I try to stay in the sweet spot between ketosis and glycolysis. I typically eat around 50 to 60 net carbs per day.
15% carbs (usually around 50-60 g per day) 25% protein (typically around 100 g per day) 60% fat (typically around 100-110 g per day)
Back at the beginning of my weight loss journey, I picked my average high school weight as a general "goal weight" parameter. I was extremely body-confident back in high school and very comfortable in my own skin, so I figured being around that weight again would give me the same level of confidence in my body/looks I once…
"Don't give up what you want most for what you want now."
Definitely :-)
I would highly recommend you get your thyroid checked (not the basic panel of tests, but the full/extended one), as brittle/breaking/peeling nails is a major physical symptom of an underactive thyroid. Of course, that symptom is just one of many, but if you're leading a healthy lifestyle (which it seems like you are),…
I've been low-carbing for just under 2 years now, and I am never returning to a high-carb lifestyle for the rest of my life. I've lost 40 pounds and counting, look/feel better than ever, have reduced my cravings/appetite exponentially, and went from binging on an almost-daily basis to not binging (or even so much as…
Lifestyle -- 100%. I've been on a stricter version of Atkins (I cut wheat, sugar, and vegetable oils out completely and have drastically minimized my intake of dairy and processed foods) for just under 2 years now and have never once been tempted to have a cheat day or even meal (even during a one-month trip throughout…
Low-carb -- 100%. I've done both (low-fat for about 6 months, and low-carb for the past year and a half). I was hungry, had constant cravings, binged often, and only lost about 10 pounds in the 6 months in which I stuck to a low-fat diet. Within 2 months of switching to a low-carb lifestyle, my hunger/cravings subsided, I…
Also -- I'm 5'6 and currently weigh 134/135 pounds. My goal is 120 lbs (give or take, depending on how I look/feel once I'm around that range). It's amazing how similar our current stats/goals are! I've lost 40 pounds so far, the first 30 of which I lost with a wheat-free, sugar-free ketogenic diet. I've raised my daily…
The only reason there are claims that ketosis is "hard on the kidneys" is because of the high protein intake involved in this way of eating. I find it odd how high protein intake, when in conjunction with high carb consumption, is hailed -- yet, when in conjunction with lower carb/higher fat consumption, it's vilified.…
Coconut oil, butter, ghee, heavy cream, flaxseed (itself, oil, milk, etc), chia seeds, hemp seeds, etc.
Shrine of Matthew Mcconaughey
Athletic! :-)
@Sporttster: A juicy steak
A hot bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon sprinkled on top
@celinetmika: 140 lbs
#1 (your current profile picture)
Absolutely! Grilled salmon with a cajun spice rub
Salsa dance teacher
Street magician
- I'm a virgin - I think I am ugly and fat - I have very low self-confidence - I have both depression and anxiety - I am not interested in any form of romantic entanglement (relationships, hook-ups, or otherwise) and prefer to be alone (Edit: typo)
Lena Dunham
As I specifically stated, everyone's bodies are different. What works for you, your health, your weight loss, and your body will not necessarily work for someone else. I am glad you've found a way of eating that keeps your blood sugar in check, but that exact same diet has wreaked havoc on other diabetics (as well as…