who is doing low carb



  • judiness101
    judiness101 Posts: 119 Member
    I do low carb. Commiting to keto was too much work for me, so my macros are 65% fat, 25% protein and 10% carbs. It's about 40g of carbs a day, it's not too hard honestly.

    I have the exact same macros. I also allow myself to cheat once a week and I fast the next day till supper. Works great for me!

    I was getting tired of grilled meat and leafy greens. I also do not tolerate lactose very well.

    Now I can make all those delicious thai and vietnamese soups (without noodles of course) without worrying too much about onions, a bit of lime juice and fish sauce. I also love me some kimchi miam.

    Since I'm overweight and not obese I prefer to take it slower and being able to stick with it.
  • I did 20g of carbs a day after having my daughter and dropped a ton of weight. I took a break from it and since then everytime I try to start up again to lose the last 20lbs I start getting the worst leg cramps. I want to do low carb again so if anyone has tips on how to stop the cramps let me know.

    had severe lower leg cramps 2 months into my WOE (DANDR 2002). My wife recommended a glass of Ecodrink and i know she was having success with it for a few years. I started taking a glass every day and have been cramp free since (11 months)

    Hi, can you tell me where to get Ecodrink from i.e. Amazon... I have suffered with cramps in my legs since i was a litte girl but, after having my son and especially when doing cardio abs or any exercise that is ab related i get severe cramping.. I take magnesium, calcium and B6 supplements which help tremendously but would like to try this Ecodrink.

    Also, i am not on a low carb diet as i believe your body needs it especially when you are working out. I find self-discipline and restraint in controlling your calorie in take is what is needed if you want to loose body fat/weight. It's all about calories in vs calories out (that's my view anyway)...
  • lioness2307
    lioness2307 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome to mfp! Bottom line: every body is different, and what works for some may not work for others.
    Be HAPPY with whatever you choose. Go SLOWLY.
    It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. I wouldn't consider myself low-carb (in the strict sense), as my carbs are usually around 100 grams per day, sometimes up to 150, especially on days that I work out and need the extra fuel. So far it's been going well and I am losing slowly but steadily by keeping below my daily calorie allowance.
    I have had to cut out gluten due to health problems, so that helps in keeping carbs low in general. But other than that, I eat plenty of fruit, vegetables, occasionally potaotes or sweet potatoes, lots of fish, tofu etc.

    Good luck with everything!
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    I started low carb 8 months ago and down 76 pounds. At first I did 20g carbs daily. Now I keep it around 100g.

    This is pretty close to me as well. I've done low carb on and off for over 10 years and had a lot of success losing weight on 20g of carbs. My downfall has been the transition from weight loss to maintenance. I've never had a maintenance phase that lasted more than a couple months. However, I think I've been missing two important ingredients in my diet: exercise, and accountability. Three years ago, I hit my peak weight of just over 260 pounds. I don't have an exact number as I didn't actually weigh myself until about a week after restarting Atkins and at that point I was down to 257. The first big difference at that point was I also started running again after 16 years. I set my sights on doing a marathon within 12 months in addition to losing the weight. The weight started coming off and the miles started piling up. Five months later, I was down to 195 but compartment syndrome in my calves caused a setback in my diet and my training. I managed to finish my first marathon in Sep 2012 with a 4:56 (see my profile pic). My weight increased a bit but I was able to maintain my speed and endurance. January 2014 my weight hit about 235 and my calves seemed to have recovered, so I got serious about the diet and training again. Restarted at 20g and started losing weight and increasing my speed. Then I found myfitnesspal and realized that I had been missing some accountability. April 2014 I started logging, which helped me keep track of my diet and training. Over time, as I've approached my goal weight, I have been able to increase my carb intake from 20g to 120g. And because I exercise about an hour a day six days a week (about 900 to 1000 calories), those 120g of carbs are only about 20% of my calories. If that makes me a "low carb" dieter, so be it. BTW, my last marathon was 4:28, my next full is on track to be 3:45, and my last half marathon was 1:45.

  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    When I reached my first plateau, I started a low carb goal and it has been successful. It's been hard for me since carbs are EVERYWHERE but I'm making progress. I try to keep mine below 100g.
  • irisheyes321
    irisheyes321 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I just started yesterday and I have cut my carbs to ten percent.I would love new friends so feel free to add me.I started in August and have lost 7lbs by cutting my cals to 1200 and working out at home 5 nights a week,But my weightloss stalled.So after a lot of research I am hoping this will work :)
    I am hoping in a few days that I will see a nice shade of purple on my wee stick lol.
    Any advice that you can give me will be much appreciated.

