

  • as you can also see, I have lost a tremendous amoutn of weight whilst suffering with PCOS (I have gained some - i was over 100lbs lost!) and did it in just over a year. I already have an almost 4 year old and am currently pregnant with my 2nd :) Don't give up, it is possible, you just have to find the right combination of…
  • Not sure if it's different here in the UK, but Spiro is prescribed here to reduce hair growth and is very effective. You need to be careful on it though since if you fall pregnant on it you have to terminate the pregnancy. I think you have to be off it for about a year ideally if you want to concieve. If you want more info…
  • I've gone from 245lbs to 144lbs in a year so feel free to add me (i am more or less maintaining at the moment and not worrying about the odd few lbs due to the fact I'm expecting!) Good luck on your journey! it's possible!!!
  • I'm in Kent and been here a fair amount of time!! Feel free to add me! :)
  • Would like to also know what magazines it would be likely to be in if that's OK. I have previously written an article for a charity magazine for members and would probably be happy to alter it as necessary... (at that point I'd lost 5 stone, now lost 7st) I might be interested.....
  • i'd agree with this.... look much better than i used to and now i want to look good! I have to admit though, although i know i needed to lose weight for some time I never really felt a strong urge to for any reason then one day it kind of clicked after being on AD's and I decided to do it! So here I am.... :)
  • I am a blood donor and have been twice in a row turned away for low iron levels... i am due to donate next week so I guess I'll find out then!!
  • Another one with PCOS!! Feel free to add me :)
  • I take a multivit as we're ttc no 2 but don't take a designated iron supplement... would that help?
  • Yes, I live in the UK :) I might have to put that right on my profile!! I think I'll have difficulty not eating it all in one go but as I say, the variety for me I think would be the key and eating just when I need it rather than grazing all day though! Not sure where I'd buy things like they offer to do my own...
  • Hey! I can so sympathise with everything you're saying! I have PCOS and some days are very much a struggle from an image or symptom point of view but I am living proof that loosing weight with PCOS is possible and if I can do it, I know you can too! Once you're in the right frame of mind, anything is possible - even with…
  • I log it under cardio as circuit training - general...
  • I can so relate to this.... I sometimes wonder if I have BED as looking at the list of 'symptoms' I can tick at least half... I iknow the PCOS can alter everything about loosing and gaining weight but when I gain, I gain lots and can't get that balance of 'eating healthily'. I go from denying myself everything I shouldn't…
  • I've never heard of taking cinnamon for PCOS but I might look into it... I'm happy to take anything to aid in my quest to help loose weight - obviously realising though it's so hard to do and won't go away quickly! :( I am on metformin 2g daily and i think it's helped my weight loss. (but that might just be from the side…
  • I have PCOS and have nearly reached a year of proper dieting (with massive gains along the way) but am 86lbs lighter than this time last year (I have been 92lbs lighter but working off another gain at the moment!) I have tried to set the levels as suggested but can't find the settings.... I am low-carbing anyway but…
  • I tend to go for the salad option at Pizza express, ask for the dressing on the side and leave the bread sticks that come with it. (I'm low carbing too though...) Think it works out about 400 cals if you do that (I get one of the chicken ones, can't remember what it's called!) I always struggle with Zizzi's so tend to…
  • blimey! I've almost lost a newborn calf!! :) (or 3 times what my 3 year old weighs!) I wonder what it would it would be like to pick up that newborn calf to compare???
  • Definitely possible but I have lots to loose - I agree that it really doesn't look like you need to loose that much. I've been on a plan since the beginning of October and in 19 weeks I have lost 68lbs
  • I am 5'0 and currently at 179lbs so you're way ahead of me!! (I started off at 245 though!) I would keep going until YOU feel right, not when a doctors chart tells you you should feel right.... I think to be at the bottom of the range would be far to tiny anyway - i'd rather aim for the top of the ideal for the time being…
  • I got to 4 different classes and they range from it feels like I'm having a bit of a giggle to high energy fitness and the one i prefer combines the 2. I find in the easier ones I tend to work that bit harder and use the higher intensity moves whenever I can (even adding other classes' moves to intensify the work out) I've…
    in Zumba? Comment by Mrswilko February 2011
  • I use that too - works out about 409 calories for 60 minutes.... They say on the website it's 500-800 i think but i think they might be exaggerating a tad!
    in Zumba? Comment by Mrswilko January 2011