15 pounds to lose -- girls in the 130's

I'm looking for friends to help stay motivated who are similar stats to me. It's hard sometimes for me to stay focused without friends on the same path! Feel free to add me and post here if you are in as well. I am trying to be as strict as possible against my habit of eating out of boredom.


  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in the same boat, weigh 134 right now 5'4". Would love to be in 120's. When you don't have alot to lose it's hard to get those pounds off! Like you said, I must be strict or the scale doesn't budge.
  • popupvideo
    popupvideo Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in the same boat, weigh 134 right now 5'4". Would love to be in 120's. When you don't have alot to lose it's hard to get those pounds off! Like you said, I must be strict or the scale doesn't budge.
    Cool! Me too. It seems like when you're at this weight you have to really focus to see any difference in the scale. I'll send you a request now :)
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Best way to do it is by stealth. Get obsessed with numbers, and find out your calorie needs. Eat 100 calories per day under what you need. (For me that's 1650, AND eat your exercise calories back) It will take you months to lose the 10lbs (15? Too much? How tall are you?). There won't be any room for binging though. If you do, log everything and put it into your equation, and cut down elsewhere. Calories can't be fooled.

    Meanwhile a beautiful thing will happen. You will train yourself to eat what you need and break bad habits for the rest of your life. It's like eating school. You won't be hungry either.

    You'll have to resist trusting the scale number, weigh daily if you have to, plot the weekly average on a pretty piece of paper and see that slight downward curve.
  • popupvideo
    popupvideo Posts: 50 Member
    Best way to do it is by stealth. Get obsessed with numbers, and find out your calorie needs. Eat 100 calories per day under what you need. (For me that's 1650, AND eat your exercise calories back) It will take you months to lose the 10lbs (15? Too much? How tall are you?). There won't be any room for binging though. If you do, log everything and put it into your equation, and cut down elsewhere. Calories can't be fooled.

    Meanwhile a beautiful thing will happen. You will train yourself to eat what you need and break bad habits for the rest of your life. It's like eating school. You won't be hungry either.

    You'll have to resist trusting the scale number, weigh daily if you have to, plot the weekly average on a pretty piece of paper and see that slight downward curve.
    Totally inspiring advice. I am slowly getting obsessed with the numbers again after about a year off myfitnesspal. I am 5'5". I see little budges but they usually have gone back up after a few days. I'll be careful to be ultra-stealthy and swift. Eating school! I can't wait. I've only been trying for 30 days and have not seen any results so I'll have to really become more careful with the logging and the weighing.
  • laurarsolar
    laurarsolar Posts: 6 Member
    Meeee!!!! Add me! I'm 5'0", currently 130 and I'd really like to get between 118-122. Always need friends with similar goals!!
  • Right there myself! I lost 40 pounds in 4 months doing a keto program. I'm still doing it but I've incorporated fruits, nuts and dairy back into my diet after I got down to 140. I'm also exercising more. I'm getting back on the program I've been doing hardcore because it feels like I'm stalling with my weight loss, only losing like a 1/2 lb a week if that sometimes. I realize I'll have to cut out a lot again just to reach my 122 goal! :):)

    The good thing is that on the program I'm doing I don't count calories. I just watch carb/sugar intake. If your body runs off the sugars you eat, it will never burn the fat you've got stored. So back to it to lose!! Hopefully by November I can be down the last 15 pounds I want to lose.

  • popupvideo
    popupvideo Posts: 50 Member
    Right there myself! I lost 40 pounds in 4 months doing a keto program. I'm still doing it but I've incorporated fruits, nuts and dairy back into my diet after I got down to 140. I'm also exercising more. I'm getting back on the program I've been doing hardcore because it feels like I'm stalling with my weight loss, only losing like a 1/2 lb a week if that sometimes. I realize I'll have to cut out a lot again just to reach my 122 goal! :):)

    The good thing is that on the program I'm doing I don't count calories. I just watch carb/sugar intake. If your body runs off the sugars you eat, it will never burn the fat you've got stored. So back to it to lose!! Hopefully by November I can be down the last 15 pounds I want to lose.

