9 Week Holiday Challenge (close group) wk 2



  • RhondaLeeRoss
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    Currently I am following the Chalean Extreme Program and I am loving it. I do 3 days of weights a week, 1 day of endurance and 1 day of intervals. There is also a session of ab work and a session of yoga per week. This program has two rests days, but often during those rest days i do a cardio workout from her Turbo Jam program. As you can see, I love Chalean. Her programs always has music which is very upbeat and helps me enjoy the programs.

    Chalene is THE BEST! You're doin' AWESOME Dar!
  • jnell82
    jnell82 Posts: 136
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    30 DS right now and yep uts the same every day :) I do love to walk with my girls and to dance, but that doesnt always happen. I am hoping that once I get back in the swin g of working out, I will have much mor of a variey.

    My iPod is usually playing some house music. I love all kinds of music, but nothing gets me going like house! I listen to house music while cleaning, mowing, dancing, walking, and even driving lol. It brightens up my mood every time without fail.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    First of all let me apologize to the team for not getting my question posted "in time"....I spent most of the night up with my 10yr fighting a chest cold....with asthma....not a fun time. I meant to do it this morning, when I signed on for all of 20 minutes, before I got an emergency call and am just now returning home....almost 7 hours later...exhausted. Please forgive me...and MANY THANKS to MamaDee2 for stepping up...!!!!!

    To answer the question....I am a runner so I try to do that on Mon, Wed, Fri ...except for the days that the weather doesnt cooperate. I am an OUTSIDE runner. I live in the country and the scenery is too great to stare at my basement wall on the treadmill...unless I HAVE to...lol... On the other days I like to have some fun and do Zumba!!! It burns some calories and oftern my kids do it with me and we laugh while burning !! Its great...

    I listen to all kinds of music...especially when I run alone....

    My goal is to incorporate more strength training into my routine!!!

    Not a problem - I just happen to be on when asked - totally understand sick child with asthma - I had one myself. Hope they feel better!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    I mix it up depending on my wacky schedule. I am on wk3 of c35k with an additional 30 minutes of walking tacked on to the end. Should have moved on to week 4 last week but was struggling so I am holding myself back. Try to do Zumba at least 4 times a week and walk where ever and when ever I can. My ipod has everything on it and I do mean everything.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    I do jump roping now but I am sure I will get bored soon and switch it up. I am trying to het in stregnth again. Soemtimes I like to throw running in there. I unfortunately broke my IPOD. But I will get another one soon hopefully.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD 10/5/11 Wednesday - What do you think was the biggest factor in your weight gain? What do you think is the biggest factor in your successfuly weight loss?

    I would have to say the biggest factor in my weight gain is PURE LAZINESS!! I feel like I have a really hard time finding the motivation to work out. I feel good when I go to the gym so I wouldn't want to waste my calories I had just burned. This helps me to make better choices.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    I try to go to the gym Mon-Fri with weekends off. When I go to the gym I will do either my upper body strength or my lower body strength. I alternate days for my strength training and I do cardio five days a week. I usually switch up my cardio daily. I will do treadmill for 30 min, stair master for 15 min and either the elliptical or bike for 10 min. This way I do not get bored doing one cardio for that day. I always end my workout with abs and stretching.

    I like listening to pop top 40 music when I work out. Some of my favorites are "Fergalishes" by Fergie, "I gotta a Feeling" by The Black Eye Peas, "Pump It" by The Black Eye Peas, and "Toxic"by Britney Spears. I know some of these songs are older, but they really help me ramp up my workout. I definitely need my Ipod to work out, otherwise it's just not the same.
  • prizmaa
    prizmaa Posts: 62 Member
    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    I don't think this is a bad idea if you can get right back on track. I don't think it will mess anything up or ruin your progress at all, if you're diligent about getting right back to healthy things after your "cheat". That being said, I have tried to do this and for me, once I have a meal or day like that, it seems like I have so much trouble getting back on track! So I know how I am and I have decided for now to just make healthy choices all the time or else I tend to just be messed up for the next week! I'm curious about all your thoughts on this :)
  • 6eighteen11
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    Right now I'm doing 30 Day Shred, but I also like to do Zumba or Yoga Booty Ballet every once in a while. I also have a bike route around my town I do a couple times a week, and usually do that with one of my other routines.

    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    I don't have a set day or meal where I cheat, but I've found that if I let myself give into a craving every once in a while (as long as it's reasonable and within my calorie limit for the day) I can focus better on the rest of my day and eating healthier to make up for it.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    (Because I just recently moved in with my mother, my workout routine is a little off, but the norm is)

    C25K M, W, F
    elliptical, bike on T and Th

    Stretching and light weights all five days

    Watergirl for my son's football team on Saturday morning and a bike ride with my 2 y/o Saturday afternoon/evening

    Sunday OFF
    On my iPOD I listen to Christian music to workout.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    I mix it up ALL the time. I get bored easily. I only workout at home - I don't like working out with other people usually. I would like to take a Zumba class periodically. I will also once in a while go to a Yoga studio. I also walk to and from work every day and try to walk during my lunch.

