

  • day 4 level 1 completed. I am getting better at the running man, but fast feet still makes my shins hurt!
  • Completed Level 1 days 3 this morning. I NEVER work out in the morning, so this was big for me. I have a full evening with rehearsal, so I didn't want to be doing it after 10pm tonight. I feel like Jello. I think I breeze through most of it with the exception of quick feet and the running man thing and the ab workout where…
  • 10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter? Ok, I am terrible at this one. My husband always says," I am not eating after 6pm" which I feel is totally unrealistic, and there is no way I am done…
  • Hang in there. Having had to put my two cats down (2 years apart) both for cancer, just about did me in. I had both of them over 10 years and they were my babies. My heart aches for you!
  • How did you determine your calories? Level 1 day 2 in the bag! Worst part for me, the fast feet and the abs in the first set... SO far knees are holding out OK!
  • I would love to know as well!
  • QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight? Before this past year, I did not eat breakfast (scared to waste the calories and always…
  • Thanks! Day1 level 1 complete!
  • FIRST OFF: WOW and Congratulations to the BLUE TEAM for snagging the win this week and such a huge win!!!! Congratulations to my Partner for being one of the big winners this past week. I made some major changes in what I'm doing this week and hope I see the results. I've plateaud for so long I had to do something! QOTD…
  • Hi everyone, i'm Steph. I just failed miserably at the 30 day shred, not that i didn't get to level 3, I was just inconsistent with my follow through, so I am going to better this time. I have a knee problem that flared up and set me back, so i will be doing the modified steps when it comes to things that stress my knee,…
  • Ok, so here are my starting measurements: Weight: 154 Neck: 12.3/4 Chest: 34 Breast: 37 Waist: 31 Belly Button: 34 Hips: 37 1/2 Bicep: 11 Lower Arm: 9 3/4 Thy: 22 Calf: 14 3/4 Ready to start tomorrow with level 1. I will be going 7 days, then off 1 day for the first 2 weeks, then 7 and 7 for level 3 and 4. Good luck…
  • Sunday 10/16/2011 QOTD......Stop nitpicking! When you pick your flaws apart with all the intensity of a brain surgeon, you only increase your anxiety at not being perfect. Try to see your body as a whole and concentrate on what you LOVE about yourself. Name three things that you LOVE about your body and embrace it!! 1. My…
  • Saturday (a day late) October 15 QOTD: When you get to your goal weight (and money was no problem) would you consider having any plastic surgery? Yes and I did. For me it was time to put my very deflated boobs back into a place where they should be. After losing over 100pounds two times, gravity has not been kind. I am…
  • Well I just realized that I can really workout to anything by David Guetta or Far East Movement. Love their tunes!
  • QOTD Thursday - Just posting a fun question for the day. If you woke up with a million dollars in your bank account tomorrow. What would be the first thing you do with the money? Pay off my house and car and book my trip away for a couple of weeks with my dear husband. Then I would help my son get a new car. lastly, I…
  • Ok, SO I haven't posted, but I am still here. Tonight was my last night on level 2, so tomorrow I will attempt level 3 until next wednesday where I am starting the ripped in 30 days....Good job everyone.
  • Awesome job on the week two losses. I feel like I am letting my team down. I am close to my goal weight and it just is not coming off like it did before. I heard stories about those last 10 pounds being the hardest, and now I believe them. Thanks Blue team for hanging in there with me. When I finally get past this plateau,…
  • QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it? I am trying very hard to talk to myself in nice terms. I have always been very critical and unkind to myself. Learning a new behavior is…
  • QOTD 10/9/11 Sunday: Are you an emotional eater? What feelings get you to that place? What is your strategy for overcoming emotional eating? Yes I am an emotional eater. Being bored or wrestless get me there. When I am very tired and overwhelmed, I go there too. THe first step is to recognize that I am trying to fix a…
  • Everyone on here is so awesome. I am way behind. Completed level 2 day 3, having an issue with my knee, so decided to start doing the low impact plank jacks and plank thrusts. otherwise the rest doesn't bother them.
  • QOTD 10/8/11 Saturday: Is there any speific body part you're looking forward to "re-discovering" or discovering for the first time as you reach your weight loss goals? I love this question. I remember after losing the first 100 pounds, I could feel my Xyphoid process (sp?) it protruded out and I thought I had a growth or…
  • I would like to start with you all. I wont be finished with the 30 Day Shred till Oct 20th, do you think it's crazy to double up for the first 3 days? Other than that Im traveling for three days to Vegas, but I bet I can track the steps and do it at the Hotel Gym without the DVD. What do you think?
  • We'll go one step further...shoot them both in the knee then call the authorities...
  • WOW, Such a difference! That is awesome!
  • I am always cheering on my Seattle Seahawks, but I also cheer on New Orleans and Green Bay (fantasy football reasons). For party snacks, I like to make black bean dip with pita chips. But I always have fresh veggies and fruit. I use the Walden Farms Bacon Ranch dressing for a dip because it has no calories.... :)
  • I like the Jay Robb stuff because it tastes good and mixes well.
  • QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not? Let me begin by saying I dislike that word "cheat", because it implies that I am doing something I know is wrong or being sneaky. Since this is a lifestyle, not a…
  • Ok, after having to work two very long shifts back to back, I was able to get back on track today. Completed Day two level two. it was definately easier. I think my hardest part with this level is the V arm raises....Killer!
  • QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)? I don't have a real routine. I'm doing the 30 day shred right now. When I go to the Gym, at least once a week, I either do a zumba class or do the elliptical/treadmill…
  • QOTD 10/5/11 Wednesday - What do you think was the biggest factor in your weight gain? What do you think is the biggest factor in your successfuly weight loss? The main reason I gained weight was a huge change to my lifestyle from being very active, to no activity after I became a mom and started taking care of my husband…