Activity Level? Confused?!

Having trouble with my activity level.
I'm a mom of 2, youngest is 3.
I stay home with them, so I'm no sedentary.

I walk 4.5k over the course of the DAY doing school runs. I've checked 'Lightly Active' because despite all this walking I've plateaued and then gained! So I'm assuming my body has just adjusted to it.

Is that the right thing to do?


  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I would start with this, and move up if needed. I do not believe you are sedentary. I've been there :).
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you. Exercise = workouts. Everything else = your activity level. If you're set to lightly active, do not log your walks. If you do, you're "double dipping."

    Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Find reliable database entries. (There's a lot of incorrect data in there.) Weigh your food. Log your exercise, and eat back your exercise calories. If you're still not losing, eat back half your exercise calories.

    Read this:
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    ok, perfect. I don't log those walks, unless I run them...
  • tfoste6278
    tfoste6278 Posts: 18 Member
    Yea, it sounds like this could be possible. I too have little ones twins that is. Therefore, I'm now trying to get up at 5am every morning and hit a different workout on YouTube. This morning it was belly dancing. Look out sexy abs here I come...try this. Good
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    Having trouble with my activity level.
    I'm a mom of 2, youngest is 3.
    I stay home with them, so I'm no sedentary.

    I walk 4.5k over the course of the week doing school runs. I've checked 'Lightly Active' because despite all this walking I've plateaued and then gained! So I'm assuming my body has just adjusted to it.

    Is that the right thing to do?

    You are correct; you are not sedentary. Pay more attention to your macros and less to calories. A calorie of one food is not the same as a calorie of another. Many foods are low calorie but have hidden sugar and artificial ingredients that may cause you to gain and may prevent you from losing. Make sure your macros are set right!! That is important.

    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity Group
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks Joanne. I do. I eat whole, fresh foods and I LOVE that I can track macros here. Life changer!
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    Well done on the 5am workouts!
    I've turned my school run into, literally, a run and have added on time to one of them in my effort to do the C25K. I also am taking a Zumba class and doing the 30DS when I can throughout the week.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Fewer than 5000 steps a day counts as sedentary by 'health' standards. That is when MFP starts adding calories onto the default calories for my 'sedentary' setting. This is 2.5 miles a day. You say you're walking 4.5 kilometers a week, which is 4.7 miles. So I think you technically may be sedentary.

    As someone who has been home with the kids I know it doesn't feel that way!

    If you can, think about getting a fitbit zip ($39) or a pedometer and add in your steps. I bet some days you do a lot lot lot and some days less. That way you can set yourself to sedentary and put in the exercise you actually do running around.
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    whoa. that's disheartening. I'm active with my kid, rarely sit! sheesh. I feel like its an uphill battle :(
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    DUHHHHH! I just corrected my initial post!
    I walk 4.5k A DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
    There & back x 2, 1.2km each way.
    I'm trying to run it now, and on one excursion I will just keep running until I hit my 30min goal. I do have asthma though, so when I say run it's really a bouncy walk/jog.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    All the MFP numbers are estimates. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.
  • Alairissa
    Alairissa Posts: 160 Member
    I am a college student. I am not sure what my activity level might be put as? I walk to school and travel between classes.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Fewer than 5000 steps a day counts as sedentary by 'health' standards. That is when MFP starts adding calories onto the default calories for my 'sedentary' setting. This is 2.5 miles a day. You say you're walking 4.5 kilometers a week, which is 4.7 miles. So I think you technically may be sedentary.

    As someone who has been home with the kids I know it doesn't feel that way!

    If you can, think about getting a fitbit zip ($39) or a pedometer and add in your steps. I bet some days you do a lot lot lot and some days less. That way you can set yourself to sedentary and put in the exercise you actually do running around.

    4.5km is 2.8 miles. (5k is about 3.3 miles, and I did the conversion online). So it is right on the border. I still would start with lightly active. Adjust down if needed. Moms are busy.
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    Fewer than 5000 steps a day counts as sedentary by 'health' standards. That is when MFP starts adding calories onto the default calories for my 'sedentary' setting. This is 2.5 miles a day. You say you're walking 4.5 kilometers a week, which is 4.7 miles. So I think you technically may be sedentary.

    As someone who has been home with the kids I know it doesn't feel that way!

    If you can, think about getting a fitbit zip ($39) or a pedometer and add in your steps. I bet some days you do a lot lot lot and some days less. That way you can set yourself to sedentary and put in the exercise you actually do running around.

    4.5km is 2.8 miles. (5k is about 3.3 miles, and I did the conversion online). So it is right on the border. I still would start with lightly active. Adjust down if needed. Moms are busy.

    Right, except that the post you quoted wAs going by my previous typo where I said I walk 4.2k in a week, but I meant I walk that in a day!