

  • I read an article in Self or Fitness magazine (can't remember which) that said the best posture for the elliptical was shoulders back and arms at your side (swing them as if you were running/walking), second best was using the moving handlebars and the least recommended option (avoid if possible) was hanging on to…
  • I'd like to jump in here as well! I'd like to be 175 by the time the HP:DH comes out next fall! I've been off the wagon for about two solid weeks now and the scale today said I was up to 219 (8lbs up :sad: ) I'm hoping it's just water/sodium/bloat weight, so my goal for the next two weeks is to get back to were I left off…
  • Just a personal suggestion, have MFP calculate your maintenance and eat that amount for a week. You won't gain any real weight (may see a shift in the scale as your body adjusts, but nothing that will stick) and try again in a week refreshed and after having given your diet a break. Taking a week off of dieting every 3…
  • Just a personal suggestion, have MFP calculate your maintenance and eat that amount for a week. You won't gain any real weight (may see a shift in the scale as your body adjusts, but nothing that will stick) and try again in a week refreshed and after having given your diet a break. Taking a week off of dieting every 3…
  • I use Yaz too and lost 8 pounds the first month I started using it. I also do not feel at all like I'm on a birth control pill and as my insurance doesn't cover it either, I am still willing to pay the $75 bucks a month for it because I like it that much! The only thing about yaz for me is I do occasionally get cramps…
  • Emotional/Binge eating is a real psychological disorder, so don't beat yourself up too much right now because it is NOT a question of willpower, it is a matter of understanding what triggers your stress eating (in this case it sounds pretty clear.. eek, sounds like a tough situation) and dealing with your stress in another…
  • Personally I switched to kids multivitamins because the percentages seemed more reasonable and they were easier on my stomach. When I did take "adult" vitamins like that I only ate them every other or every third day. i feel like as long as I'm eating a well-balanced diet then I probably really don't need them anyways.
  • I don't know what it is about running, but no other source of exercise does it to me. I was up to six miles at a time and I was still at 220# (5'11'' female), so it's definitely more about mind over matter :) I slipped on the ice and injured a tendon so I just started running again and am starting slow and steady, but it…
  • I think it's really discouraging and hard to try and make too many changes at once. You could try and focus on making one change a week to your lifestyle and then add another change the next week and so on. For example, you could tell yourself that this week you will get up and workout in the mornings. That will be your…
  • I've only used it once when I was visiting my parents but it was really fun to use and my mom just loves it. I think it is her new favorite workout. From the one workout I did, it seemed effective and enjoyable!
  • I don't log mints (tic-tacs) or the spinach and 0 cal brown mustard I put on my daily sandwich. Oh, and I don't log diet cokes. I bought a 90-day fitness planner at Barnes and Noble to coincide with my P90X journey, so I've been doing all my logging in there the last few weeks and for that I will log EVERYTHING just…
  • Haha, I actually got on MFP to procrastinate my workout a little longer, but you guys got me convinced to just go ahead and get my workout done first. I love this thread! :flowerforyou:
  • I have the exact same problem, if I have PB in my apartment I seriously crave it. Like get a spoon and dig right in crave it. When I studied abroad I had to have PB shipped to me because I missed it so much! For me, I just couldn't portion it well so I finally had to stop buying it. The cravings do eventually disappear! I…
  • Hey there, Calories burned will be significantly different based on your height, weight and fitness level. I think somewhere in either the nutrition or fitness guide it refers to them as 600-cal workouts, but at 5'11 and 210 pounds, I still only get about 450 calories max out of the cardio x and Kenpo-X (measured with a…
  • Legs and back isn't one of my favorite workouts either (I do like the funny charlie chaplin walk thing, though!). To compensate for my lack of pull-up bar, I tried hooking my resistance bands across the top of the door but I kept seeing visions of the bands rubbing against the wood/hinge and snapping back in my face (as…
  • I didn't get to get my weight in, but there is no change for me (210.5) since I posted my introductory post! Here's to a good week for us all!
  • Even if your weight is up a little tomorrow, it could just be water retention from eating out two times today since those foods tend to be so high in sodium! I can't do cheat days, personally, because I'm kind of an all-or-nothing kind of gal and I just go crazy, but I think it seems to help a lot of people stay motivated…
  • Hey everyone! Hope you all had a good Tuesday! Just finished my second Yoga-X and I'm not sure if it's because I was kind of aware of what was going on and could focus more on my poses or what but I noticed some definite improvement! The big thing for me was keeping my knees up on those last few upward dogs, but I think I…
  • I would think it is pretty normal to actually gain a few pounds when beginning a program like this, and I always gained a pound or 2 after switching levels in the 30-day shred. I've read somewhere that weight training creates little tears in the muscles and that makes you hold onto water and can cause a slight gain, so…
  • Haha, that's great news! Maybe I should offer to shovel the snow around my apartment complex??
  • So this is the first day I'm going to get off track of my P90X.. I just didn't plan today very well with a friend visiting from out of town, an exam and a paper due tomorrow... Oh well, at least for part of the day I got to get out as my friend and I took my dog for a wonderful snowy walk earlier today. I'm supposed to be…
  • As much as I love my bodybugg, I'm not in love with the website. I also feel like I eat way too much carbs and was surprised that they suggested so many! I also was never planning to use their diet plan, but after looking through it I feel it is slightly ridiculous... it is all Apex fit drinks and just doesn't seem very…
  • Don't worry about being able to find your way back, because now that you've posted here once it will be listed under your "my topics" tab, and unless you post a TON, it should stick around there for a while. Now you've got no excuse to come find us again :tongue:
  • I'm definitely want in on this! I'm got exactly 31 pounds to get into a healthy BMI and I'm super motivated to get there. I'm a 24 year old grad student and my biggest problem is eating when stressed.. I can have a great week, do tons of exercise, eat a healthy balanced meal and have one bad day and ruin it all... I've…
  • Bump - just in case there are any bodybugg users lurking today....
  • Mark - Kenpo is definitely my favorite! And I agree that Moose Tracks ice cream was worth the splurge, because it's not really a diet but a lifestyle change and you aren't going to go your whole life avoiding ice cream! I would have done the exact same thing! Chocolickkyss - I agree that sometimes I walk away from a…
  • I don't know it it's off or not, but those must have been some seriously hardcore errands because I burned 2700 cals today with a 3 mile walk and an hour of P90X cardio-X and I'm 5'11'' and 210 pounds! Or maybe my bodybugg is off..? I haven't done my coaching session yet, just stuck it on my arm and off I went, so maybe…
  • I did eventually decide to go with the Cardio X and I'm really glad I did! It's actually a pretty fun workout and it was nice to see a little improvement in my vinyasa (spell?). Also, gotta love superman-banana!
  • I switched over from lean to classic, so last night I tried the back, chest and triceps workout for the first time. I didn't know so many types of push-ups even existed!! I really enjoyed the variety but I definitely got my butt kicked! Today is supposed to be Plyo but that is the one video I will probably skip just…