35 days in...

I've made some great changes, that I'm very happy with. But I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm a bit disappointed. I initially lost 6 lbs which I'm stoked with, but I gained some back after an illness knocked me for 6 with bronchitis and asthma. I'm now at 145/6. and that hasn't shifted in a couple weeks.
I really thought that going from walking 5k/day, and that was IT, I would be seeing more weight loss or at least firming up. I've joined hot yoga and I love it, so I go 3x a week as well as Zumba 1x/wk.
I know I'm just being a moany hole. I do see results with my lung capacity and recovery which is HUGE for me.
Just annoyed my belly isn't going down, but my boobs have!
I have stopped binging, and while my diary says I'm at twelve hundred my calculations of TTDE less thirty % have me at 1390, so I'm happy with that.
I had been jogging those 5k instead of walking them initially, before I got sick. Could that be the difference?


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    my first guess is that I know MFP burns for yoga are significantly higher than reality, if you are logging you yoga and eating all of your exercise calories that might be the problem

    If you are using a TDEE method then you should not be eating exercise calories anyways. However 1390 calories seems pretty low with your activity level for a TDEE calculation and -30 is a really aggressive weight loss goal. Your weight is 145? How much are you trying to lose? You should probably be TDEE -10%

    If you started jogging you might have initially seen some water retention by your muscles due to the new stress but that usually goes away in 1-2 weeks.
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you! I'd like to get down to 135, but then I'd probably want to set a new goal of 5 more lbs.
    Didn't realise I shouldn't be eating back my calories! I included my daily walk when I checked my exercise levels, but nothing beyond that.
    Does it matter that its hot vinyasa flow yoga?
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    TDEE accounts for your exercise already. You tell it you exercise 2-3 days per week, it averages those extra exercise calories into your daily calorie goal. So if you eat back exercise calories, you're double counting.
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    Yes, that's what I understood of it. I factored in the 5k daily walks, but nothing more - as I wasn't doing anything more when I did the calculation.
    So, the figure I got was NOT including yoga and zumba, or anything else ontop of the 5k/day