

  • lothesome -- I think you are being a bit nitpicky. I like the little bit of water release that comes from a tiny sprinkling of sugar, I can't get enough of the fresh coconut that's available here, and I love coconut oil--could put it on anything, which is why I included it in my recipe. It's not like you can't just omit…
  • LOL--I meant that I keep going back for more, not that I'm hoovering it :P
  • Fab50 -- I've heard a lot of positive things about coconut as a way to curb the sugar cravings, both the meat and the oil of it, and lots of people take coconut oil supplements (a little rich if you're struggling with your weight loss, but oh, so delicious! I could drink a vat of coconut oil...) Also, added bonus, coconut…
  • If you want to give tilapia another chance, I usually smother it in garlic and lemon, or have it with sautee veg and creole (tomato) sauce. It's not the only fish in the sea though! Mahi mahi is a nice, mild fish that absorbs the flavors of what it's cooked with well. Salmon is a classic and is wonderful encrusted with sea…
  • Seconded!
  • Alternating between lying comatose with my head in the fridge and burning up in bed (NOT that fun way, either. GRUMBLES! Maybe all the head-in-fridge was where I got sick?) You know what sucks? Rocking a frakking fever in the tropics. Talk about insult + injury. Supposed to (but have a feeling time and the Cryptkeeper will…
  • Checked it. UGH. Why are you right? How are you so wise in the ways of self-moderation? How do you make manning up gracefully look so easy (you and everybody else over on the sugar thread, actually.) It's really hard to own things for me this last week or two--I don't know if it's exhaustion, or being plagued with…
  • The Angel-Kayt says go, but say NO! to the Margs. Avoiding equestrian-related injuries is a good motivator for restraint. Devil-Kayt says throw caution to the wind. But Devil-Kayt is saying that largely so she won't feel so bad about about the very good chance that she'll dip into the JWB tonight while on her phone date.…
  • Cryptkeeper doesn't (or VERY rarely) drinks alcohol, so slipping him a mickey probably won't work. Jose, our bartender, apparently got yelled at once for "trying to get [the cryptkeeper] drunk." Can anyone truly be blamed for trying to improve their employer's disposition? Maybe I can find some sort of airborne mellow-out…
  • The king of prophylactic holidays got better! Still battling the buffet, curses all over that crap, but I got a hold of Jasmine Boy this afternoon! Joy and delight. Got to catch up for 20 minutes before he had to run to work. YAY + HOO-RAY! GRUMBLES Cheryl. GRUMBLES. I do not want to wait another 2 decades for this crumby…
  • I'm here, just laying low because I'm cranky and whiney and generally PMSy and my moms always told me if I don't have anything productive to say I oughta dummy up. I had some sugar, too Cheryl. They can line us up for the firing squad together. The big question is: did you have a drink? (I didn't...maybe that's why I'm so…
  • T to the RUTH! I get a quickie email from him everyone month or two. SOMEDAY we shall speak again. *dreams* AUGH the meaning of life might have been in my oatmeal this morning--added coconut, rasins and a spoonful of that free almond butter I lucked into--good god it was DEE-LISH! Krunkneck and krunkback sucks *kitten*,…
  • What are you putting in your salad? The more diverse your ingredient list, the more varied and interesting you can make your salads. Trying including: Grains--wild rice, quinoa, amaranth, toasted oats. Nuts--pecans, pine nuts, almonds, walnuts, macademia nuts Beans & Legumes--Chickpeas, adzuki beans, pigeon peas, kindey…
  • Hahaha, not a gemini Cheryl, this girly is a Cancer! (funnily enough my birthday is pretty much the EXACT midpoint of the year) I LOVE THAT ROCKER SMILEY THOUGH! Jasmine anything is right for delight. I had a friend who worked at Lush and she would always give me jasmine scented bath balms and fragrance salves and stuff.…
  • I do say so, too. Cheryl speaks communal WISDOM! and TRUTH! I can understand finding it tough to resist the baking hobby :( Too bad there isn't some perpetual bake sale the universe puts on so we can bake goodies, eat ONE and then have the rest vanish. Grumbles. I cross stitch to keep from cramming crap into my mouth,…
