Weight Watchers vs. MFP



  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Plus there's an easy point system you can follow and the points are listed on the products themselves, not just in a book. If not for fresh produce etc, then the info is readily available all over the internet.

    The points are also known as 'Calories'.

    You work out how many points (or 'calories') you can have in a day and add them up.

    There you go!

    I think the points right on the box is where it falls down. It encourages people to learn less about their food and pay more for pre-packaged food that is even worse crap than you were eating before.

    I was at a WW meeting, and the leader was giving a talk about bread. It ended with having to be careful about points, and choose the white because it had less points than the wholemeal.........
  • kimmiedunne
    kimmiedunne Posts: 82 Member
    I reached my goal when I was on Weight Watchers - so it holds a very special place in my heart. When I started, I needed to be held accountable in front of people. I don't think the online version of WW or MFP would have worked for me at the time. After I put on a little of the weight again, I knew what I needed to do and how to do it - so this works really well for me. Almost back down to that goal again and am hoping to take off even more this time!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I prefer MFP because it deals with actual macros, nutrients, calories, etc, instead of some dumb point system created by middle aged women.

    very true.
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    i did WW online once and didnt have any success with it...MFP is by far the best out of all the ones i have tried over the last 11 years. and the best part is its free since my budget is non existent now.
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    personally i never bought into the "pay to loose weight" programs/diets or whatever...because yes they may work but they are horrible IMO....they are ripping you off and stealing your money cause you CAN do this alone without shelling out hundreds of dollars for these fad diets or plans! they are just feeding off peoples insecurities and all they care about is your money....ok thats my rant LOL sorry if i offend
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    I was JUST thinking about this this morning... I've done both WW online and MFP. I am sure WW has a great community with tons of support, but I really think what makes me turn to MFP is the social networking involved with the community. Everyone is so close and so helpful. When I first tried MFP, I did not friend anyone other than my real friends (who lets face it, are NEVER on!!) and I never stuck with it. I would go months without logging my food. Now that I have a new outlook on it, and the support of this wonderful community, I'm going on my 13th day straight and lovin' every minute of it!!
  • elevensgirl
    elevensgirl Posts: 24 Member
    I'm trying both simultaneously at the moment, to see which one I like better. So far, I'm liking MFP better. Tracking is so much easier and the database is far more extensive. I love the bar code scanner for my foods. WW has it, but almost nothing is in that database!

    I've been stalling on WW for the last couple of months. I think it's because fruit is free. I eat too much of it. With MFP, I am counting those calories!
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    I did WW and ended up just sticking with MFP (and losing more weight). Much better for me & I feel like I get 24/7 support from this site.
  • MommaKit79
    I did WW in '08-'09 and really liked it! BUT, since doing MFP, I kinda like it better. The support on here is GREAT and the tracking is easier. If someone needed the complete support of a physical weight-in and needed the meeting atmosphere to help them, I would suggest WW. but, if they were comfortable doing it themselves and doing a bit mroe research about things on here, DEFINITELY MFP, all the way!!! :)
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Sounds good to me. I much prefer MFP to WW. I have tried WW in the past but was never able to stick with it. Having to figure out the points vs the serving size and how many was what...got to be confusing because I didn't want to buy pre-packaged snacks.

    So...I'm glad to see you here. I'm much more successful oh MFP
  • centexhusker
    centexhusker Posts: 115 Member
    I can't imagine a better or more complete system than MFP jmho :)
  • 4aFitTina
    MFP > all


  • missjennifer1966
    missjennifer1966 Posts: 143 Member
    Good luck!! I personally love WW simply because it counts points and you do not have to figure everything else. Just put it in the point calculator and that is it. On here, it is more difficult to log the food because not all foods are in the system and you have to put everything on the container on here. WW much easier IMO.
  • marinebiologist_girl
    Free is always better. You get out of it, what you put in.
    Precisely. I also find MFP a lot less shaming than WW.
  • 1lizette1
    I joined WW in Jan of this year, not 2 days later I discovered MFP. Oops. I continued with WW (mainly because I paid for 16 weeks). I am so glad that I stayed with WW because I go to weekly meetings and get weighed-in and that keeps me accountable. I also learn from their meetings. Not once have they ever tried to sell me anything.
    But, I do not use their points system anymore. I found I wasn't losing like I wanted to. I struggled to eat all my points in the day (when I first started I was at 34 points I believe). I eat a lot of veggies and fruits which are 0 points so I had trouble.
    I love MFP because I can use my cell phone to log every day. I really like their iphone app.
    In my opinion, only use just MFP if you can keep yourself accountable, otherwise you'll be sitting at your computer late one night thinking "I'll just have one bowl of ice cream, just one." and the next thing you know you've gained 10 lbs back.
    I will continue to use both MFP and WW. It's working for me.
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    My mom has had great success with WW. She's lost about 40lbs since the beginning of the year! I on the other hand...am a poor college student! Therefore, cheaper is better! :)
  • nnarciss
    I tried WW as well. It was good but the online version was sketchy. Sometimes the app didn't work. I much rather something free like this. I think its easier to encourage and get encouragement from others on MFP.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I think both have their pros and cons. I was on WW and lost 30 pounds. What did it for me were the weekly meetings.

    I know we are suppose to lose weight for ourselves, but part of me did it for the ladies (and one guy) at the meetings. I worked harder during the week just to hear "Great job!" by the lady who weighed you in! I cried with the woman who lost 100 pounds and even though I'm Buddhist, I was moved when she was on he knees thanking God for her victory. I hugged a woman who lost 40 pounds and was no longer in danger of being diabetic. I cried when everyone stood up for me when I lost my first 5%! So I think WW is better in the community aspect. Not saying the community here isn't great but sometimes a warm hand on your shoulder from someone else in the same boat as you is uplifting.

    Then again, I was paying almost $50 a month to hang out with my weightloss buddies for an hour. I wish there were weekly meetups here. Maybe there are and I just don't know. Seems like my city group is full of fit people who run marathons together and complain about gaining 2 pounds on their size 2 *kitten*. lol

    So for me, WW is better for community. Sure, you can read success stories, but you don't know those people you know? You weren't there for their first weigh in or that Saturday morning when they cried about eating an entire large pizza on their own, or when they were happy to finally go down a dress size, etc. You can read about someone's journey in one post here but you are invested you know?

    MFP is great too. I love the app and the barcode scanner. I love the people on my friends list. I love the motivation I get from MFP on Twitter. I lost 10 pounds last month from logging every day and watching my weekly intake/out-take.

    And MFP is free.
  • marthathebear
    It's free on MFP! Enough said.
  • BFlowers2
    I can't do WW. I liked it when I was younger, but my problem is I hoarded points. i felt you really don't get to eat a lot. I was never satisfied, I didn't want to waste my points on anything. With MFP, I eat throughout the day, and am usually so full I want to explode by the time it is evening. I like that I can still have what I want, and not worry about points.