Does other people's weight loss inspire you?

fataalic Posts: 73 Member
I find it that I get the biggest motivation to lose weight by looking at other people's before and after pictures...
How about you all?


  • It used to discourage me, to be honest.

    Now it doesn't, though. I think, if they can do it, so can I.
  • dmkirk28
    dmkirk28 Posts: 75 Member
    YES, seeing the pictures motivates me the most!!! Then I look at pictures of me at my goal weight and try to recapture those feel good feelings :)

    What are your goals?

    Good Luck!
  • amysue1971
    amysue1971 Posts: 36 Member
    It has always been very inspirational to me!
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    It used to discourage me, to be honest.

    Now it doesn't, though. I think, if they can do it, so can I.

  • Kurrupt1922
    Kurrupt1922 Posts: 53 Member
    It's a great motivation. I think to myself "If they can do it...why can't I"
  • fataalic
    fataalic Posts: 73 Member
    YES, seeing the pictures motivates me the most!!! Then I look at pictures of me at my goal weight and try to recapture those feel good feelings :)

    What are your goals?

    Good Luck!

    My goal is to lose between 30 and 50 lbs.
    Unfortunately I don't have many pictures of me when I looked good to refer to, so I use other people's pictures and it helps me stay on track. It must be a wonderful feeling getting where you want to be and winning this battle with weight.
  • elevensgirl
    elevensgirl Posts: 24 Member
    It inspires and motivates me quite a bit!

    I've started watching The Biggest Loser while I'm on my elliptical machine at home. Watching their workouts makes me work harder.

    And I love seeing before/after pics of people on here.
  • Somewhat. To be honest, its my opinion that all weight loss isn't good weight loss, so I am more inspired by their overall health and betterment as people as they transform their lifestyle. Maybe I'm by myself here, but I've seen too many people become vain and borderline arrogant when they get smaller and look down on folks that are struggling with it as if they are all just lazy and undisciplined. That doesnt impress me. Everybody doesnt get their success the same way.
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    I think that this board has been one of the biggest reasons I have continued on my journey this year. Seeing other's results and the length of time to get there has helped me stay focused and know that other people are having great successes.
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    I find it that I get the biggest motivation to lose weight by looking at other people's before and after pictures...
    How about you all?

    Yes!!! I am a visual learner, so looking at what I could "be" helps me. Seeing success stories gives me hope that I can look better and feel better. Keep them coming!
  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    I think KNOWING the people who lose weight personally makes a huge difference. Watching all those diet pill and exercise video commercials with random strangers claiming to have lost hundreds of pounds never motivated me. I half expected it all to be fake anyway. But when an acquaintance from my hometown lost 80 lbs. in a year and posted photographic progress, it changed me. I could see the changes in person. I realized that yes, weight loss IS possible and I can successful, too! That's how I started.
  • fataalic
    fataalic Posts: 73 Member
    It used to discourage me, to be honest.

    Now it doesn't, though. I think, if they can do it, so can I.

    I can relate to that at least in one instance...
    When my cousin lost over 50 kilos (100+ lbs) I got discouraged thinking that I could never do that.
    She was spending 2-3 hours a day at the gym and controlled her eating. I thought that there is no way I could dedicate so much time to be at the gym and workout that much, especially because working out increases my bodily pain and discomfort. Whenever I start exercising hard I would end up in so much pain in every joint (every one of my vertebrae hurt and I can't sleep at night because of it) that I would just give up.
    It can get discouraging especially when you find out how people lost weight and how hard they worked (nobody gets there easy).
  • stefjdf01
    stefjdf01 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, it helps me a lot. I have had success with losing weight in the past, but none with keeping it off, so here I am at my heaviest ever getting ready to give a go at it again. I have over 100 lbs to lose, so I need some kind of inspiration. I recently bought People magazine's "half their size" edition and I find looking at photos and reading stories of people who have transformed their lives really helps me by making me believe if they can do it, so can I, because some of them had way more to lose than I do. Here's to success in the new year for all of us posting on this forum! :)
  • fataalic
    fataalic Posts: 73 Member
    I think KNOWING the people who lose weight personally makes a huge difference. Watching all those diet pill and exercise video commercials with random strangers claiming to have lost hundreds of pounds never motivated me. I half expected it all to be fake anyway. But when an acquaintance from my hometown lost 80 lbs. in a year and posted photographic progress, it changed me. I could see the changes in person. I realized that yes, weight loss IS possible and I can successful, too! That's how I started.

    Diet pills and commercials never inspired me either (those are quick fixes that scare me to be honest).

    What inspires me is seeing the pictures of people here on MFP and other weight loss website such as spark people, weight watchers and similar.
  • Catskillet
    Catskillet Posts: 34 Member
    ...inspires me more than anything and it's also motivating to see how different a person who is the same height as me... looks after a 35 pound weight loss, which is my goal! The smile on the "after" photo is always much brighter and happier. I also get motivated when they say, "if I can do it....anybody can!" ....because I believe they are telling the truth!
  • vg8pr0
    vg8pr0 Posts: 47 Member
    Absolutely! At night while watching tv, I look at all of the pictures and stories of people meeting their goals and it keeps me from eating more snacks.
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    Yes, because on bad days it shows me that hard work will pay off. I can't wait to one day post my own pictures.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I find the success stories with photos to be very inspirational and a great motivator for me. I figure if they can do it so can I.
    I have an old photo of myself at my heaviest that I just hate!! I look at that and think to myself there is no way I'm going back to that! I then look at a great photo of myself when I was thin and strive to be that person again.
  • I love to see other peoples success! It inspires me so much especially is a huge weight loss! I want to lose about 40-50 pounds and just seeing other makes me really believe that its possible!
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    I see people in my gym classes who are similar size to what i started at and looking like they just want to quit and it takes all my restraint not to go up to them and say "if i can do it you can too!!! keep it up you WILL succeed!!" but think they will think im rude or crazy haha!! but i just know exactly how they are feeling and if id had more support in the gym at the beginning i know it would have been much easier!
  • keekahari
    keekahari Posts: 52 Member
    Definitely! I love seeing before/afters. I think wow, they lost near where I need to lose and they look Fabulous. I really need that some days, when I just dont feel like getting out of bed :(
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