Weight Watchers vs. MFP



  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    I've done the same thing. This is free and the support is much better and more comprehensive.
  • jenim23
    jenim23 Posts: 9 Member
    I only started with MFP 2 weeks ago and am already a great fan
  • barbaraluke
    some one once told me that WW sucess was down to the fact that is does not work long term. If it worked members would not 'yo yo' weight gain/loss . I am fairley new to MFP but feel that any sucess or falure is soley down to me and i like the responsibility this gives me.
  • erinup
    erinup Posts: 53 Member
    I echo the sentiments of a lot of folks here. I did WW in 2002 and lost about 30 lbs. I really learned to pay attention, watch portions, increase fiber and decrease fat. But it was also kind of like a game - "what's the max calories/fat/fiber combo I can get and still be under 2 points". I appreciate what I learned and it had it's place in my journey. I have sinced gained back some of the weight (about 20 lbs) and I am working on losing it. But now I am working on eating less processed foods, no artificial sweetners and ingrediants I can pronounce. I am watching my macros and I am focusing on understanding what/why I am eating certain foods and how I feel when I eat them. I feel like I am taking the time to educate myself rather than plaing a game of points.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I don't understand why so many people knock WW as restrictive or pushing packaged meals. That was not my experience with them at all. I did WW for a year and a half. I don't think I could have lost that first 40 without the meetings and the accountability and support at meetings. I ate almost exactly the way I do now on MFP. I may actually be eating just a bit more bread now actually. I never did WW on anything but Points Plus and the fruit and veggies being "free" is what made me successful to start with as I was getting into the healthful part. I weighed 251 when I joined WW and I really don't think at that point MFP would have been successful for me. I am down to 205 and only now am feeling ready to switch to MFP. If it wasn't for needing to find $$ for ZUmba classes and the Gym now, I would never stop WW. It does work, if you work it. Just like MFP works, if you work it.

    I agree. Although I prefer MFP at this point, I do like WW and think they have a lot to offer.

    No one ever tried to sell me anything and you certainly don't get weighed in front of anyone or shamed. I don't know why people have this idea about WW.

    I do agree that the focus is on points and not on comprehensive nutrition. You're encouraged to eat a minimum amount of fruits and veggies, "healthy oils", and dairy products, but that's it. No protein recomendations. Everyone can work it to meet their needs, but on the new Points+ Program, I was eating a very low cal, very low fat diet. I feel better and more satisfied eating the way I do now.

    I could have done it with WW if I had eaten every daily, weekly, and activity point and been successful. I do think MFP has a larger database of foods and tracking here is easier IMO.

    I also exercise daily and as already said, WW does not put enough emphasis on that.

    So for this middled-aged woman (who was that snarky young man anyway!), MFP works better for me right now. If I didn't like to exercise and just cared about eating between a total minimum and maximum without bothering about macros, WW might be a good choice.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    I too came from weight watcher to MFP. Here's some of my reasons:
    1) I personally wanted complete control of my diet, not someone's watered down version of calorie counting. For instance, I do not like the fact that a banana has no point value, and that there is no way to force it, even if I wanted.
    2) They push the active link like it's magical. But if you do a little research, there's probably more bad reviews than good ones. AL costs $5 a month to use.
    3) I can buy a fitbit and using it is free. OK so its initial cost is a little higher than Active link. Over a few months, I will save money.
    4) Weight watchers is too expensive for what they are doing for you. The meetings are nice but for me, they were not worth $40 a month.
    5) Their eTools should be free for lifetime members. They are not, so even if you lose all your weight and become a lifetime member, to continue to track with their eTools will still require that you spend money. Not Cool.
    6) Their database, as far as the foods that I, Mearlie, track, is not as well populated as MFP. When I input something into the MFP database, I cannot remember one item that didn't at least have a couple choices already in the database. With WW eTools, I was constantly having to input foods or adapt/settle on something that was already there.

    Here on MFP, I can do everything I did with Weight Watchers, only better. Here, I'm losing weight. On WW I was not, and I firmly believe it's because of their watered down calorie counting system.

