Multi-Vitamin question

AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
I just ordered some multi vitamins from GNC and they came today in the mail. It is the Womens Ultra Mega Active vitamin. After reading the back, some of the DV's of the vitamins and minerals in it are so high. Like, Vitamin b-6 is 2500% of the DV, and B12 is 833%.Thiamin is 3330%. Is this safe? The serving size is 2 caplets per day. Should I only take 1 per day?

I noticed that the womens One-a- Day are pretty much the same when I had those.

Anyways, main question is, is it safe to be getting some of these vitamins in such high amounts? Can it hurt me? I was always under the impression that multi-vitamins were good to take.


  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    Vitamins are either fat or water soluable. The ones that are water soluable (like vitamin C), your body uses what it needs, then you just pee out the excess. So, there is no harm in taking too much. Fat soluable, like Iron are dangerous if you take too much. You could always go to a pharmacy and ask the advice of a pharmacist for free.
  • miss_alias
    I take those GNC vitamins but I only take one a day.
  • tazlady
    tazlady Posts: 60
    that is a good question.I stopped taking the gnc womens ultra megs because it used to make me nautious whether I ate with it or not.. I posted a? on here asking if anyone had any suggestions so i bought the regular womens one a days orange box and it seems to suit me fine..
    let me know if you get any answers to your question.. the answer i got from shboss who is a personal trainer said you have to look for vitamins that have maximum bio availbity. seems to be the new catch phrase.. I have to look that up but may be a good starting point for youwith regard to your question. also you should check out ebay for vitamins.. grat deals too. take care Add me to your friends so I can follow your question...thanks Ellie
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Both vitamin's B and C are water soluble, so you basically pee out what you don't need. Vitamin's A, D, E, and K are fat soluble, so it's not good to overload on those with multivitamins, as the excesses stay in the body...hope this helps! :)
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    i take the womens one a day active metabolism. i guess they are ok.
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Personally I switched to kids multivitamins because the percentages seemed more reasonable and they were easier on my stomach. When I did take "adult" vitamins like that I only ate them every other or every third day. i feel like as long as I'm eating a well-balanced diet then I probably really don't need them anyways.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    My mom's advice to me is always that they are fine to take (I use Quest brand), but only 6 days a week (for the fat soluble ones).