  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    Low carb here too, mostly because I'm intolerant to gluten but I am finding I feel better overall without it and cutting it out seems to be helping with weight loss too. I've cut out bread and pasta completely and limited foods like sweet potato - I haven't limited vegetables though. My evening meals mostly consist of some of the following: fish or meat, sweet potato, rice noodles, rice, egg, vegetables, fruit, etc, which I'm actually really enjoying. Any other low-carb MFPers can add me :smile:
  • holboz
    holboz Posts: 3
    Count me in. :)

    I was just diagnosed with insulin resistance last week after undergoing a bunch of tests to find out why I have severe edema in my feet and why I've gained weight in spite of my healthy efforts (Nearly 40lbs in two years)

    I've been trying to keep my carbs in check through MFP (set to 45%). That appears to be within the recommended range for diabetics but I am expect that might be lowered when I meet with the dietitian for my diabetic education. In anticipation I've already started reducing my carb intake to 40% and have been below that for the past couple of days.

    I took my first glucose reading this morning with my meter and it was 132. Still high for fasting BUT it is 22 points lower than last week's fasting reading at the doctor's office.

    Hoping to lose the 40lbs I've gained + 20lbs. more, taking it 15lbs at a time. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    cirellim wrote: »
    Other than for medical reasons I really don't advocate low carb diets at all. Carbs help the brain function more efficiently and are the bodies main source of energy. Not saying you shouldn't just think there are better alternatives.

    In case you or anyone else isn't aware there are
    ~4 calories in each gram of carbohydrate and protein
    ~9 calories in each gram of dietary fat

    Just something to keep in mind when considering what to restrict, speaking solely in terms of weight loss / calorie consumption

    Just my two cents though

    Welcome to myfitnesspal, you've come to the right place (:

    Another unscientific response. It would help if you knew that protein is converted so the brain is feed. The body has NO requirement for any carbs but would die without sufficient protein and fat. You need to do some research before saying carbs are necessary for anything. In fat, low carb diets are now recommended for several medical conditions including epilepsy.
  • I've been low-carbing for just under 2 years now, and I am never returning to a high-carb lifestyle for the rest of my life. I've lost 40 pounds and counting, look/feel better than ever, have reduced my cravings/appetite exponentially, and went from binging on an almost-daily basis to not binging (or even so much as "cheating") even once in over a year and a half. This way of eating was nothing short of a miracle for me and was what ultimately convinced me to become a nutrition consultant. I can't advocate for a LC lifestyle (particularly when it's wheat-free and sugar-free as well) enough!

    Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for more low-carb friends :-)
  • tombon01
    tombon01 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Im working with a trainer and after adjusting my diet by calories without success he has just started me on a very low sodium and low carb diet. Problem is I am not sure what to eat! Any suggestions for recipe sites that are valid and ideas for snacks. Im weight training also now. Need to drop 25 lbs. Any ideas? Im starving!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    edited October 2014
    Google for Dana Carpender (yes I spelled it correctly). Don't do low sodium with low carb, you're likely to get headaches and light headedness.
  • court_fritch26
    court_fritch26 Posts: 297 Member
    I am working on getting mine lower. Right now I am doing 100 g, but try closer to 50 it if I am not as active.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    msteblecki wrote: »
    I did 20g of carbs a day after having my daughter and dropped a ton of weight. I took a break from it and since then everytime I try to start up again to lose the last 20lbs I start getting the worst leg cramps. I want to do low carb again so if anyone has tips on how to stop the cramps let me know.

    had severe lower leg cramps 2 months into my WOE (DANDR 2002). My wife recommended a glass of Ecodrink and i know she was having success with it for a few years. I started taking a glass every day and have been cramp free since (11 months)

    Hi, can you tell me where to get Ecodrink from i.e. Amazon... I have suffered with cramps in my legs since i was a litte girl but, after having my son and especially when doing cardio abs or any exercise that is ab related i get severe cramping.. I take magnesium, calcium and B6 supplements which help tremendously but would like to try this Ecodrink.

    Also, i am not on a low carb diet as i believe your body needs it especially when you are working out. I find self-discipline and restraint in controlling your calorie in take is what is needed if you want to loose body fat/weight. It's all about calories in vs calories out (that's my view anyway)...

    here you go.

    We use to get it at Sams Club until recently when they stopped stocking so been having to go with Amazon to take advantage of Prime.
  • therealblackdahlia
    therealblackdahlia Posts: 3,110 Member
    I just started doing low carb about two weeks ago, to great results so far. Down about 9 lbs and I've lost a few inches off my waist.

    How is everyone else doing?