    I prefer science over simplicity.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    WW has a system to teach people how to eat healthfully and keep track of it. For some people, learning what portion sizes are, how much they should be eating compared with how much they are eating, and keeping track of it with the help of the "leaders" and other members is all they need to lose a little, or a lot. It's the brick and mortar place for the meetings, the printed material and the paid meeting leaders, as well as staff that creates the need for the fees. This site provides better support, in my opinion, but it tacitly expects some knowledge of what kinds of foods are healthful. I guess those that don't have that knowledge learn by tracking what they do eat, but it's a little faster with some guidance.
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    My 17 week pass for weight watchers is up this week and I've been contemplating renewing it. After I started WW, I re-joined MFP so I've been doing both. For several reasons I have decided not to renew WW and make MFP my main source of inspiration. I find the tracking here much easier to use. I find the support I get here is helping me more. So I'm coming in full fledged and hoping to get the results some of you have had on here.

    I let my WW scubscription go at the beginning of the year too :) And i agree with "Free is Better" :)
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    In my opinion, and I've said this before, the points plus system is flawed. Case in point. Grapes: 1 cup of grapes has roughly 60 calories. But. 1 cup of grapes is 0 points. 2 cups of grapes is 120 calories. 2 cups of grapes is also zero points. 4 cups of grapes is 240 calories..... and 0 points. 1 large banana is 120 calories.... and zero points! So you concievably sit there and eat a large banana and 4 cups of grapes, 360 calories, which is a typical full meal for me.... and not log a single point.

    Anyone who doesn't see the problem with this is crazy.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    I echo the sentiments of a lot of folks here. I did WW in 2002 and lost about 30 lbs. I really learned to pay attention, watch portions, increase fiber and decrease fat. But it was also kind of like a game - "what's the max calories/fat/fiber combo I can get and still be under 2 points". I appreciate what I learned and it had it's place in my journey. I have sinced gained back some of the weight (about 20 lbs) and I am working on losing it. But now I am working on eating less processed foods, no artificial sweetners and ingrediants I can pronounce. I am watching my macros and I am focusing on understanding what/why I am eating certain foods and how I feel when I eat them. I feel like I am taking the time to educate myself rather than plaing a game of points.
    Totally agree. WW has it's merits and it is great for people who are just getting started in their weight loss journey. The meetings are motivating, the staff helpful and friendly, and they teach about healthy vs unhealthy foods in a non-threatening environment.

    Here on MFP, a newbie can ask a genuine question and get nailed to the cross by some of the members. That won't happen a at a WW meeting. WW has it's place, it just wasn't for ME.
  • love811
    love811 Posts: 7 Member
    I've done both WW and MFP. I prefer MFP. Weight Watchers is not a bad program. However, they say you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your points. Yes, the good things you're to eat are less points or no points, but you still have no idea the whole make up of what you're eating. Yes, I lost weight, but I had no idea the breakdown of what I was putting into my body.

    MFP tracks everything you put into your body. You can look and see if you're eating enough protein or if you're getting too much sodium. It's all right there. WW is simply a point system that doesn't tell you any of that information. I find that I'm much more aware of my eating habits by using MFP. It seems to help me more.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    In my opinion, and I've said this before, the points plus system is flawed. Case in point. Grapes: 1 cup of grapes has roughly 60 calories. But. 1 cup of grapes is 0 points. 2 cups of grapes is 120 calories. 2 cups of grapes is also zero points. 4 cups of grapes is 240 calories..... and 0 points. 1 large banana is 120 calories.... and zero points! So you concievably sit there and eat a large banana and 4 cups of grapes, 360 calories, which is a typical full meal for me.... and not log a single point.

    Anyone who doesn't see the problem with this is crazy.

    Yep! BUT if someone's been eating high processed foods and sweets from a bag, just getting them to eat grapes and bananas is a good thing. I see where WW could be a really great starting point for someone who needs to totally change the way they think about food. Here, if they ask certain questions, they will probably be terrified to ask any MORE questions. At least at Weight Watchers it is supportive and helpful with no "flaming".
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I agree with you 100%.
    As a lifetime WW member, I have returned a couple of times to try to get back to my goal weight. WW doesn't seem care much about returning lifetime members. You don't even get rewards for your weight loss unless you go up and make sure you tell the instructor.

