First Round P90X-ers



  • Hey to all! I'm finishing up my first week and I like it pretty well. It's not as challenging as I thought it was going to be. I might try switching from the lean to the classic version. I've been taking kickboxing classes for several years and I thought the cardio x and kenpo were pretty mild. I wear and HRM and am burning less calories with p90x than my other workouts. I like all the strengthening workouts! I've done all the Jillian Michaels DVDs and find them to be more challenging. I was curious if anyone else has the same thoughts as I do?

    I think I'll continue the program for the full 90 days and possibly supplement more cardio on my own.

    Great thread! I'm glad I found it! Keep up the hard work!
  • Hi All,

    Well my weekend went good. it was the first time in well, ever, that i stayed within my cal. and exercised! Actually exercising 6 days in a row last week was a first also. i'm so proud of myself.

    Today is Week 2, Day 1. I think i have Core tonight. i'm feeling a little poopy for whatever reason, maybe b/c it's a monday. but i'm still going to push play!

    Everyone have a good night!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Tattoodfreak, it sounds like you are ready for the pullup bar. Do negatives if you can't pull yourself up. For anyone wondering a negative pullup is when you hop up so that your chin starts above the bar and you slowly lower your self down being sure to count to 4 before you have reached the bottom, hop back up and repeat. Do as many as you can . Before you know it you will be doing regular pullups. = )
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    So this is the first day I'm going to get off track of my P90X.. I just didn't plan today very well with a friend visiting from out of town, an exam and a paper due tomorrow... Oh well, at least for part of the day I got to get out as my friend and I took my dog for a wonderful snowy walk earlier today. I'm supposed to be doing L&B+ARX today, so I will probably just do that tomorrow instead + if I feel up to it, some yoga X, seeing as I'm done with class by 11 and don't have work tomorrow! I'm not going to beat myself up about it if I don't get both in, but it's nice that I have a quiet day tomorrow to make up for ]WAY WAY too much overeating and being lazy today. Hope everyone had a more P90X-full kind of day today! :smile: Also, just curious to see if anyone has seen any weight changes since starting p90x? I actually dropped 2 pounds the first week which I wasn't really expecting and lost a half inch off my waist. Success!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! I decided to forego the P90X Plyometrics dvd and went w/Jillian Michaels' Blast Fat/Boost Metabolism for a total of 50 minutes. I really like this dvd b/c it incorporates some Plyometric moves, kickboxing and a lot of ab work. I have to admit that since I've hit my goal weight it has been a little harder to get motivated to workout everyday but b/c of my new found friends on MFP I keep pluggin away at it. You don't know how many times over the last few weeks that I've said "I'll skip the workout today" only to remember my dedicated friends here on this site and think to myself "If they can do it, then so can I". I'm not sure how long this will last but I'll take it for now.

    I will resume P90X tomorrow w/the Shoulder & Arms dvd.
  • Also, just curious to see if anyone has seen any weight changes since starting p90x? I actually dropped 2 pounds the first week which I wasn't really expecting and lost a half inch off my waist. Success!

    I actually gained 2 pounds my first week. but it was weird, i lost those last weekend, then today i'm back up. so i dont' know what that's all about. i'm wondering if i'm not getting enough cals in the week so it makes my body in starvation mode and i'm not losing weight. because this weekend i didn't exactly go over my cals but i did get the full 1800. (normally during the week i barely get 1600, but i try really hard to get 1800!)

    But i don't know if it's my imagination or what but my abs are looking really great. i'm starting to see a little more definition. (but i could just be hallucinating it.) i think i'll take some measurements after this week and see.

    Good luck everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    I've been taking kickboxing classes for several years and I thought the cardio x and kenpo were pretty mild.

    That's actually a common observation from those of us who have experience in full-fledged kickboxing or martial arts already. A while back, I tried Tae Bo, and just got too confused. My experience is in Tang Soo Do, so pulling back the moves and turning them into exercises rather than sparring or form was difficult.

    Kind of like trying to play Guitar Hero or Rock Band when you're already a guitar player :)

    Kenpo-X is pretty much a lower-intensity version of Tae Bo, but considering all the other exercises that Tony has you doing the rest of the week, a lower intensity exercise can actually be beneficial, even if you're not maxing out your endurance.
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Also, just curious to see if anyone has seen any weight changes since starting p90x? I actually dropped 2 pounds the first week which I wasn't really expecting and lost a half inch off my waist. Success!

    I actually gained 2 pounds my first week. but it was weird, i lost those last weekend, then today i'm back up. so i dont' know what that's all about. i'm wondering if i'm not getting enough cals in the week so it makes my body in starvation mode and i'm not losing weight. because this weekend i didn't exactly go over my cals but i did get the full 1800. (normally during the week i barely get 1600, but i try really hard to get 1800!)

    But i don't know if it's my imagination or what but my abs are looking really great. i'm starting to see a little more definition. (but i could just be hallucinating it.) i think i'll take some measurements after this week and see.

    Good luck everyone! Keep up the good work!