    Yes, we can do it! We just have to be stealthy. I have to count calories or else I pretend they don't exist. But keep doing what works for you individually and we can all reach our goals! It's science.
  • dawnmitchell6766
    dawnmitchell6766 Posts: 370 Member
    Add me! I'm 5'5", 136.8lbs currently, down from 150 in 2/2014. I seem to average a loss of 2lbs/month. It seems like a very slow process, but I'm changing the habits and plan on keeping it off this time around!
  • MistyinTN
    MistyinTN Posts: 78 Member
    As of this morning I weigh 129.6 and I would like to get to 120, so feel free to add me! I'm 5'4 btw.
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    That's is crazy timing! I was just thinking this morning that I could use some friends on here to help keep me motivated for the last 15ish pounds! I've been using MFP on and off for years and it's always been a huge help but having some people to be accountable to will definitely help push me to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. This morning I weighed in at 138.3 and would love to get back to 120-125. Feel free to add me!
  • dwishtee1
    dwishtee1 Posts: 4 Member
    this post just described me!
    i am currently 130, 5'1" and my 1st goal is 115. it would really be motivating. add me :D
  • nikir37
    nikir37 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm at 138 just now want to get down to 126 :) been stuck at this weight for last couple months so starting to include weights in my exercise routine see if it helps
  • mamafazz
    mamafazz Posts: 92 Member
    I tried keto for 3 weeks and never lost an ounce!! I was very strict, even bought the keto sticks and I had large amounts of ketones in my urine. Never cheated even once. Any advice? How long did it take you to start losing weight?
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Ketosis isn't really good for you IMHO. Hard on the kidneys. Eat a balanced diet, Log everything, maintain calorie deficit, get decent exercise. I'm five 3 and 126 lbs. Goal is 115. I only lose like half a pound a week but that's all right as long as it is steady and keeps coming off bit by bit. At my age you wouldn't really expect it to be super fast anyway.
  • kefryar
    kefryar Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 131 as of this morning and 5'5. My goal is 105-110. It's hard to get motovated when I don't feel huge and am still w/in my normal, healthy weight range!
  • Diet242
    Diet242 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'3 ...137. I am trying to get down to 125.The 1st 20 pounds came off pretty easy it's these last 15 that have become a slow process. I'll send you a FR. Best of luck to everyone !
  • Hey yall! I am a shortie 5'1 stuck at 133 lbs. These last 15 are proving to be the hardest!!!! :grumble: I was initially 210 when I first started. I think it's hard for others who are much heavier than I to understand that just because I have already come so far I still need support & motivation too. Any one feel free to add me!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • _AC3_
    _AC3_ Posts: 16
    A good thing to do when you eat out of boredom is to stock up on celery, carrots, and cucumber. Then go ahead- eat them to your heart's content (just no ranch dip!). You'll fill yourself up pretty quickly with extremely foods that are great for volumetrics (food volume to calorie ratio) and also good nutrition wise. If you must flavor them, try putting them in a Ziploc bag, squirt in some lime juice and add salt/seasoning to taste. If you really need to ease your way into this, then start out by using fat free ranch/blue cheese dressing. At 35 calories per 2 tablespoons, you can get a lot of dipping for a low amount of calories! :)

    Another thing people can do if you're not much of a home-cooker (like me), is walk to the local eatery of your choice. It's an nice easy, stealth way to knock off a couple hundred calories.
  • Ketosis isn't really good for you IMHO. Hard on the kidneys. Eat a balanced diet, Log everything, maintain calorie deficit, get decent exercise. I'm five 3 and 126 lbs. Goal is 115. I only lose like half a pound a week but that's all right as long as it is steady and keeps coming off bit by bit. At my age you wouldn't really expect it to be super fast anyway.

    The only reason there are claims that ketosis is "hard on the kidneys" is because of the high protein intake involved in this way of eating. I find it odd how high protein intake, when in conjunction with high carb consumption, is hailed -- yet, when in conjunction with lower carb/higher fat consumption, it's vilified. Regardless of what one's WOE, macros, etc are, experts across the board agree that moderately high protein consumption is essential for healthy, sustainable weight loss. If you fail to eat an adequate amount of protein in relation to your body's lean muscle mass (particularly when you are eating at a caloric deficit), this will result in a degradation of muscle. And it's common knowledge by now that, the less muscle mass you have, the fewer calories your body will burn.

    Here's a valuable, reputable source of information about this particular subject: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/protein-kidneys/#axzz3Ep174ouj

    I have countless other articles and sources I can dig up for you if you are in doubt, but the above is a good jump-off point.

    As a nutrition consultant, I try my best to refrain from getting "preachy" and insisting that low-carb, primal, paleo, etc is the optimal way of eating and that everyone should strive to eat that way; I save that for my clients and those who seek me out for health/nutrition advice. But I cannot refrain from speaking up when people are perpetuating damaging misinformation, bashing a very healthy/natural way of eating, and discouraging people from pursuing an optimal lifestyle for their health/well-being. You are absolutely entitled to make the nutrition choices you feel are best for you personally, but please do not push your beliefs on others -- particularly when you have no sound basis/reasoning as to why other WOEs are "wrong."

    Don't attempt to discredit a proven effective way of losing/maintaining weight, reducing and even reversing health issues, and achieving optimal results in terms of both health and nutrition. There are many impressionable people on this site, newbies in particular, and turning them off to an option that could very well be the solution they've been looking for is reckless. Eat however you feel is right for you, but keep in mind that everyone (their bodies, varying degrees of will power, goals, health, history, preferences, etc) is different, and what works for you may not work for them. If someone has achieved success with ketosis, who are you to discourage that? To each their own.