    My favorite workout DVD's are:
    Reebok Cardio Tone
    Reebok Boot Camp
    Biggest Loser Boot Camp
    P90X (I do all but the Plyometrics dvd because of my knees)
    The Firm - HI Def Sculpt
    The Firm - Ultimate Fat Burning Collections (5 different w/o's on one DVD)

    When I'm short on time I usually do 2 workouts from:
    10 Minute Workouts - Abs
    Prevention 10 Minutes with Chris Freytag
    10 Minute Workouts - Pilates

    I have about 10 other ones, but they're boring so I tend to avoid them. When my knees are really bothering me I'll do Leslie Sansone but I ALWAYS have to blast music. She's super annoying and boring to me.

    We have everything from Hip Hop to Classical music. I mean EVERYTHING! I even swap music mixes with friends. I've found that the more upbeat the music, the more intense I workout.

    Great question! I'm hoping to get Turbo Jam in the next few months.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    I zig zag my calories, so I don't feel like I'm deprived at all doing that. It's made a difference for me mentally. Periodically I'll have dessert or a meal where I can have all the bread I want. Since I'm trying to change my lifestyle permanently, I think it's healthy to be realistic.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    I can't really answer this question because my "diet" (what I eat) isn't really that great to begin with. I need to incorporate more fruit & veggies into my meals!

    When it comes to cheating I do indulge every once and a while. I think just as long as we take things all in moderation that is most important.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    I do not. I eat anything in moderation, so if I feel that I need to eat a "splurge" item that is higher in calories, I make sure to eat it on my exercise days so that I have the capacity to eat it without stressing. I am trying to make this change for life. I feel if I deprive myself that I will not be able to maintain this change for life. I eat ice cream, cookies, pasta, rice, ranch dressing, sour cream, etc. (chocolate is not on the list because I do not like it, not because I wouldn't/won't eat it because of the calories), but only when it fits in my caloric goals. If I am close to going over, I either don't eat it, or I get out and do some exercise to burn the extra calories!
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)?

    Sorry I missed this yesterday!!

    I do Zumba 3 to 4 days per week. I was also doing the C25K program, but have slacked off recently.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    I zig zag my calories, so I don't feel like I'm deprived at all doing that. It's made a difference for me mentally. Periodically I'll have dessert or a meal where I can have all the bread I want. Since I'm trying to change my lifestyle permanently, I think it's healthy to be realistic.

    At this time I don't have a "cheat" meal or day because I pretty much eat what I want. I count calories and if it's in the allotted zone, it's not cheating... :) When I feel myself REALLY wanting something REALLY bad, which I'm not sure it has happened too often, and I can't find something healthier, I will calculate whether my workout will allow for it. (I don't eat back my calories burned, but I guess if I wanted something bad enough, I'll allow my exercise to give me the extra calorie credits) For the most part, I try to find a healthier substitute for a craving.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    I too zig zag my calories so I have a couple of low days then a day when I up the calories an I always eat or attempt to eat my exercise calories. With this eating pla I don't feel like I'm cheating.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    i don't really have a cheat meal. I think that I might cheat and eat some ice cream tomorrow but I don't like cheat meals bc I usually binge. I try to eat a little bit of something I like everyday. even if it is small, I don't feel like I am depriving myself. But I would gpo to chipoltle if I could eat anything I want but too many calories for one burrito.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    I usually allow myself to cheat in moderation on the weekends. Sometimes, however I go over board and need to focus to eat healthier on the weekends. I usually allow myself to have one indulgence in the evening as long as I have enough calories to compensate for it.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    QOTD 10/7/11 Friday: Do you allow yourself to have a "cheat" meal or "cheat" day once a week, where you allow yourself to eat whatever you want? Why or why not?

    Let me begin by saying I dislike that word "cheat", because it implies that I am doing something I know is wrong or being sneaky. Since this is a lifestyle, not a diet, I don't limit myself to a specific regimine other than counting calories and ensuring I have my protein. I figure, if I want something that bad, I should work for it, and then indulge in it. Sometimes it means that I have to exercise a lot harder, sometimes, it means I balance the calories out between two days. I just think in my own head, if I am that rigid, I will baulk and then I will go wild and eat without abandon (yes I know it's the sickness in me). So I have allowed myself to eat things that make me feel satisfied (sometimes I ony need a bite of it) all along the way and will continue. I also weigh in every day to keep myself on track. Otherwise I would probably slip back into old habits and the weight would creep back up.