morzolas Member


  • Well, I lost about 10 pounds! That is short of my goal of 12, but I also started a more intense workout regimen this past week. I'm not sure if my body has to adjust to the new intensity or what, but I know I didn't eat enough calories to weigh what I weigh now. All in all I'm happy because it's not about the scale. I, for…
  • I think everyone in the group has fallen off the wagon here and there. I guess it seems more pronounced for you since it's nearing the end and you've got the whole "scramble to get it together at the last minute" feelings happening. It's crazy how time flies! I have said it before, and I will say it again: you're here,…
  • SW: 203.5 CW: 192.5 GW: 191.5 Loss so far: 11 lbs. Hello, all! Just a maintain for me this week. I was either way over or way under my calories this week. It all evened out for the most part, but I know my body was confused. This week I am getting back to my more intense workouts, so we'll see how it goes. @Gbrady That's…
  • SW: 203.5 CW: 192.5 GW: 191.5 Loss so far: 11 lbs. One pound away from my challenge goal weight! Very exciting for sure - especially since I had to post a gain last week. It would be a dream to get into the 180's (for the first time in a long time) by the end of the challenge, but I will be happy either way. @boulevardmto1…
  • Welcome back to the group! Sometimes fitness has to take a backseat to "life things," and we've all been there. I look forward to seeing you around here more often. :flowerforyou:
  • I think at a certain point you feel like you've been doing it for so long that it should just sort of happen on its own. Not many people make it to the "last 10 pounds" point, so congrats on that. If you've identified behaviors in yourself that are keeping you in those 3 pounds, I know you'll be successful. I also love…
  • I have found that to be quite helpful as well. I have been doing a lot of exercise videos in my home because the weather is so horrible and my schedule is so tight. This past weekend I had the opportunity to go outside to exercise and was able to really push myself in a way that I haven't for months. Something about…
  • @boulevardmto1 No problem! Okay, I'll share a positive thought. I have to say that seeing the weekly weigh in where people still show up even if they've gained or haven't been tracking 100% is really respectable to me. It sucks to post a gain or admit your A game isn't quite there, but it shows dedication to own up to it…
  • boulevardmto1: Awesome! I know how much you've been through to get here. Keep it up! emilynbanks: But you're still here posting. You're still in this, and I've got to tip my hat to you. It's hard when you've got a bunch of stuff going on, but I applaud the fact that you're still in this thing. kikalique: Great job! Sounds…
  • SW: 203.5 CW: 193.8 GW: 191.5 Loss so far: 9.7 lbs. Yipee! I actually didn't have great food days on Friday and Saturday, so I was worried about weigh in. This past week I was very stressed, and I'm surprised my body didn't react by holding onto more weight. I gave in to a few temptations, but I'm actually glad because I…
  • I love the 60 Days To Summer Challenge idea!
  • Long winter is right! I'm so done with all the drops in temperature. We get teased with a few days over 40º, and then it drops again. I can't wait for spring. It's hard to get motivated when the day is overcast, rainy, and/or snowing.
  • SW: 203.5 CW: 194.7 GW: 191.5 Loss so far: 8.8 lbs. I didn't think last week was going to be that great, but it turned out pretty well! This week starts a more active schedule, so we'll see how that affects things. Gotta keep powering through. I'm really starting to see a difference in my body. My clothes are starting to…
  • Keep on keeping on for those who had a rough week! Whether it was a gain or maintaining, you're still in the game! You show up every week, and that's the important thing to take away from this. Congrats to those who lost!
  • SW: 203.5 CW: 196.0 GW: 191.5 Loss so far: 7.5 lbs. Well, I made it past my "dreaded number" of 196.4. I actually woke up this morning and first weighed myself at 196.4. It's seriously like my body is obsessed with being at that EXACT weight. I was so upset. I knew that on Valentine's Day and Saturday I indulged within…
  • Yay! That's awesome recovery from your splurge weekend. It also sounds like you've got a plan in place for future events that are "splurge trigger" events. Keep up the great work.
  • That's great that you've already met your original goal. Congrats on making headway on your second goal as well!
  • It's so hard to believe! I feel like we just started. Keeping maintenance is great. It's definitely a learned practice, and you should just consider it experience for when you maintain your goal weight. :)
  • Busy as well! I'm thinking this week's weigh in might reflect that lol. I think anyone who lives in a region that has received/is still receiving bouts of snow is all thrown off their schedules. I am sssooo looking forward to spring!
  • SW: 203.5 CW: 198.4 GW: 196.4 Loss so far: 7.1 lbs. I was worried this week since I didn't have hardly any time to exercise! I was busy day to day with some physical activity, and I watched my intake closely. Seems to have paid off! I was hoping I wouldn't be this exact weight, though, because (as stupid as this sounds) I…
  • I think we have all been there and done that. Our negative relationships with food and inactivity are what drove us here, after all! I think it's important to remember that one bad meal or even one day of bad meals will not undo all of your progress. Last week during one of the snow days I had half of a frozen pizza. HALF…
    in fallen Comment by morzolas February 2014
  • SW: 203.5 CW: 198.4 GW: 191.5 Loss so far: 5.1 lbs. Feeling good. January was successful as far as I'm concerned. Five pounds is a good dent into my 12 pound goal. Seeing what I'm capable of makes me think I could possibly have a 14.5 pound goal (which would take me into the 180s). Can't wait to see what February brings.
  • I'm happy with my diet. That is actually the one thing I've never really had. Even when I was eating decently in the past, it felt like I was just eating well enough to make it to the weekend and indulge, i.e. ruin my entire week's work. Now I am rarely tempted to stray from my healthy foods. I used to struggle with sodas…
  • It really does help. Sometimes if I know I'll be busy the next day I'll plan out my entire day - even down to the snacks. It helps to have a game plan before you begin the week (like having healthy foods to throw together). It really makes a huge difference. Watching your salt will cut down on processed foods as well as a…
  • Hello to everyone just joining! Hope you find the group as positive and supportive as I do! :drinker: :wink:
  • I have been a little more laid back this week because of being snowed in. Nothing too crazy, but maybe enough to mess up my weekly totals. I just have to take it a day at a time. I have to remember that one day of bad eating is not going to ruin my progress just like one day of good eating isn't going to fix everything.…
  • I just chose to lose a pound a week since it seemed the most realistic and manageable.
  • Hey, Jenabee! Every little bit counts, so keep your chin up and stay on track. We will be here for you when you get back! :drinker:
  • I am right on track! I set my goal on the modest side because I know how crazy my life is going to be for the next two months or so. After that I might aim for a more challenging goal, but for right now I'm 8 pounds away from my challenge goal.
  • SW: 203.5 CW: 199.5 GW: 191.5 Loss so far: 4 lbs. Maybe I shouldn't have had a cheat day the day before weigh in. :laugh: I think everyone had a little trouble getting going with all the cold and snow. I finally have time this week to renew my rec center membership, so I should be hitting the ground running here soon.…