

  • I wouldn't worry about it!
  • I agree with you that I shouldn't have been so vague in my first statement but if you will go back and look at my last reply. My reference to the fact that you shouldn't have just carbs in the morning is not necessarily for weight loss. The purpose for aiming for equal amounts of carbs and protein in the morning is simply…
  • Your exactly right! That is why I suggested 1 whole egg with 2 egg whites. Your body still needs cholesterol! ;) I agree though I think eggs are definitely the way to go for breakfast!!! And there are SO many options as to how to cook them!
  • To accurately help you I would need more detail on exactly what you are eating, how much you are eating and how many ounces of water you get in a day. Feel free to message me a schedule of what you have eaten for the past 2 days.
  • Scales are very tricky and they are LIARS! You should take your measurements and monitor how many inches you are losing. And when you do weigh on a scale, use the same scale every time and weigh at the same time everyday. Every scale is different so every scale you use will give you a slightly different reading. Also there…
  • In order to give you a good idea of where the problem is or how to break the plateau I would need more details about your diet, any supplements you are using and your exercise plan. Feel free to message me I would love to help you out!
  • I for one can not see how in the world a liquid diet could help you lose weight AND keep it off. That is the whole purpose of losing weight right? We want to keep it off! If you go on a liquid diet I'm sure you will lose weight (because you aren't eating) but like everyone said you will gain the weight back as soon as you…
  • I'm really not super strict but I still make decent choices! Make sure I get plenty of protein and I also have a couple of supplements I use to help combat the negative side effects of the not so healthy choices!! ;)
  • Just curious, How many cups of coffee do you have a day? My point was not that carbs in the morning would hinder weight loss (although I don't think it would exactly "help" weight loss either), my point was that only carbs in the morning is not a good start to the day for your body. When you start with only carbs it gets…
  • They should be avoided. No matter if they fit into your daily calories or not. They are processed and very unhealthy foods. You will do much better eating a lean protein and some fresh or steamed veggies. Processed foods create ALL kinds of health problems. If you are looking to lose weight, gain energy and feel better…
  • Where is your protein for breakfast?? You can't have just carbs for breakfast. You are on the right track but you can be MUCH more creative and you can probably eat MORE. It is good though that you are snacking and getting a lean protein with veggies for lunch and dinner. Now just get creative and find different veggies…
  • Yes egg whites are better than a whole egg. The yellow part of the egg is where the cholesterol comes from so its better to use 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg, rather than using 3 whole eggs. Its a simple way to cut down on cholesterol. Starting your day off with a good amount of protein is going to be MUCH better for your…
  • Shoot for a healthy amount of Protein AND Carbs. Don't eat only carbs like Oatmeal and fruit. Thats too many carbs and sugar. It won't get you off to a good start to keep you going all day! Shoot for 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg scrambled with a slice of whole wheat toast! If you can keep your breakfast to a 1:1 ration of…
  • How much water are you getting everyday? Also how often are you eating? You should be eating about every 2-3 hrs. Snacking on good protein is essential to weight loss and will also keep your energy going throughout the day. If you could also be more specific on what you are eating on a daily basis, I could maybe give you…