

  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    i try to cut off my eating at certain times but there are times that i will look at the clock and think 'OMG' and im eating really late at night. we dont eat our tea until 7-7:30 when little man is in bed anyway. but i am still losing weight wether or not i would lose more if i could stop late night snacking i dont know.

  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    We get home at different times almost everyday so for me to have a cut off wouldn't work... i do only eat my snack through out the day rather then before bed time...
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    I eat 3 meals a day and if I have the calories I will eat a snack or two as well. Right now I'm not changing how/when I eat, just what I eat.
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    FIRST OFF: WOW and Congratulations to the BLUE TEAM for snagging the win this week and such a huge win!!!! Congratulations to my Partner for being one of the big winners this past week. I made some major changes in what I'm doing this week and hope I see the results. I've plateaud for so long I had to do something!

    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    I am near the end and having a hard time staying motivated to get the last 10 pounds off. Probably because I had to buy all new clothes and I feel pretty darn good where I am at. I am however very motivated to exercise (way more than watch my food). I am finding that changing it up is the key to staying motivated. If I do the same thing over and over it just get's boring. I have been joing fitness challenges and it's very motivating.
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    I am really terrible at being able to follow all these threads.....I guess I'm not "thread smart" just saw that my partner said Congrats to me on my weight loss from this past weigh-in...I didnt say"THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :)
  • Wfortner
    Wfortner Posts: 77 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    Hmmm....I try not to eat past like 7-8, but depending on what time my husband gets home from work I dont always suceed. Alot of times he works late and I am actually eating my "bedtime snack" while he is eating supper. I struggle with wanting SOMEthing to eat if I see him with a plate of food. I have found it doesnt seem to really affect my weight loss...especially if I walk/run in the evenings. I guess my body is still burning calories. Now that I sit here and think about it.....probably the nights I run are the ones I really crave a snack/ body must need the extra calories...thanks for the question!!!
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Well I am finding it extremely hard to stay motivated right now. I was doing so well for the first 2 weeks and now I'm feel like I've fallen off the wagon. My sodium intake has been ridiculous and I've been retaining water. My clothes are starting to fit snug again and that is a little upsetting.

    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    Prior to my weight loss journey I preferred large meals. But now my body is use to eating every couple of hours. I still just need to watch my portion sizes. Because I'm eating 3 big meals and 2 snacks, instead of 3 small meals and 2 snacks. I need a full diet overhaul. I refuse to cut whole food groups out of my diet so I'm learning to balance my meals between protein, carbs and fats. It's very hard.
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I do not do this right now but I'm really going to try to do this in the near future. They say stop eating at least 3 hours before you go to bed. That's very hard with my schedule.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    No, I do not cut off my eating at any certain time. We are known to eat dinner kinda late. We usually eat between 7-8 pm. My husband and I are also night owls so we usually do not fall asleep until 1:00 am. Does that count stopping three hours before bed? LOL....seriously though I do need to get onto more of a eating schedule. I know that I would probably lose a lot more weight if I were more in control.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I try to cut off my eating once I've had dinner. But I don't have a set time. I try to not eat 2 hours before bed, but sometimes with our schedule it's just not possible. I haven't seen a correlation with my weight to cut off times. Mine is if I sleep enough, stick to my cal's and workout regularly.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Thank you to everyone who gave me encouraging words. There's no way around it...I am at a really hard time in my life :( Five months ago my beloved dog of 11 years had a sudden illness and I had to put him down. It literally broke my heart in two. I stopped eating completely. In 2 months I lost 10 pounds, but then gained it all back when I started eating again. I'm wondering if this is why I am not losing. Maybe my metabolism is completely messed up.

