Foie_gras Member


  • You look just lovely! Biggest congratulations! You're an inspiration. Keep up the great work!
  • Hi all -- I'm 5' 4.5" but I round up to 5' 5". :) Before I started MFP, I was my heaviest (non-pregnant) ever. Really demoralizing. I'm making progress, which helps motivate me. But if you're like me, we need all the motivation and support we can get! We can do this!
  • Congrats, ladies! Today was my weigh-in day. I'm down 3.5 pounds since last Wednesday, but I don't know if that's a real number. I was sick earlier this week, so I didn't eat very well. I guess we'll see! My goal is to lose 1.5-2 pounds a week. That means I am going to have to up my exercise, so there's another goal: up my…
  • My sister-in-law became a grandma at 40 too. I am sure you're going to have so much fun as a young grandma. My mom didn't hit "Nana" status until her 70s, much to her dismay.
  • Having kids over 40 or stomach band surgery? Or something else? Having kids later is a fabulous thing. I am sure that having kids early is fabulous, too. We are more settled now than when we were in our 20s or even 30s; the downside is that we definitely have less energy!
  • I'm 44, and my kid is cool. Last year, I became a first-time mom at 43 (the old-fashioned way). We think it's pretty cool. Those who are grandparents in your 40s -- any advice for someone just starting out? Need to drop more than a few to gain any advantage I can keeping up with my kiddo and to be around as long as…
  • You are not alone. We all have those days. Don't beat yourself up over it. If you slip or even fall, pick yourself up and carry on. You are doing SO MUCH BETTER now than you were before, even if it doesn't feel that way. Be proud of yourself! Just doing something is better than nothing. I know that can be hard when you…
  • Hi all! I am 44 and had my beautiful son last year. Yup, old first-time mom here. And we all know how much energy it takes to keep up with a toddler. I just don't have it, partially because of my age but mainly because of all of the extra baggage I'm carrying. I can't join you on the Monday reporting because my weigh-in…
  • LOL. I don't know that I'll indulge in those kinds of "games", especially since I'm at work, but thanks for the laugh! And thanks for the thoughts and suggestions... MFP is definitely a good distraction. Like this now.
  • Family law is different in most states, but most states also follow a "best interests of the child" so it's very, very difficult for non-parent (including other blood relatives) to take away parental rights. So don't worry about that. If she tries to bully you, remind her that you're the mom here and hang up if she starts…
  • 45? Let me edit this. I think you're 45, but you could pass for 38.
  • You are amazing! And you should be very, very proud. You go, girl!
  • NO WAY! You don't look it at all. I was going to guess 185. You look amazing. Fan-freakin'-tastic! Congrats!
  • Wow! Great experiment! You have much more "guts" than I to do this, but you're right: the scale is evil. You look much thinner AND remember, the camera adds ten pounds, so I have no doubt that you look even more amazing in person. Congrats!!!
  • 165-170 because of your height. You look fantastic! Congrats!
  • I have several. We do the one for our state to get the tax deduction, but I also have one through a credit card. It's like a bonus miles card -- a percent of what you charge goes back to the 529. That one is through Fidelity (and is the NH state plan), but there are several credit cards that do this. If you don't get a tax…
  • Happy (first) International Day of the Girl! 10-11-12! I'm an older, first-time mom who has always had weight issues. I am currently the heaviest I've ever been (except when pregnant), and that's saying a LOT! After I had my son (c-section) last year, I lost all the baby weight and then some immediately. Yay! :smile: Then…