
  • QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Although I haven't seen an improvement on the scale, I feel like I have changed my outlook on losing weight. I'm not going to give up and this is a huge improvement! I'm staying motivated thanks to this challenge and my awesome partner Rebecca!
  • QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    As far as the scale in concerned, only a couple pounds. BUT I am seeing results with 30DS! My pants all fit looser, and I have way more endurance to finish my workouts strong. I'm also way less hard on myself than I used to be. I used to give up and feel the whole thing was pointless if I slipped and binged. Now I take everything one day at a time and stay positive about my goals.
  • Yay blue team, we finally did it!

    Hey Rhonda - I dunno if you saw my other note but I really encourage you to consider lowering your weekly weight loss goal. You and I both have less than 25 lbs to go and a large weekly goal is a lot tougher when you are at that point. When my daily calorie goal was low, I really struggled to stick with it. I am now set to .5lb/week and I get to eat 1680/day + exercise calories. That means if I go out to sunday brunch and I want to eat 1000 calories of food, I can. no big deal, not breaking my diet, just need to have lighter meals throughout the rest of the day (which is easy becuase you never want to eat two huge meals in a day). It also means if I want to have pizza, I have 2 slices of pizza (less than I used to eat but plenty of food) and am happy that I had pizza.

    The eating portion of your diet shouldn't feel like a huge struggle - it should feel like SMALL changes. Like making your sandwich without a mayo and less cheese, or having fruit/vegetables as your side dish instead of something higher in calories.

    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Yes, absolutely. I have lost 30 lbs since I started on MFP and about 10 before that. I am now a size 10 jeans and I COULD (I know because I tested this on Sunday) put on a size 8 if I don't mind having the hugest most disgusting belly hang over in the world (my boyfriend was so horrified when I showed him, I was just pleased that I could zip them up).

    Now if only I could find some jeans I liked that weren't also 60 dollars :ohwell:

    Getting into a size 8 and having it look NOT like the most disgusting thing in the world is probably going to be my next great NSV.

    Also a lot of change in my face (YAY!) and legs and WEIRDLY my *feet* actually shrunk (width, not length). I didn't think I had gained enough weight to carry fat there but my shoes fit about a thousand times better now. SO weird.

    I am staying motivated a few ways. One is I increased my calories and decreased my weekly expectation - and if i'm hungry, I go ahead and eat something but I try to keep it a lighter option (under 150 calories for an additional snack). If I eat WAY over I tend to try and make myself burn some of the extra down but I don't sweat it. This makes the diet portion a breeze - I do things like order fruit or vegetables instead of potatoes, or I pick the sandwich that's chicken instead of the steak and brie sandwich or if I want something really bad I find someone to share it with and have something healthy for the other half of the meal, but otherwise I basically get to eat what I want, and as much as I want, as long as what I want isn't ridiculously high calorie and 'as much' as I want is close to or below my maintenance calories.

    And then when I don't lose one week I think "well, I'm glad I didn't gain!" and leave it there - so far this has worked out really well for me.

    For exercise motivation I am very motivated to increase my strength - I want to do more pushups and better ones, I want to be able to do a pullup, I want to be able to deadlift and squat more weight. Heavier weights for shoulder and chest presses! And it helps a lot that I go to a trainer 2x a week - that means at the very least I do a regimine 2 x a week and someone increases my weight and tracks my progress for me.

    I did see it! Thank you so much for the advise!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    I have been struggling for this past week and have gotten out of the groove of things. I did not lose weight this week and I am very frustrated with myself, but when work out and log daily; I feel more confident and less frustrated. I have got to get back on track!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    I have seen an improvement, but I had to take pictures to really see it! I posted some before and during photos a couple of weeks ago on my blog, and it really took seeing those to get it in my head that there were changes! My biggest motivator right now is seeing the numbers on the scale drop. I am also looking forward to getting down to the next size jeans!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Exercise for the day: 45 minute zumba class, 1+ hours of walking through downtown Savannah, 15ish min kicking around the soccer ball, 1.5 hours of shopping, and 1.5 hours of re-packing...
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    I can see improvements! My body has changed a lot. I have lost a few inches all over. I am having a really hard time staying motivated these days. The last 2 weeks has been really hard for me and I gained 3lbs! I am back on track today though and feel like I can get out of this funk.
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Uh guys...I am staying around my calorie goal but I'm not losing weight. I eat too late at night and I'm not working out. The only thing I do is eat the correct amount of calories and log it, but it's not working. I got my period which threw me off. I felt sorry for myself and didn't log yesterday. I have so much going on in my life with the care of my daughter and her special medical needs, but I know that I need to do this for myself. I'm so discouraged.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    I can feel a difference in my clothes they are feeling quite loose!! :happy: also after going back to work everyone is commenting on my weight loss so that has really motivated me. i am also finding that i dont need to eat as much at tea time so instead of filling a huge plate of food and eating it all ive got myself a small plate and fill that - mentatlity is that i have still eaten a plate full! lol one thing i seem to still be struggling with is snacking i go to the cupboard and there is nothing i fancy in there so i eat rubbish! i am getting better but it is still an uphill battle with that one!

