First Round P90X-ers



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! Well today is week 1 day 6 of P90X and is suppose to be Kenpo X which incorporates a lot of kickboxing moves, so, instead of doing the actual dvd I went to the gym and ROCKED IT OUT!. I completed 30 minutes on the elliptical machine and burned 305 calories in the process and then I headed to my kickboxing class. I was able to burn over 400 calories in this 45 minute class and I'm feeling really great right now.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    yea kenpo X was AWESOME!!! = ) I did not do ARX yesterday so I did it today after the kenpo routine. Then I went out and shoveled snow for an hour. what a day. lol
  • boccpio
    boccpio Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all, glad I found this thread. Just finished Day 6 of my first week of P90X, and I love it! Except the yoga, I find that really, really hard. I've been incoporating a 2 mi run in each of the last three days as well. Feeling good. I've put my scales in the closet, because I tend to give up if I don't see them moving quickly enough...weight Monday and then again on Thursday and not much had changed, so I'm going to try to hold off on getting back on until the end of 30 days. We'll see. Good luck, Xers!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good job sticking with it everybody! Today was supposed to be yoga for me. BUT...we got almost two feet of snow, and I spent over two and a half hours shoveling out. I looked up the cal burn on other websites, and it's showing that it should have been in the neighborhood of 1400+ calories. I don't know what level of intensity they are assuming you are shoveling at, but I was shoveling like a maniac, and had to often toss the snow 8-10 feet, and at times 5 feet up into the air to hit the top of the pile. It was a heckuva workout. There is just no way I have the strength in my shoulders and arms to do yoga. I would just collapse on my face. I wonder if I should just continue to L&B tomorrow, or do yoga and count myself a day behind?
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Dumb computers. LOL
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    I don't know what the "correct" answer is but I personally would just move on to legs and back. Consider yourself lucky cuz L&B suck! That is my weak point. Plyo killed me, the yoga made my legs tender then legs and back just sucked the life out of them...... Have fun!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Well.... how did everyone's weekend go?
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I ended up doing the yoga, and then did 70 mins on the Wii fit for some cardio. 32 minutes of it was running. I am pleased to say that I was able to hang in there much better this week than last. Guess I am starting to build some upper body strength!
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Nice job!!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I switched over from lean to classic, so last night I tried the back, chest and triceps workout for the first time. I didn't know so many types of push-ups even existed!! I really enjoyed the variety but I definitely got my butt kicked! Today is supposed to be Plyo but that is the one video I will probably skip just because I live in an apartment. I don't mind a little hopping around everyone once in a while, but I think an hour of jumping on my downstairs neighbors ceiling is a bit much, so I'm still trying to decide if I'll substitute in Cardio X or just hit the gym, since I actually sort of miss my elliptical since beginning p90x! I actually really like the cardio X workout, but there is something so soothing about hitting the elliptical with some fast music and just rocking out for an hour as well.. decisions decisions!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Thanks Mark, how was yours?

    Emily, I think if you feel you have to substitute something, cardio would be good since it at least has some plyo in it.
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Thanks Mark, how was yours?

    Emily, I think if you feel you have to substitute something, cardio would be good since it at least has some plyo in it.

    I did eventually decide to go with the Cardio X and I'm really glad I did! It's actually a pretty fun workout and it was nice to see a little improvement in my vinyasa (spell?). Also, gotta love superman-banana!
  • I'm about to start month 2 of Insanity but I ordered P90X the other day and plan on starting that as soon as Insanity ends. So March 12th will be my official start date!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Yesterday was suppose to be rest day or Stretch X but decided to hit the gym and the elliptical for a cardio burn. I knew I would be attending a superbowl party and although I was not planning in overindulging I didn't not want to hinder myself from eating something I wanted. I burned almost 600 cals in a hour so I was satisified AND I didn't not go over my cal intake although the fat intake was a bit of a bust. I had 1/4 of a shrimp po boy sandwich and that did me in for the fat. I'm so glad I decided to forego the entire sandwich b/c that would have been a nightmare.

    Anyway, the big game is over and the team I wanted to win did, so, I'm satisfied. I just ate breakfast and will begin chest and back today.

    I'll be checking back in later.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning! I hope everyone's weekend was filled w/fun, excitement, workouts and rest. Today is week 2 day 1 of P90X and I completed the 52 minute "Chest & Back" dvd. While there are parts of the P90X series that I definitely like and feel like I've gotten a great workout (Plyo, Kenpo & Cardio dvds) there are others I walk away from not sure what just happened although I give it my all on ALL the exercises. I may have to improvise by throwing in some Jillian Michael dvds or going to the gym to get some additional cardio but unsure right now. Anyhoo the workout is complete.
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Oh what a weekend! Saturday was GREAT! Kenpo X was so much fun. Perhaps Tony Horton has a second job as a Ninja..... I was a tad over on my calories yesterday. I figured it was okay since I had the Super Bowl as an excuse. IMO dieting is great an all but people still need to indulge in life ONCE IN A WHILE. So I had some Moose Tracks ice cream. I loved every bite of it! Keep pushing play people!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Mark - Kenpo is definitely my favorite! And I agree that Moose Tracks ice cream was worth the splurge, because it's not really a diet but a lifestyle change and you aren't going to go your whole life avoiding ice cream! I would have done the exact same thing!

    Chocolickkyss - I agree that sometimes I walk away from a workout thinking it was good, but not great. I honestly think Jillian pushed me a little harder and I got a little bit more sore from her workouts.. But I'm going to stick with it and bump up my weights, so we'll see!
  • I have P90x I bought the package a few weeks ago...I told my self once I get to 150lbs Im gonna start it...Im 173 now, for some reason I dont think I can do it at 173. Am I just being stupid? LOL
  • marksball
    marksball Posts: 48 Member
    Fozzy, You can definitely do it! I suggest the Lean version. There are many alternatives to doing pullups on a bar so don't let those intimidate you. If you don't feel as if you are ready for P90X then start simple. The idea that you will want to stick with however is working out 5-6 days a week and eating in a healthy way. Just do it! = )
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Kenpo is definitely my favorite too. I can do that with such a high intensity, because those types of moves are my strong suit. I know what you guys mean about giving it your all and walking away thinking it was good but not great. I find myself in that boat. I did yesterday for yoga, so I followed it with 70 minutes of a different workout, 32 minutes of which was running in place. There is just no way I should have that kind of energy left. I did L&B today, and ARX, and feel the same way. I pushed and pushed, got really low in my lunges (even used weights) , pushed past maximum reps with the pull up band... and here I sit feeling like I really didn't work out. I've even bumped up my weights 5 pounds. Are we just desensitized because we are so used to being pushed so hard by other trainers? I have other vids that I do and I can barely walk up the steps, or raise my hands to wash my hair in the shower afterwards. I don't get why I am not feeling that with this program? I don't mind investing so much time into my workouts, but I hate feeling obligated to do a second workout afterwards!

    Fozzy, I say definitely start. Or do one or two workouts from whichever course you planned to follow, and test the waters. I didn't think I was ready yet either. Then I tried some, and knew I was.

    Mmm Moosetracks. I probably could have passed on that one pretty easily, even though it's delish. Now put a thick piece of caramel apple pie and a scoop of 'nilla in front of me....
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