no sense since they require more energy AND have a lower capacity for endurance than slow twitch fibers. Apparently I did say that . . . slip of tongue and/or…
  • Phasing is great . . . yes you should spend 3 weeks getting yoru muscles used to it so as to maximize gains and peformance for the strength phases.
  • I wasn't bro beating anyone, I gave a perspective from the strength training side of things, and if your goal is size (which I'm guessing it isn't since a woman was OP) then running should be strictly on the back burner of your workout. I never suggested that should only do sprints or lift because being small and a…
  • Fast twitch muscles are NOT meant to take over when slow twitch muscles are fatigued . . . those muscles serve two different purposes e.g. slow twitch are for endurance, fast twitch are for strength. Now, when you lift heavy weights AND run a great deal, you slow twitch fibers DO increase in size, but they do not have…
  • Jogging or distance running for 40-60 miles a week does in fact cause the fast twitch muscle fibers in your body to decrease in size (and possibly even disappear from what I understand). That being said, that is a LOT of running to do. It depends on what you want to do with your body, if you want to develop explosiveness…
  • How long have you been lifting?
  • If your boyfriend is an ex bodybuilder and is getting frustrated that you don't know the weight you need that's his problem. First thing I can say is that gaining muscle will be easy if you've never seriously trained before, you'll see an increase in as little as the first 6 weeks. Second thing is don't be afraid of weight…
  • Seeing a whole lot of people shocked about 1000 calorie meals and such, or that they are eating a slice of pie that has 800 calories and it is half of their daily intake. You should never be shocked at the calorie count of anything: chips are either tortilla or potato . . . both dense high calorie foods. Cake is cake, no…