    claire. xxx
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Uh guys...I am staying around my calorie goal but I'm not losing weight. I eat too late at night and I'm not working out. The only thing I do is eat the correct amount of calories and log it, but it's not working. I got my period which threw me off. I felt sorry for myself and didn't log yesterday. I have so much going on in my life with the care of my daughter and her special medical needs, but I know that I need to do this for myself. I'm so discouraged.

    im really sorry your finding life difficult at the moment but just know that we are here for you. try and stay positive - i know it is easier said than done some times - have you been to a dr about how your feeling?

    keep your head up yopu are doing a wonderful job! :flowerforyou:

  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    I haven't lost a lot of weight, but I can see that internally I have made a lot of changes that are permanent. I feel like I have struggled with an emotional addiction to food. We had friends in town over the weekend and I worked out and made sure to walk a lot. I also made some really good food choices. I wasn't perfect, but I didn't beat myself up. That is huge! I also declined food because I wasn't hungry. When I started MFP this year, I decided that I was making permanent lifestyle changes. It's not been easy at all, but I'm not afraid of the work or the change anymore. I am starting to prefer feeling better over eating stuff that my body does not like. I still have a ways to go, but I FINALLY know that I will achieve my goal. It might take me another 2 years, but I WILL get there and then will just be maintaining instead of losing. I look forward to that change a lot.

    How do I stay motivated? It's a combination of things - this challenge has helped, I pray, I ask for help from my hubs and a couple close friends, I remember what I'm working towards and why. And the days that I don't feel like working, I do it anyway to push through. "I CAN DO HARD THINGS" helps me, too.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    30 minute walk :D I may have more later, but I wanted to post this before I forgot.
  • Are we suppose to be posting our workouts on here? I'm confused.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    (I'll answer in another post, just wanted to get it up here)
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    This is where I am struggling.....I do not eat three meals a day like I should. I will eat a small breakfast (sometimes) and maybe a snack later in the day. I will usually have a healthy dinner and a snack after dinner. I definiately need to get on more of a schedule to where I am eating more frequently. We have changed the way we eat for the most part. We never have white flour-bread. We will always have whole grains and brown rice. We never eat anything fried. We always eat lean meat. We never eat anything that has high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated oils. I would have thought by incorporating those changes in the last year that I would have lost some weight, but hasn't happened yet :(
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    i like to eat larger meals with a couple of snacks - thats the way we were brought up. i have tried making my portions smaller and find that i am not hungry. i have got myself a small plate that i can fill so i still have a 'big' plate full of food. so maybe its just my mentality! lol. i have tried grazing before and found that i will snack but still have the large meals so its just not a way of life for me!

    claire. xxx
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    Before this past year, I did not eat breakfast (scared to waste the calories and always felt more hungry through the day). Now I eat breakfast every day. I choose something small (under 200) most of the time and eat before 9am. Then I have a good solid lunch, and afternoon snack and a good dinner. If I have calories left over, I will have an evening snack too. I find that if I try to scale the food down too much, that I just want to graze all day. So making it a true structured meal and defined snacks have helped me stay on track better.

    As far as changing my food habits, i find I just choose better in all things food. I love graham crackers and icecream, I use coolwhip lite instead and lowfat graham crackers. It shaves off calories but not taste. It's little modifications like that that are working and something I can stick with forever. Just like swapping to 2% cheese instead of full fat cheese. Its a lifestyle change that I can stick with.
  • QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    It's hit and miss for me. As far as portion control goes though, I don't really have a problem with that. My problem is more what types of foods I'm eating. I hear a lot that we should only be eating whole foods. I'm not there! I know I'm suppose to eat my fruits and veggies and I'm not really there either. I think I can just do baby steps. One thing at a time. Have I changed my eating habits??? Not really; however, I am not eating a chocolate bar everyday like I've been known to do. I haven't done that in a while. My intentions are good when it comes to eating just hasn't happened yet. And I DO know that if I could just get my eating habits on the right track I would be doing a lot better!
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight?

    Uh guys...I am staying around my calorie goal but I'm not losing weight. I eat too late at night and I'm not working out. The only thing I do is eat the correct amount of calories and log it, but it's not working. I got my period which threw me off. I felt sorry for myself and didn't log yesterday. I have so much going on in my life with the care of my daughter and her special medical needs, but I know that I need to do this for myself. I'm so discouraged.

    luvmybee, You can lose weight. You just have to find some time for you. It was hard for me at first. I gave birth to triplets three years ago. I got through the pregnancy and the birth. Then, my husband has a spinal injury about three weeks after the kids was born. It was so, hard. Everyones needs came before my own. I recently went back to work, I found it hard to shop I found myself at my heaviest weight. I found its not just staying under you calorie goals, but what type of foods you eat, and how often. I have lost weight before. I lost 50lbs before I got pregnant, just to gain it all back plus more. But, I would do it again. Anyway, if you feel you want to talk further about it, message me. I have been through some ups and downs with the weight. You do not have to workout to lose weght, but it helps.
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    .No, I did not eat small meals before I started losing weight. I use to skip breakfast, eat a nice lunch, and a big dinner. Sometimes, I wouldn't even eat lunch. But, I have learned over the last year to eat small portions, and now it’s becoming a habit. So, yes I definitely changed my eating habits to help me lose weight.