    I would think it is pretty normal to actually gain a few pounds when beginning a program like this, and I always gained a pound or 2 after switching levels in the 30-day shred. I've read somewhere that weight training creates little tears in the muscles and that makes you hold onto water and can cause a slight gain, so working new muscles or lifting heavier weights might cause a momentary gain. I would think something like that would be perfectly normal with P90x, that's why I was SO surprised to lose that first week and was just curious if that had happened to anyone else.Or maybe my muscles were already destroyed past the point of all hope by the 30-day shred and not even Tony could do more damage than Jillian did :laugh:
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Hey everyone! Hope you all had a good Tuesday! Just finished my second Yoga-X and I'm not sure if it's because I was kind of aware of what was going on and could focus more on my poses or what but I noticed some definite improvement! The big thing for me was keeping my knees up on those last few upward dogs, but I think I had knees down on only three total, so I'm pretty happy with that! Even though it's been said many times on this thread that not all the work-outs feel SUPER butt-kicking, I think the system as a whole will definitely improve my functional fitness and flexibility and I'm happy with that. Today was my first day doing Yoga-X with my new body bugg and it told me I burned 300cal, less than what I want in a 90 minute workout but I'll take it, considering that the payoffs in my flexibility and sanity should be pretty good. :tongue:

    Speaking of the bodybugg, they always say that fidgeting is one of the top habits that naturally skinny people have because they can burn more calories a day that way so today I did a little experiment in class. I sat as normal for the first 1hr and then fidgeted for the whole second hour. I bumped my calorie burn from 1.2 to 1.3 cals/min and probably annoyed the heck out of the people siting next to me, haha.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Shoulders and Arms/ ARX done! Got snowed in yesterday. School was canceled, college classes were canceled. I couldn't get to the Y to do my plyo workout. I turned into a slug yesterday. Today was much better!! = ) Looking at my numbers on my chart I am improving! Keep it up guys and make sure to record your results! Keep pushing play!
  • Hi everyone,

    I guess I'll just jump in on this thread. I won't officially start my P90X until 2/15 but this is my 3rd weed of doing P90X workouts. I am 6'3" and my beginning weight on January 25th was 235 lbs. I started the first week by just doing Cardio X for 5 straight days and then I walked/ran on the treadmill 4 miles for the next 2 days. I haven't really been on a nutrition plan other than following what MFP suggested for me in order to lose 2 lbs a week. I count my calories, carbs, fat and protein.

    During my second week of preparation for starting P90X I actually followed the classic schedule except for Yoga. I could only do 4 or 5 reps of each ab workout though. This week I am going to bring it a little bit harder and do the Yoga. I'm glad someone posted that the first 45 minutes would be the toughest. I can make myself do that. I really want to work on my flexibility. I haven't started charting my #'s during the workouts but I plan on doing that when I officially start next Monday.

    My goal was to be 220lbs on my start day. I am sitting at 224 as of this morning and I feel like I can do it. So far my diet has been fruit in the morning, a light lunch of either muscle milk or a turkey sandwich and then I'll have some sort of meat and a salad for dinner. I snack on protein bars and fruit during the day. I have been under my calorie count every day and it really hasn't been that hard to do it. I don't know if what I'm doing is the best way to go about it but the weight is coming off and I can tell my body is getting in much better shape.

    I can't wait to pop my shirt off when lake season rolls around!

    Good luck everyone! I'm looking forward to keeping up with this thread and everyone's progress.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome Hogcaller! good luck on your fitness journey. just remember to keep pushing play!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies/gents, my day has blown past me and I'm finally at a point where I can take a break and check in w/my girls. My day began w/an early morning workout. I completed the P90X "Shoulders and Arms"w/o the ab ripper portion of the dvd for a total of 45 minutes and then I practiced my lapdance routine for another 20 minutes. I am not counting the lapdance as part of my official exercise diary but I did get the heart rate up a little. Once the workout was complete I had to shower and get dressed so I could pick my car up from the mechanic. My baby was out of commission for a few days but she's purring nicely right now. Once the car was in my possession I had to head into the office to get some work done. I stayed there for a little bit and then met a friend for lunch. After lunch I returned to my home office and continued working and have FINALLY been able to take a break.
  • Well just finished Week 2 Day 4 (Legs and Back). I worked out hard today, but didn't feel 100%, kinda felt weak and tired. so don't know what that was about. I did try doing 'negative pull-ups' (THANKS MARKSBALL!) and they really worked my arms and back sooo much better.

    I slipped and ordered pizza last night. 2 slices of pizza and breadsticks later....I gained a pound! So not happy with myself at all. Actually i'm really really frustrated. i'm going to do ARX and Cardio tonight to hopefully 'make' up for it (or at least make me feel better about myself). But even with yesterday's slip, the scale has not been moving and I feel like i'm not making any progress. I know i need to stick it out because most people say that you'll see results after the first 30 days, but man, it is difficult to work out so hard and not see any results.

