Finkerbell Member


  • Hello!! I have 2 kids ages 8 and 4 (5 in July). I have been having such a hard time staying on track. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can keep eachother accountable.
  • I started on Monday too
  • Hello. This will be my first round. Starting at 158. I'd be happy to just start the scale going back down. I think this will help to keep me more accountable. My short term goal is 145. Ultimate goal 130. Day/Weight/Comment 12/09 / 158.4 / ok. I ate a little later last night than I normally would have. We had a Christmas…
  • Hello. This will be my first round. Starting at 158. I'd be happy to just start the scale going back down. I think this will help to keep me more accountable. My short term goal is 145. Ultimate goal 130. Day/Weight/Comment 12/09 / 158.4 / ok. I ate a little later last night than I normally would have. We had a Christmas…
  • Hello. This will be my first round. Starting at 158. I'd be happy to just start the scale going back down. I think this will help to keep me more accountable. My short term goal is 145. Ultimate goal 130. Day/Weight/Comment 12/09 / 158.4 / ok. I ate a little later last night than I normally would have. We had a Christmas…
  • Hello. This will be my first round. Starting at 158. I'd be happy to just start the scale going back down. I think this will help to keep me more accountable. My short term goal is 145. Ultimate goal 130. Day/Weight/Comment 12/09 / 158.4 / ok. I ate a little later last night than I normally would have. We had a Christmas…
  • Hello. This will be my first round. Starting at 158. I'd be happy to just start the scale going back down. I think this will help to keep me more accountable. My short term goal is 145. Ultimate goal 130. Day/Weight/Comment 12/09 / 158.4 / ok. I ate a little later last night than I normally would have. We had a Christmas…
  • Hello. This will be my first round. Starting at 158. I'd be happy to just start the scale going back down. I think this will help to keep me more accountable. My short term goal is 145. Ultimate goal 130. Day/Weight/Comment 12/09 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/14 12/15 12/16 12/17 12/18
  • I am too. I'm trying to get back into it but getting those good habits back is proving to be harder than I had expected. Every day I just try to get back and remember what I'm doing it for. One day at a time right?
  • You all make me laugh :p I've been trying to be good my eating though has not been great this week. Wednesday we went to ikea and the mall I got in a little over 12000 steps lol. And yesterday I did get a little walk in yesterday before it started to rain. Nothing Thursday. Oh and I'm 29 weeks today. 11 more to go (I hope…
  • Shelley I am so glad you are ok!! That is crazy. You definitely deserved a blizzard! Paula that's great finding a way to get things in! Kathy I'm glad you have some time off to rest your foot. Yikes. Yesterday I walked 2 miles at lunch. It was so nice out. But I was very sore afterwords even with my support belt for my big…
  • Chris I got a walk in today so your motivation worked :wink: Paula haha thanks. Yup still here in Jersey. There are 3 that aren't too far from me. I've even done runs at 2 of them lol. Shelley that sounds painful! I think the wine tastings are fun. And at this one almost every Saturday they have music and you can just hang…
  • Paula I am due July 4th :smiley: Three more months lol Thanks Shelley :blush: Chris I need it! I at least feel like I need to get my daughter out so I try to do little walks with her. I'm glad your daughter found the check! That would panic me too. Today I went to a winery for my aunts birthday. They had music and we…
  • Hey Everyone! I didn't go all the way back but it looks like everyone is doing well. I'm kind of like a bad penny that keeps turning up. You can't get rid of me lol. These past couple months have been a little difficult. I'm not allowed to run which is driving me nuts. And I've had no motivation to walk. At least I haven't…
  • Hi all! I have been taking a couple days off. "Resting" if you will. If you can call running after a crazy almost 3 year old resting lol. I had a bit of a scare on Saturday which led me to the Dr.'s on Monday. Some bleeding some pain. Everything is good though. Baby looks great, healthy heartbeat. Everything else checked…
  • I have way too much clutter. I really need to start going through things. Yesterday I went for a 2 mile walk with the little. It was too nice to stay inside. Today I'm glad because it's gross and raining with tons of ice. Paula that picture is great. :D Lynnette that sounds really exciting! Good luck to her on the…
  • I'm here! Lol. Got in a run today just 3 miles. Felt good to get out. I've been so lazy! Lol. I wanted to run yesterday but went to lunch instead. I have a hard time passing up a free meal lol. Plus I got to see my nana. Win win. o:) Kathy I know what you mean. I don't feel like I do enough but you do more then me! Chris…
  • Hiya! I got in my run today. Did 3 miles and I had my daughter in my stroller. It's been at least a month since the last time I ran with her. I thought I was dying lol. But somehow made it. That's about it for today. Lynnette no heat! Yikes. Fireplaces can be really nice though. Chris I hooe your DD is feeling better soon…
  • Hi! I'm 18 weeks with #2 :) Now that I'm eating more I'm trying to move more and make what I do eat count.
  • Thanks Everyone! Yesterday I took advantage of the nice weather and ran 4.3 miles outside. It was so great. Chris apple cake does sure sound good. Now I'm going to have to find a recipe to make one lol. Clara that podcast sounds pretty cool. I've been looking up different running apps (possibly am addicted) I think I'm…
  • Good Morning Everyone!! I know it's been a couple months since I've been around. I'm so glad to be getting back into things and reconnecting with some great people. I found out a couple things since the last time I've been in with the group. The first is I have a sensitivity to wheat. So that's been kind of hard figuring…
  • Hey Everyone. I recently joined the group. My name is Kat. I was diagnosed in 2008. I have been on Lupron, and also had a laparoscopy. In 2012 I had my daughter - being pregnant and up until a couple months after my cycle started is the best I've ever felt. Now I'm back to having all my symptoms again. I'm having a hard…
  • Feel free to add me on MFP and FitBit :smile:
  • Hey!! I'm In Burlington County :drinker: Feel free to add :smile:
  • I agree with, if you are hurt by the way he is wording his comments towards you, sitting down and talking with him. He may not realize it. I'm very sensitive so even stupid stuff can hurt my feelings. And I get teased constantly (like for everything seriously) and just ignore or tone most of it out. My husband doesn't make…
  • Feel free to add. I log in daily :)
  • I ran with running shoes and got achilles tendonitis. They are not all created equal. I went to a running store, got fitted and haven't had problems since. I do also think maybe checking into C25K also. I've never had problems specifically with the treadmill but I do really love running outside so much more.
  • I have the same problem (and am same age and height) I recently had blood work done and am waiting to talk to my Dr. about the results. Currently I drink lots of coffee. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. :drinker:
  • I'm 29 - Is that still young LOL (I still feel young!) Ha. :laugh: Feel free to add - 127 days going strong lol.:drinker: