planetjen79 Member


  • Yes, that's what I understood of it. I factored in the 5k daily walks, but nothing more - as I wasn't doing anything more when I did the calculation. So, the figure I got was NOT including yoga and zumba, or anything else ontop of the 5k/day
  • Thank you! I'd like to get down to 135, but then I'd probably want to set a new goal of 5 more lbs. Didn't realise I shouldn't be eating back my calories! I included my daily walk when I checked my exercise levels, but nothing beyond that. Does it matter that its hot vinyasa flow yoga?
  • Well, I WAS really happy with my progress. But then myself and my youngest caught bronchitis, and since we both have asthma we were really thrown for a loop. I still tracked my intake though! I've only done 2 hot yogas in the last 2 weeks. So I'm confident once I'm back to normal that I'll keep it up. I had lost almost…
  • 149 146.8 143.6
  • Challenge will have to wait for me. Myself and my youngest have bronchitis and asthma flare ups :( Still watching my diet though ;)
  • I made it to Zumba but now I'm struck down with this awful Bug. I have asthma as well so I'm knocked for six. Next week will be better!
  • Thanks everyone! I just thought it was slightly absurd that I might get low sodium...but since I've had these weird headaches and I see that I'm consistently below by 500-1000/day. Im sure I'm eating some things that don't factor it in, but I have added a tiny bit of salt into my food and the headache is gone!
  • thank you so much for all the kind words and support. I tend to get obsessed with things when I first start, so I can be way too hard on myself. But as my favourite quote goes 'Don't let perfection get in the way of good'. We're still home today. I've been doing well all in all with calorie intake, so I should chill out.…
  • I'm like clockwork, but the same thing happened to me when I cut the crap out and didn't eat as much carbs as I was. I am now fairly conscious of my intake, thanks to logging. I eat salads with everything and I've been putting beans in something a few times a week. Worked a treat!
  • I'd love to be around 140, but not sure if that's realistic....but I'd be happy with any loss, just no gaining! My other goals are to log everyday and remain in my calorie goal - I have a habit of eating constantly which got me here! Being more aware of when I'm actually hungry, Knowing that when I get hungry, a small…
  • I am! I completed week 2 last week but this week has been a TOTAL bust. Very sick children, we haven't left the house since But as soon as things start looking up I'll get back on it. Wondering if the week lapse will mean I should redo week2? I'm asthmatic as well, so tend to be a bit slower...
  • tried to plan out, but I cant do all meals a week in advance, I find that tough! I do have my regular breakfasts, and planned some new lunchtime salads as well as a few dinner options, and Ill pick and choose as I go! As for the workouts, I just bought a one month membership to yoga where the room is 28C and I LOVE it. All…
  • Congrats everyone! Drewg - sorry you had the flu! wk1: 149 wk2: 146.8 I am ESTATIC. This is the first time I've stuck with something long enough to see a result! My husband told me my 'face looks skinny', lol.
  • feel free to add me! We will be TTC #3 soon. I have 2 children, 3&7. I gain MAJORLY in pregnancy. I cant say I 'watch' what I eat much. I spen the first 12 weeks vomiting and the next 6 eating what feels right. I gained 60+ lbs the first time, but it mostly all came off within 9 months, and 40 the last time, and again it…
  • I thought it said 200 squats, so I've done 150! Working on the water :)
  • thanks Joanne! That's exactly how I have it set up now, so I'll just leave. I don't log those 4.5k/day, even though I walk fast enough. Older kid on a scooter and pushing a big buggy
  • thanks so much. I've never tried losing weight before, so this is hard! I am also logging calories, but aside from not binging I feel like my intake is much the same. Tho I wasn't logging before so who knows, eh?
  • That's what I think. When my daughter started school, I did lose about 10lbs from this, but have since gained it back, and my body has adjusted - BUMMER! Just wondering when figuring out my daily caloric allowance to maintain, what I should check my activity level as, when I account for this walk as its obviously not…
  • Right, except that the post you quoted wAs going by my previous typo where I said I walk 4.2k in a week, but I meant I walk that in a day!
  • DUHHHHH! I just corrected my initial post! I walk 4.5k A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! There & back x 2, 1.2km each way. I'm trying to run it now, and on one excursion I will just keep running until I hit my 30min goal. I do have asthma though, so when I say run it's really a bouncy walk/jog.
  • whoa. that's disheartening. I'm active with my kid, rarely sit! sheesh. I feel like its an uphill battle :(
  • Hi! I'm new here. I'm a mom of two, and hoping to get pregnant again in the next year. I'd love to meet (and enjoy) my goal weight for a bit before getting pregnant and I'd love to NOT gain upwards of 60-70lbs this time! I was a fortunate woman before babies, I ate whatever I wanted, wasn't particularly active and was…
  • tfoste! Well done on the 5am workouts! I've turned my school run into, literally, a run and have added on time to one of them in my effort to do the C25K. I also am taking a Zumba class and doing the 30DS when I can throughout the week.
  • Thanks Joanne. I do. I eat whole, fresh foods and I LOVE that I can track macros here. Life changer!
  • Thanks! I always eat pretty clean, the kicker for me is portion size and mindless eating, which, since starting MFP I've been able to keep under wraps as I can clearly see where my weak points are.
  • ok, perfect. I don't log those walks, unless I run them...
  • sw: 149 gw: 142 I'm pretty new to MFP, and to losing weight in general. This is the first time I've been unhappy with the body tot he point of being motivated to lose weight. I've gained 10lbs in the course of a year, and I'd love to lose that while adopting a healthier lifestyle that doesn't involve night time snacking.…
  • You look amazing! Well done! I have a similar body type to you, slightly taller though. You've totally just inspired me!
  • I gained weight because I was a HUGE snacker -ie: cant have 2 cookies, must eat whole box...and ate massive portions of good food. Also, age, and having 2 babies. I outlined my diet in above post which, when I took out my exercise deficit, was under 1200. I think that diet is pretty healthy? I suppose my question is, is…
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