    I still cry for him every day. My dog. Only some people understand and it is embarrassing to admit, but it's just one more thing that I'm struggling with right now :(

    Hang in there. Having had to put my two cats down (2 years apart) both for cancer, just about did me in. I had both of them over 10 years and they were my babies. My heart aches for you!
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    Ok, I am terrible at this one. My husband always says," I am not eating after 6pm" which I feel is totally unrealistic, and there is no way I am done eating at 6pm at night. I try to get my final meal in by 8pm, and a snack before bedtime if I have the calories. But every once in a while, I do eat after 10pm and it's usually not a pretty sight. I figure as long as it is not a habit and is infrequent, I'll be OK. The nights before I weigh-in, I try to quit eating and drinking earlier in the night. I don't know if it helps!
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I actually don't cut off eating at any particular time. I researched this and there are studies that say that it causes you to gain if you eat too late, and there are others that say it doesn't matter if you are active. I choose to go with those that say it doesn't matter. I do however have "rules" about what I eat after 8. I will not eat carbs of any sort after 8, this includes sugary items. I try to keep those early in the day so that I don't have those carbs turning to fat because I am not using them for fuel as they are intended. I have tried to cut food off at certain times, and it doesn't affect my weight loss in any way. Now, eating carbs late at night does cause me to stick at the same weight.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I remember years ago Oprah made a big deal about not eating after a certain time. She swore by it. I have never been able to completely cut myself off though. Sometimes laying in bed and eating a small treat at night gives me something to look forward to. I must admit that when I do cut myself off around 7pm, I do lose more, however, I lose my will to keep eating healthily and I just want to binge if I deny myself. I have been eating a skinny cow ice cream late at night for 140 calories, and I really feel like this is hindering my weight loss. When I lost my weight before I would nibble on a few sugar free candies and that helped tremendously. Maybe I need to find another tiny something to nibble on at night.

    Something that you might consider is not eating items that are high in sugar and carbs right before bed. We need those items in our diet for energy, but if you are just about to go to bed, they all they are going to do is turn to fat since you won't be using that energy while you sleep. Try to change your snack to something that is lower in carbs. I found that when I ate carb filled food before bed I didn't have much change on the scale. When I changed my night time snack to other items this stopped. So, that could be your problem.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I "try" not to eat after 8 (oh yum...that made me think of After 8 mints!!!! LOL) but sometimes we don't eat supper till 7-7:30. On the weekends I find it difficult to stick to this rule, especially if we are with friends and there are snacks out!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I try to cut it off by 9. I found out I lose more weight if I eat earlier.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I don't do this and I firmly believe that it only works for people because it prevents them from eating extra calories. I have tried it in the past before I was logging my food, and I didn't last long because its a PITA for me but I probably lost a few pounds.

    think about it - if you used to eat 500 calories for breakfast, 600 calories for lunch, 700 calories for dinner and then you had a 300 calorie snack or dessert while watching TV before bed, and suddenly you decide not to eat after 8pm then yeah you will totally lose weight, because most people just stop eating their 300 calorie TV snack and ta-da, you went from 2100 calories per day to 1800 calories a day.

    The other factor for me with late night eating was that on the days when I didn't get to eat dinner until 9;30 or 10, I would a) eat a TON because I was starving and b) eat soemthing bad because my only food options late at night were pretty much junk food like taco bell.

    The one thing I will mention is that I try to have a fasted period which is ABOUT the same or actually probably longer as it would be for most of you if you stop eating at 7pm and there is some research that short fasts burn more fat. Since I don't eat breakfast my fast period is from whenever I last eat in the evening until around 11 AM but if you DO eat breakfast than stopping yourself from eating at 7pm wiill mean you are 'fasting' from 7 pm to 7am or whatever.

    Anyway so no, I don't do it and I don't think it matters.
  • tessacope2
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I do not think that cutting off your eating a certain time makes a big difference. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to change your eating habits and exercise, it's just that simple. The hard part is making the change!!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?
    I do not think that cutting off your eating a certain time makes a difference. I don't like to eat too late just so I don't get heartburn. But as far as weight don't think it matters.
  • 6eighteen11
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I don't have a set time that I won't eat past, but I try in general to not eat anything after supper (that's when the dangerous cravings take hold if I'm not vigilant, lol).