    BUT! I haven't taken any measurements since I started and I swear I'm starting to see ab definition. So i'm holding on to that with a death grip! I'm going to take measurements this Sat. and see if there has been any change. Wish me luck! Keep me motivated!!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies/gents! Another day closer to the weekend, Woo Hoo! My workout is complete for today. I decided to do 40 minutes of the Cardio X dvd and 10 minutes of the "Melt It Off" dvd for a total of 50 minutes. Lately i've been feeling like I've not gotten in enough cardio so I'm going to have to think about what can be done about that. I really don't like exercising so the thought of doing 2 workouts a day (P90X dvd and additional cardio) is not very appealing.

    Laurabelle: I do understand your frustration b/c I was in your situation back in December. I was attending boot camp 3 days a week (the trainer always worked us hard) and completing the cardio homework assignments the boot camp instructor gave out. Initially I dropped 7 lbs in the first 2 weeks and then I would gain a pound and then another pound. I was steadily losing body fat % so my boot camp instructor was not worried at all. She stated my body would eventually catch up w/my workouts and to just continue doing what I was doing which was working out daily and eating as healthy as possible. It took about 2/3 weeks of pure frustration before the scale started reflecting what I was doing in the gym and at home. I've now attained my goal weight of 125 lbs and am trying to tone/gain definition. KEEP THE WORKOUTS UP, YOU'LL SEE RESULTS!

    Happy Thursday all!
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    I slipped and ordered pizza last night. 2 slices of pizza and breadsticks later....I gained a pound! So not happy with myself at all

    I wouldn't freak out about that. Did the actual volume of food even weigh one pound? Considering the amount of sodium, are you sure you're not just retaining excess fluid?
  • jfilon
    jfilon Posts: 80
    Hey, guys! I've avoided posting on these until I truly committed to the 90 days of P90X. I've had a lot of false starts (mainly lasting less than a week), but as of today I am on Week 3 Day 4 and have yet to miss a single workout! That may seem trivial to some of you, but from the perspective of a commit-a-phobe in every aspect, following through this time is huge for me. :)

    Well, today I did Shoulders and Arms for the first time at the university rec center rather than in front of the tv in my dorm room. I had to go up in weights but couldn't afford to buy need dumbbells/ bands. College budget, what can you do. But with my class schedule, I had to work out at 6am right when they opened. And let me tell you - I lost count with how many confused looks I got from the buff superjocks for doing an hour's worth of shoulder/biceps/triceps work. Hahaha, I think it was probably odd to have a woman on their turf that early and for that long.

    Anyway, I hope to get to know all of you a little better over the coming weeks! Keep it up!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    welcome jfilon! Those meat heads were obviously intimidated by your physical prowess!! Let's face it, P90X gives us super powers. = )

    Yoga day! super psyched.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Hey, guys! I've avoided posting on these until I truly committed to the 90 days of P90X. I've had a lot of false starts (mainly lasting less than a week), but as of today I am on Week 3 Day 4 and have yet to miss a single workout! That may seem trivial to some of you, but from the perspective of a commit-a-phobe in every aspect, following through this time is huge for me. :)

    Well, today I did Shoulders and Arms for the first time at the university rec center rather than in front of the tv in my dorm room. I had to go up in weights but couldn't afford to buy need dumbbells/ bands. College budget, what can you do. But with my class schedule, I had to work out at 6am right when they opened. And let me tell you - I lost count with how many confused looks I got from the buff superjocks for doing an hour's worth of shoulder/biceps/triceps work. Hahaha, I think it was probably odd to have a woman on their turf that early and for that long.

    Anyway, I hope to get to know all of you a little better over the coming weeks! Keep it up!

    Hi and welcome! I completely understand your excitement about sticking to the workouts! My desire to be physically fit has always been much higher than my committment. Since starting P90X it is so easy for me to commit! The best thing is that the program takes the guess-work out of the picture. I know exactly what I need to do each day, I have no excuses- no feeling like I am not doing the right thing.

    Other than during track season in school (which was over 6 years ago) I have NEVER worked out 6 days a week for an hour at a time. It's awesome to think in the past 30 days I have had 25 kick-*kitten* workouts! There has even been a couple days where I double up Cardio and Kenpo or Cardio and Core.

    I think it's great you could do your workout in the gym... without the dvd? I bet you were getting some looks!

    Today is actually day 30 for me. CardioX tonight. I can't wait to do more pullups so I can try working on the negatives. I guess I could do that today anyway, duh. Get to try out my HRM again. Yesterday it said I burned 632 calories during Core Syn. Minus my average cals burned per hour would be about 500 exercise calories! I'm still working on figuring that out though... I dont think I was eating enough. I did my measurements yesterday, too. No change whatsoever in measurements or weight since July... (Actually still up a couple pounds from my lowest weight) :ohwell: I definitely feel stronger and in better shape so, I'll just keep doin what I'm doin!

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good afternoon all! Yesterday was my rest day, but I shoveled snow for 4 hours (and almost 2000 cals). Had to shovel some more this morning, but found the energy to still do my p90x today. Week 3 day 1, core syn. I am seeing some definite improvements in my strength and ability, and I am thrilled about that!

    Welcome Jfilon. How are you guys doing your p90x workouts at the rec center? Do you have a video machine that you follow, or do you just take along the exercises sheets? I saw somebody else mentioned about doing plyo there, and was just wondering.
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