Need advice girls

okremix Posts: 38 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok I started MFP at 198 and I am 5'4'. I have been getting frusterated because my weight loss has slowed a lot. So my question is do you guys think this is expected when I am only at 172. My healthy range is up to 145 which is my goal but I'm not sure how realistic this is from real people's experience. I don't think I am at the point were I should be fighting like it is the last 10lbs already. I was always big so I don't know what my ideal goal should be. I think I am just medium framed but I have big boobs and legs that never seem to loose any size. Just needing opinions or experiences.


  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    I don't know about your height, but I do know that you could weigh less. You may have plateaued because you need to push yourself harder with exorcise, or because the amount of calories you are consuming are too little or too much. Really push squats, lunges, cardio into your work out if you aren't these will tone/burn fat off of your thighs and butt.
  • kimmyonherway
    kimmyonherway Posts: 35 Member
    this should clear things up for you!
    Seems as though it's normal. Keep working hard and stay focused!
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    or, you could change up your eating a bit. that is what i did...and it helped get me moving again. i am already a vegan, but you can be an unhealthy vegan!! :o) so i spent a week as a raw food vegan... hard to overeat that way!! ha! i had only fruits (and a TB of peanut butter --- the kind that the ONLY ingredient is peanuts --- for protein) for breakfast and am snack. i had fresh salads for lunch & dinner with an olive oil / balsamic vinegar dressing. any other time i was hungry after lunch, i had more fresh veggies. it wasn't as hard for me b/c, like i said, i am already vegan, but i think it shocked my system just enough to get me moving again. my progress is slow and i still have about 20 lbs to go but it is still progress. i already work out at curves 4-5 times a week, run on the treadmill 4-5 times a week, and do zumba once a week... and i have 3 kids, a hubby, and a job... so i am just thankful for the fact that the scale is going down, regardless of how slow... although i sure would be happier with huge numbers every week! ;o)
    keep up the good work... don't let a plateau kill your efforts!!
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    shake up eating and exercising, and DON'T. GIVE. UP. even if it takes months.
  • okremix
    okremix Posts: 38 Member
    Shake it up as in eat different things or different calories?
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Shake it up as in eat different things or different calories?

    Both. Fool around for a month and see what happens. Some people like to eat different amounts of calories a day, and switching foods up - esp. if you stick to the same foods all the time - works too.
  • NicholeTrussell
    NicholeTrussell Posts: 22 Member
    sounds as though your body is trying to adjust to the lost weight...plateau...just keep doing what you have been doing and drink plenty of water..I know that is supposed to be a really biggy with cell stabilization. Once your body settles in a week or so, you should shed again pretty easily...
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I would take a look at where your calories are coming from. It is possible to be eating within your calorie range and still not eating well, if that is the case your body may have gone as far as it can go on calorie modification alone. Have you already started eating whole grains, lean proteins, with lots of fruits and vegetables?? Or are you eating a lot of pre packaged food with lots of sodium and preservatives?

    If you have already adjusted your food intake so that it is fairly clean ( I am not suggesting ever eating totally clean unless you really want that way of life) then you probably need to develop a more challenging fitness routine.

    Personally I find my weight loss stalls every 20 pounds or so. I usually take it easy for 2 weeks, and then get back into things more seriously, however I know that that 2 weeks off would be the end for some people so I don't recommend it. If you don't think you could take a break and then get back to it, just don't even try. You know what you are capable of.

    I think if you are comfortable at your current weight then you may want to redefine your goals, but to answer your question... No you are not yet at a healthy weight for your height, so whether your body wants to believe it or not your still on this journey. Sorry. Best of luck!!
  • hayleypee
    hayleypee Posts: 4 Member
    Like Nicholle said carry on as normal.My friend is the same.She can stay the same for 2-3 weeks but you must stick at it.Drink plenty.Mayb you retain water a bit.
    My friend has lost 7 stone and still has another 5 to go so she has really had to be patient.
    I really hope you stay strong.Good luck.:happy:
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Just a personal suggestion, have MFP calculate your maintenance and eat that amount for a week. You won't gain any real weight (may see a shift in the scale as your body adjusts, but nothing that will stick) and try again in a week refreshed and after having given your diet a break. Taking a week off of dieting every 3 months isn't a bad idea because it is physically and physiologically pretty tough on a person! I'm not talking cheat or binge weeks, I'm talking maintenance weeks!
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    Just a personal suggestion, have MFP calculate your maintenance and eat that amount for a week. You won't gain any real weight (may see a shift in the scale as your body adjusts, but nothing that will stick) and try again in a week refreshed and after having given your diet a break. Taking a week off of dieting every 3 months isn't a bad idea because it is physically and physiologically pretty tough on a person! I'm not talking cheat or binge weeks, I'm talking maintenance weeks!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Are you working out including lifting weights or are you trying to do this with diet alone. You are the same height and weight as I was, actually I was over 200 lbs. I found that lifting weight (and I mean lifting heavy) has given me the best results. I still do cardio and only log cardio calories burned.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Are you working out including lifting weights or are you trying to do this with diet alone. You are the same height and weight as I was, actually I was over 200 lbs. I found that lifting weight (and I mean lifting heavy) has given me the best results. I still do cardio and only log cardio calories burned.

    Just curious to know why you only log cardio? If you are lifting really heavy, i'm asuming the same way I do then you must be burning more calories lifting especially if you take little rest in between sets then when you do cardio. when I superset my leg and let's say it's my bi/tri day and those I superset as well lately, I burn mega caloriess, an hour on the elliptical or a run doesn't even compare.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    You're correct. I probably do burn more calories, but there's really no way for me to know. I don't think their calculator for strength training is very accurate. I have a lot of fat to get rid of. So I figure it's a good way to split the calories earned from exercise.
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm your height. I think I look pretty good between 135 & 145. I don't ever want to be supermodel thin. And I definitely have curves in all the right places. You can always change your goal weight at any time. Go for something that makes you feel good about yourself.
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