    How else would they know of your weight loss unless you told them? The ladies doing the weighing don't give the rewards. At least the last time I was there.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I don't understand why people pay for WW or anything like that when you have sites like MFP for free.

    They don't know about it. I learned from a former boss. He lost 25 pounds and I inquired how. Thats when he turned me onto MFP. I was at WW at the time.
  • sweetkeys
    sweetkeys Posts: 81 Member
    I'm a WW believer - it's how I lost my weight and have been able to maintain the loss. I still attend weekly meetings and weigh in almost every week that I'm in town. I need the accountability and love the face-to-face interaction. And for me it's all free as I'm a Lifetime Member, even the etools as long as I weigh in and am within 2 lbs. of my goal weight. If I was only doing WW on line, I'd probably not feel the same way. I've only been on MFP for a week, but I love the food data base and the way food is tracked. And the support is great. I still follow the WW plan of eating because it's become a habit/lifestyle. But if you want a free plan - MFP is it!
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    I'm a WW believer - it's how I lost my weight and have been able to maintain the loss. I still attend weekly meetings and weigh in almost every week that I'm in town. I need the accountability and love the face-to-face interaction. And for me it's all free as I'm a Lifetime Member, even the etools as long as I weigh in and am within 2 lbs. of my goal weight. If I was only doing WW on line, I'd probably not feel the same way. I've only been on MFP for a week, but I love the food data base and the way food is tracked. And the support is great. I still follow the WW plan of eating because it's become a habit/lifestyle. But if you want a free plan - MFP is it!

    I did not know that lifetime members get etools for free as long as they maintain. That's good info! Thank you! It restores a bit of faith in their system for me.
  • senami632
    senami632 Posts: 134 Member
    MFP > all

    ^^ Truuuuuu!
  • chocolateluvr80
    chocolateluvr80 Posts: 64 Member
    I've done both WW and MFP. I prefer MFP. Weight Watchers is not a bad program. However, they say you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within your points. Yes, the good things you're to eat are less points or no points, but you still have no idea the whole make up of what you're eating. Yes, I lost weight, but I had no idea the breakdown of what I was putting into my body.

    MFP tracks everything you put into your body. You can look and see if you're eating enough protein or if you're getting too much sodium. It's all right there. WW is simply a point system that doesn't tell you any of that information. I find that I'm much more aware of my eating habits by using MFP. It seems to help me more.

    Exactly. I did WW points and pointsplus and I have to admit that a lot of days I ate most of my points in WW ice cream bars. They tell their members that it is okay to eat junk just eat less of it. I think it is much easier to gauge how healthy your diet is using MFP.

    As far as exercise goes, I think the reason that WW doesn't emphasize it as much as they should is because they are afraid of scaring away members.

    I did the meetings and if you were to do WW that is definitely the way to go. Oh, and when I did WW I used to describe it as a support group for fat people (mostly women).
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    In my opinion, and I've said this before, the points plus system is flawed. Case in point. Grapes: 1 cup of grapes has roughly 60 calories. But. 1 cup of grapes is 0 points. 2 cups of grapes is 120 calories. 2 cups of grapes is also zero points. 4 cups of grapes is 240 calories..... and 0 points. 1 large banana is 120 calories.... and zero points! So you concievably sit there and eat a large banana and 4 cups of grapes, 360 calories, which is a typical full meal for me.... and not log a single point.

    Anyone who doesn't see the problem with this is crazy.

    Actually they tell you not to double or quadruple servings. So that is not true. WW works for a lot of people. MFP is free, that is why I do it.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    The nice thing is that you now have the tools to do WW on your own, if you want to, so you could do it for free in addition to using MFP. I was on WW for a little while, and when I finally stopped paying for it I would still track points and kind of do it on my own. So the option is still there, which is nice! I don't do it anymore..now I just log calories on here.