30DS Challenge from Sept 20 till Oct 20



  • Lesah0808
    20 Days Completed!!! D6L3 Done!! I'm happy that I've stuck it out this far & you guys really helped me push through but I wish I could've Rocked the scale :sad: I did notice some change in my mid-section but not 2 much. I'm a little discouraged but I'm going to attempt to persevere!! Good Job & Good Luck Ladies!!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D5 L3 DONE! still not doing the plank or push up type positions on the floor. Only floor work i do is the abs. My head is still giving me problems. But I'm just modifying it. Still pushing hard and doing other workouts during the plank/push up positions.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    20 Days Completed!!! D6L3 Done!! I'm happy that I've stuck it out this far but I wished I could've Rocked the scale :sad: I did notice some change in my mid-section but not 2 much. I'm a little discouraged but I'm going to attempt to persevere!! Good Job & Good Luck Ladies!!!

    Keep up the great work. Dont just look at the scale. That's not always the best way to notice. Measure yourself! And just feel the difference. Although trust me I know the feeling of being dissappointed by the scale. I have realized though to not just focus on the number on the scale but just how I'm feeling.
    Just keep up the great work!!!
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I have fallen a little behind, day 2 level 3 done, i'm going to try and get level 3 done without a break, super commitment from all those that have being going straight through.
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    So today I went to the doctor and it turns out I pulled my bicep and strained my shoulder, so I'm going to have to quit the shred for a little bit. Wish I could finish!! I only had 7 days left, but health first, I'd hate to do more damage.
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    So today I went to the doctor and it turns out I pulled my bicep and strained my shoulder, so I'm going to have to quit the shred for a little bit. Wish I could finish!! I only had 7 days left, but health first, I'd hate to do more damage.

    I am sorry to hear about your injuries...but you are right, it is best to make sure you don't do any further damage! I hope you are feeling better soon!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D6 L3 Done!!!!
    Feeling really well! Still not doing the push up/plank pose. Doing other things. But sweating my butt off during it!

    4 days left! Then a break well using my elliptical but a break lol
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    So today I went to the doctor and it turns out I pulled my bicep and strained my shoulder, so I'm going to have to quit the shred for a little bit. Wish I could finish!! I only had 7 days left, but health first, I'd hate to do more damage.

    So sorry to hear about this! But you'll pick it back up when your all better! Heal quickly!
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    I haven't checked in for a minute, but I am still doing the shred I'm on Day 4 of Level 3 today. I really liked level 2 best and felt like I sweat a lot and got a great workout in that level. I think I am struggling with this level more though because I have a weak core and back and need to improve the strength before I can really charge right through the DVD. I do the moves with Natalie until it becomes to hard then go to the modified moves with Anita. When I do the planks on my hand weights it really hurts my knuckles. Is anyone else experiencing this?

    Also, I don't know what is up with my body, but after the first 10 days I was down 4.5lbs & 7.25" and now I am back up again and so frustrated. The first 10 days I was doing spin and yoga and I dropped that off this last week. I eat pretty healthy most of the time with a splurge here and there, but nothing to bring my inches and pounds back up. Even though I stopped the cardio I shouldn't gain everything back right? At first I was thinking it was period bloat, but my period is over now. I guess even if at the end I am the same size and weight at least I am getting stronger and have more energy. Still frustrating though.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Ok, SO I haven't posted, but I am still here. Tonight was my last night on level 2, so tomorrow I will attempt level 3 until next wednesday where I am starting the ripped in 30 days....Good job everyone.
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Day 22 done today! Did level 3. I really am going to try to do level 3 for the rest of the 8 days as I like how much it focuses on the core and abs. That is my biggest trouble area. I already feel a huge difference in my strength during the exercises. I have even done some of them with Natalie for awhile and then switch over to the modified. Still not able to do the rock star kick but that is mostly due to where I have to exercise...I don't want some of the valuables falling off the walls down stairs lol. By my calculations, My last day will be Monday the 24th (I take off every Friday for a rest day) . I am so excited to see the results...I was looking at the DVDs at Walmart on Friday and saw the Ripped in 30 and also two other Jillian DVDs...one for butts and thighs and one is Yoga that is a high fat burning workout...have any of you tried any of these? Thinking of picking up another one to alternate with Zumba and 30 DS so I don't get bored through the winter. I want to start bike riding and running once winter is done. Have a great night all!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D7 L3 DONE! I was done way earlier this morning when I woke up but just haven't been able to get on here and post it.
    Feeling great! 3 more days!!!!!! 27 straight no breaks! Go me!

    Not to mention I chased my kid around all day out at my sister in laws :) it was fun.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D8 L3 Complete!
    Going to be walking around alot today as well going to the pumpkin patch today, they have rides and such as well. Going to be a great day!

    Oh and I did all but one of the plank push-up moves and the headache only came once and just a little bit! Very happy!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    D8 L3 Complete!
    Going to be walking around alot today as well going to the pumpkin patch today, they have rides and such as well. Going to be a great day!

    Oh and I did all but one of the plank push-up moves and the headache only came once and just a little bit! Very happy!

    Great job!!! Sounds like you have a fun day planned! Enjoy! Congrats on being able to advance with the planks!! Your body is adjusting which is wonderful! Keep it up!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D8 L3 Complete!
    Going to be walking around alot today as well going to the pumpkin patch today, they have rides and such as well. Going to be a great day!

    Oh and I did all but one of the plank push-up moves and the headache only came once and just a little bit! Very happy!

    Great job!!! Sounds like you have a fun day planned! Enjoy! Congrats on being able to advance with the planks!! Your body is adjusting which is wonderful! Keep it up!

    Thanks! It was a great day! My feet are sore lol we walked around alot and we walked around alot yesterday at my sister in law's farm.
    But the planks, the thing with this that I dont get is level 2 I was fine with them...then once I hit level 3..it was like what the heck? But I must've just pinched something or pulled something. Better now!
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Day 23 COMPLETE!! Did level 3. Still don't do the rock star kicks, but getting stronger every day!! My sister and I decided to do a 5K this spring...I have always wanted to run and never thought I could, but now that I have proven that can do something I think I can't , I want to try everything lol! Gives me something else to hold me accountable. Going to start the C25K program tomorrow! Once these 30 days are up I will use the C25K program as my cardio and still do the strenght and ab exercises from 30 DS too. Mixed in with a little Zumba. My sis lives 3 hours away so we won't be able to train together, but we will run together and we are going to make it an annual sisters weekend! SO excited!! Thank you ladies for helping to give me the push I needed!
  • samhradh
    samhradh Posts: 297 Member
    level 3 day 5 done
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    Day 24 is DONE!!! I must say that I still surprise myself during the butt kicks when I feel my heels touch my butt! I couldn't even go half way in level 1!! I am proud of how far I have come and how far all of you ladies have come as well. I did my first day of C25K today as well!! Feeling strong and like I can do anything!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    D9 L3 Done. 29 days straight! Last day tomorrow! So ready to be complete. Going to start using my elliptical after this is over for a bit give my knees a bit to rest and my shoulder is killing me give it some time to relax too. Then going to buy another DVD not sure what yet though!
  • Lesah0808
    D9 L3 Done. 29 days straight! Last day tomorrow! So ready to be complete. Going to start using my elliptical after this is over for a bit give my knees a bit to rest and my shoulder is killing me give it some time to relax too. Then going to buy another DVD not sure what yet though!
    Excellent Job!! I am so proud of you & your commitment!! Were the results more or less than you expected? I wish I had your dedication but I'm switching up my routine. Congrats on your perseverance & success!!