elevensgirl Member


  • I'm only on workouts 5/6 but I can't do anything in the stupid crab position.
  • Well, I'm into weeks 5 & 6 now. I spent an extra week on workouts 3/4. My diet is not perfect, but it's not horrific either. Still zero weight loss. Honestly, my clothes aren't fitting that much differently either. BUT I am feeling very strong. And with each progression of workouts I feel like I can tackle the next one. I…
  • Awesome! I'm only on week 3, and yesterday I did the move where you hold the weights up over your head and go down on one knee, then on the other, then come up. On Tuesday, I couldn't do it with weights. Yesterday I did! I know what you mean about seeing and feeling the progress. When I did 30 Day Shred, I felt amazing by…
  • Thanks again. I can barely move today. Ha ha ha. Hoping it's a good sign! Definitely retaining water. I'm grateful that you ladies are here to ask these questions!
  • Thanks for your reply! It's so very encouraging to know that someone else has gone through the same thing. Although I feel bad for you too! I'm not sure I'll rock it any better than you. My metabolism is atrociously slow. Also doctor verified. I also try not to eat an extreme diet regimen, as I'm trying not to be an…
  • Wow! You look like a whole new person! I really notice it in your face. You are a huge inspiration to me. I'm down 34, but my goal is about where you are. So I have 20 more to lose...
  • Wow, amazing!!!!!! So impressive. Would you be willing to share with all of us your basic approaches? I know you mentioned home cooking, vegetarianism, and running. But I like that you said you didn't starve yourself or overexercise. And also, how long did it take you to get that weight off? That's about how much I have to…
  • I'm about to finish week 1. After doing the Shred 2.5 times, the first week of Rin30 seemed easy. But I'm scared about week 2. I know she's going to make it harder and harder! I'm doing it 5-6 times per week, as she suggests.
  • I started it on Sunday. I meant to do it today, but my kids were up all night so I didn't squeeze it in this morning. I did the Shred all the way through twice, the second time with 5 lb weights. Starting Rin30, I felt like level one was easy! A good workout, but not challenging in the strength dept. I'm going to do it 4…
  • Your story mirrors mine so freakishly! I also started dieting as a child. Also got married in 2006, and put on 15 pounds. Also had my first child in 2008! I'm so impressed by what you've done. I know how hard it is to get in the exercise with two little ones. I have 2 now, 4 years apart. It's a struggle every day to get up…
  • If you feel like you are at a plateau, or it is becoming too difficult to maintain the 1200 calorie day, then add in a little bit at a time. I just went from 1200 calorie days to 1340 days. It has helped. I am a stay at home mom with 2 kids. In addition to exercising every morning at 6am, before they wake up, my day is…
  • Yup, I wake up at 5:30am, EST. I'm usually facing Jillian Michaels on my TV by 5:45 to do the Shred. I have to be done before my kids wake up and all the chaos begins. I go to bed around 10 most nights. So I get 7 or 7.5 hours of sleep. I take Wednesdays off from exercise, and on the weekends I fit it into my day wherever…
  • It inspires and motivates me quite a bit! I've started watching The Biggest Loser while I'm on my elliptical machine at home. Watching their workouts makes me work harder. And I love seeing before/after pics of people on here.
  • You look fantastic! Amazing what 32 pounds can do for your age, your posture, your expression!
  • Fantastic! I can't wait to do it again. I only got through 15 times before having surgery :( I need to flag this post so I am motivated to start it again when I can!
  • Between 2002 and 2004 I lost a total of 90 pounds. I went from 234 to 144. By 2007 I had crept up to 165, after I got married. Then I got pregnant. And I gained 70 pounds. I got down as far as 175. Had a miscarriage. Crept back up to 188. Got pregnant again and gained 45 pounds with that. I started MFP last month at 203…
  • LOVE this story! Congrats to both of you!
  • I started level 2 this past week. Wow is it hard!!! My muscles are sore today. I'm glad I only have cardio planned. Sadly, next week I have to have gallbladder surgery, so I will have to stop the Shred :( I don't know yet when I'll be able to start again. I'm going to do Level 2, 3 more times so I can say I made it exactly…
  • I replied about this on another thread. I have read in several places that Jillian Michaels suggests you do it 2 days Shred, 1 day cardio, 2 days shred, 1 day cardio, 1 day rest. Repeat that until you are done. It will take you longer than 30 days to complete, but you will be giving your muscles more recovery time, and…
  • That's wonderful!!!!! The excitement and fun of the race will boost your adrenaline and you'll go a little faster for sure. Plus, it's way more fun than the treadmill, so the distraction will be great. Good luck!
  • I'm in day 4 today too! I read in a couple of other threads that JM says to do it as follows: 2 days shred, 1 day cardio, 2 days shred, 1 day cardio, 1 day rest. That's my plan. On my cardio days I either do elliptical or run for 45 minutes. And on most shred days I do 15-20 minutes of elliptical afterward for an extra…
  • I will also agree that WW creates great habits and good building blocks for weight loss. I lost 50 pounds on it in 2003/2004. Then I had a baby, and then another! And now I'm here with 50 pounds to lose again :/ WW is wonderful for keeping track of your water intake (find that not as intuitive here on MFP,) your fruits and…
  • I'm trying both simultaneously at the moment, to see which one I like better. So far, I'm liking MFP better. Tracking is so much easier and the database is far more extensive. I love the bar code scanner for my foods. WW has it, but almost nothing is in that database! I've been stalling on WW for the last couple of months.…