  • Grumbles. I'm back for confession. I hit the fridge tonight for the first time in about a month. Arroz con Gandules and cheeses were my vices. I think i may have underestimated my calories burned today (I had a couple reiki sessions instead of massage, so I kind of...assumed they were nothing? IDK. Whatever.) or something.…
  • Look at you two small-worlding it up! How intense are the wii workouts? And how coordinated do you have to be (I am SO not coordinated at all) I'm SO braindamaged from work this week, and it's likely not going to let up until after VD (UGH VD, I HATE VD! Meaning of life? SO NOT in a Hallmark Holiday about some dead…
  • Just checking in--been doing good with sugar so I'm not popping in for confession as much. One of the ladies here on a yoga retreat baked some cookies (dairy-free chocolate chip & rasin, I think) and they were out with lunch today. Had one small one, because they looked so good, and I've been busting my butt all week…
  • Is it snow, or ice? I was living in Lake Louise before I came down to PR, and we had this (http://www.flickr.com/photos/11230553@N06/3313373352/sizes/l/in/set-72157614411376883/) beautiful bad boy at the back of the lake, opposite the hotel I was working at. No waterfall to be seen in the summer, but the ground runoff…
  • The meaning of life is not at the bottom of Jose's delicious Metropolitan (like a cosmopolitan, but with OJ instead of cran) but it sure was an enjoyable search. Kim, drag on the blizzard. My hammock only has room for one, but I do have two pretty comfy plastic lawn chairs on my deck if you wanna come and visit. The only…
  • Ok, Cheryl. You win. I am TOTALLY stumped. I think we need to join forces and write the definitive guide to acronyms, and Acronomicon, perhaps? Keep on chugging is right, we're on the little engine that could--"I think I can I think I can!" (And I did ask for it, and I love it :P) The meaning of life is showing up in a lot…
  • Just pretend you're deathly allergic to it or something. LOL.
  • I didn't mean it to be a major crazy acronym, I only noticed now! HFCS = High Fructose Corn Syrup, IV = Intravenous. You know what LOL is ;) ARGH isn't an acronym, it's a Pirate sound. OMG, I love Nyquil...I also love Dayquil. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM. Not the green stuff, though, cherry or bust! Meaning of life in the bottle of…
  • beqy12 -- This challenge is very informal, just keep checking back here and posting and you're on the train. What I'm doing is setting some personal goals for myself for the month--not hovering in front of the fridge with a spoon, always serving myself something on a plate and sitting down to eat it, generally just trying…
  • Was that a pun? Yep, that was definitely a pun! I am officially in love with you :D Meaning of life, definitely in punning. It's my fave :D I can't wait to get home in May--I return from Puerto Rico to Toronto ON my mother's birthday, so I will get to give her the biggest hug out there :) She's the greatest woman i know.…
  • We used Benefect all natural disinfectant spray at the hot yoga studio I used to work at. It's antibacterial and antifungal, if I recall correctly we'd use a 2:1 water/benefect solution in a spray bottle and spray mats down after classes and hang to dry. Depending on how much you sweat (and therefore, how much sweat gets…
  • I've done the master cleanse, I can't remember now how long I went for...10 days? I felt great while I was on it and while I didn't experience any of the "shedding mucoid plaque" or whatever I didn't find the cleanse difficult, except for resisting the temptation of pizza. I could bike to get around (my bike is my primary…
  • kgasser, ugh. I WISH the King of Kings was in that pack of Reese cups! Pickle spear, eh? Maybe it's also in those pickled jalapenos I like so much too...I wonder if we have some in the pantry. Cheryl, I love your smileys. One for EVERYTHING! A guest-provided soruce of where the meaning of life is/isn't! Got an email from…
  • pettmybunny, it may be a little more labour intensive than opening a carton, but you can make your own milk substitues--nut milks, and presumably grain milks too. (a couple quick how-to's for almond milk: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Almond-Milk and here http://greenlitebites.com/2009/04/27/homemade-almond-milk-take-1/ and…
  • You got it ladyface :) SRS BZNS = Serious Business. (It's more fun when you say it in a kind-of asian accent, Mr Miyagi style as it were. Sounds all ominouslike!) Don't you feel more accomplished working it out by yourself? ;P
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