    * EDIT: Added quote of the post at which this response was directed. Originally, I accidentally clicked on "reply" instead of "quote."
  • lazirlott
    lazirlott Posts: 42 Member
    I am 5'2", my high weight was about 136; I am down to 125 now and need to go a little further.
  • Also -- I'm 5'6 and currently weigh 134/135 pounds. My goal is 120 lbs (give or take, depending on how I look/feel once I'm around that range). It's amazing how similar our current stats/goals are!

    I've lost 40 pounds so far, the first 30 of which I lost with a wheat-free, sugar-free ketogenic diet. I've raised my daily carb consumption as time has gone on (and am now just out of the range of ketosis), but still aim to keep my intake of processed foods, sugar, and dairy to a minimum. And I've cut wheat/grains out of my diet completely for not only weight loss reasons, but also health reasons.

    If you have similar goals, and especially if you have a similar way of eating, feel free to add me! :-)
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Freedom of speech? What's that? Oh, I'm sorry, Ms. personalfit, you can totally tell other people what to say... NOT. That's ok... I'm hitting "ignore" and you can preach all you like. But not to me. :P
  • LilMissTucknRoll
    LilMissTucknRoll Posts: 105 Member
    I am right with you. I am 5'4" and at 137 right now. I would love to lose 15 pounds.
  • LilMissTucknRoll
    LilMissTucknRoll Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 131 as of this morning and 5'5. My goal is 105-110. It's hard to get motovated when I don't feel huge and am still w/in my normal, healthy weight range!

    I definitely feel this as well. It is so hard to stay motivated, or even feel like I am seeing a difference for that matter. I think we all need people in our corner, even if it's just people "liking" that you worked out that day it can make you feel a little happier.
  • StephanieT0602
    StephanieT0602 Posts: 58 Member
    I started at 140lbs and have lost 17 lbs.....still have some work to do to get to 115 lbs (I'm pretty short).

    Feel free to add me. I've been at it for 6+ months and every pound has been a struggle, but it's possible :)
  • NoriDupuis
    NoriDupuis Posts: 26 Member
    Oh god there are other people out there in the same boat as me, THANK GOD. I have grown up around bigger girls and when ever I try and loos that 5 10 20 bls I have put on or even just try and get off he junk food I dont get any support. I get negitive feed back like you dont have anything to loss or go eat a cook.
    I have horrible eating habits and usually can only stay motivated for about 2 - 5 weeks then I am off the wagon again. Please keep me motivated ppl and slap the coke out of my hand!
  • melissay28
    melissay28 Posts: 100 Member
    That's me! I'm 136 now and started out at 144 in July. My goal is to get to 120 by December 31st. I am 5'3" and I feel like every ounce shows on me :frown: I'm also a HORRIBLE boredom eater!

    Anyone feel free to add me!
  • jaxxkida
    jaxxkida Posts: 27 Member
    I am 5'1 and 132 lbs. So far I have lost 21 lbs with MFP. Would like to go down to at least 120. The last few mths have been a real struggle. Could use the support also!! Add me :smile:
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    I am 5'1" and currently 135 and want to get between 115 and 120. I too have been stuck at 135 for what feels like a life time. I just recently changed up my work-out routine to hopefully start losing again. Add me as a friend i will help you and you can help me
  • I'm in the same situation right now. I used to be 145 but i went on a diet. After thirty days i was 132lb. Now im back on my diet to get to the 120s. I've found that it's easier to lose when I eat a different amount of calories on each day. For example, 900cals ton monday. Then go a little less on tuesday. Then bring it up on Wensdays to the same amount as mondays. Thursdays should be your highest week day by going past 1000 but staying under 1200. then bring it fifty lower on fridays. And finally, eat 1100-1200 on weekends. I'm just making an example so 900cals is probably too low. As for eating out of boredom, try drinking tea/decaf coffee. Hot drinks fill u up. Just don't add sugar or it'll count as calories. But you should also try to drink one cup of water before each meal. It helps fill u up before u eat. One thing i did after each meal was drink a cup of green tea 30mins to 1hr after eating. It boosts your metab and helps all the extra weight flush out. Also try to drink at least eight cups of water a day. If you dislike the taste of water, then try putting lemon juice in it to add a bit of flavor. I also counted my green tea as water because i didn't add sugar. Other than that, you can really eat what u want. Just be mindful of fat. The amount of fat in a food will up the calories. Also, try counting how much you chew per bite. The more u chew, the fuller you get. It tricks the brain lol. Try chewing on ice if you're still hungry. I hear that works. And finally! Try to get in 1hr of cardio three times a week. If you wanna drop the weight faster, add strength training to it. I know what you're thinking. Strength training bulks u up and muscle weighs more than fat. However, if you do low weight and high reps you'll tone your muscle and burn the fat. It helps drop your weight faster. So, for example, instead of lifting something that's 100lb ten times in a row, lift something 10lb a hundred times in a row. That's all i know. sorry for rambling and i hope this helps:smile: (ps im 5ft 3in.)