What do you think?

I was just wondering since I've been having pizza pockets for lunch or dinner a lot recently..are things like that something you should avoid all together? Or is it okay to eat things like that as long as it's within your calorie/sodium/fat limit for the day? Please let me know what you think, especially if you are an M.D or nutritionist or what have you. Thanks! -Lindsay


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    If they fit your calories and you want them then eat them.

    Personally I don't think they're worth it for the calories - they're not filling, they're loaded w/sodium, they have very little nutritional value (protein/fiber) and it's way too many calories when I'll be hungry again an hour later. Plus I think most of them taste disgusting.
  • Timmi1978
    Timmi1978 Posts: 34 Member

    You should be ok as long you consume that kind of food not too frequently. I might be a little bit 'weird', but I started to check all products for hidden additives, MSG, unhealthy fat,..

  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    I do that, too. I usually don't buy things that are too high in sodium or fat ..or have preservatives in them because it makes me feel like I'm eating formaldehyde :S. But the coupon lady was so nice..and I'm such a push-over.... and the bf was with me and he's an awful influence when it comes to food.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Are pizza pockets a frozen pre-packaged food? If so, I think having them every day is a bad idea. I don't know the nutritional content of pizza pockets, but most processed foods are low on micronutrients and high in calories and sodium for the portion size.

    As long as you are eating at a calorie deficit you'll still lose weight, but eating processed food everyday is not a good idea IMO.
  • HollyEvans84
    They should be avoided. No matter if they fit into your daily calories or not. They are processed and very unhealthy foods. You will do much better eating a lean protein and some fresh or steamed veggies. Processed foods create ALL kinds of health problems. If you are looking to lose weight, gain energy and feel better overall I would avoid them.