Anyone else have to hide the scale?

I find the scale SO discouraging. I can be feeling GREAT about myself and my efforts, then step on to the scale and it can ruin everything, which then sets off this mindset of 'well, clearly this isn't working so whats the point? Off to cry into a chip bag'

Now, that isn't what I do I log and I find that helps a lot. But I've been logging, am keeping to a caloric deficit, and really exercising for the first time in my life. Its been 10 days and I really thought I'd see the scale budge a bit. I am measuring 1" less on my waist, but I feel like if the scales don't show progess then that loss is bogus and maybe im just less bloated.

I actually think I'm going to have my husband bring the scale to his gym, and bring it back in a month.

I also have asthma and struggle with cardio, as I trigger an attack when my HR goes up. I'm easing into it and working harder then I ever have, but I can't help but think I'm not able to push as hard because of this, and it just means I won't succeed.


  • ayamagali
    ayamagali Posts: 167 Member
    Don't kill yourself over exercise!! I believe how much and what you eat have much more of an impact on weight loss than exercise. Don't get me wrong exercise is great, but if you push too hard you're more likely to throw in the towel. Maybe do less intensive cardio and more strength training instead.
    Anywho, it's great that you're already seeing an inch difference only 10 days in! Way to go, you should be proud :) eff the scale!
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Get that scale out of your house! I also have an addiction to weighing myself and it is not always the right thing to do. If you've eaten so carefully and then hop on and you havent lost or (GASP) heaven forbid, have gained, it will send you into a spiral of sadness.

    AT least thats how it works for me. I'm trying to weigh myself only once a week from now on but I am clearly not doing such a good job on it. I'd get my husband to hide the scale but honestly he'd forget where he put it. ;)
  • planetjen79
    planetjen79 Posts: 44 Member
    thanks so much.
    I've never tried losing weight before, so this is hard! I am also logging calories, but aside from not binging I feel like my intake is much the same. Tho I wasn't logging before so who knows, eh?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Only from my 3 year old daughter... but no... it's just a tool to help me know where I am to help me get where I need to be.