

  • I do Dannon light and fit variety of flavors. YOu get 6 oz vs 4 for 80 calories. :)
  • It would be considered high impact aerobics. The planner doesn't recognize name specific.
  • I always eat at least my 1200 calories for the day. I usually will not eat any of the calories created from working out etc. The most I go over my 1200 calories is 100 and that's to accommodate the workout hunger I get. So a protein and carb to mix well and fill me up.
  • How do you like the Turbo Fire?? I wanted to try it but haven't heard much about it. I have used all the other turbo products and absolutely love them. Can you tell what the difference is?
  • My weight as of 12/25/2010 was 167.4. I do my weigh-in tomorrow so hopefully down a few more lbs this week. Goal weight is 145. Workout routine includes 3 days a week of Jackie Warner 30 minute, 3 days a week of Turbo Jam. Running will start getting incorporated as weather warms up then weights a few times a week to torn…
  • Do you have a name for this delish dish? Also what is the calorie intake? It sounds amazing!
  • First welcome! :) You will love it here! It's so easy and great accountability! Second there are so many wonderful tools available and you will find you start changing pretty quick! You have a huge support system here so don't you worry!! :)
  • Don't look at this as a burden but a great change on life! You will get a new outlook on food and you will drop weight!! I have been using MFP for only a month and I have already lost and love it!! I am beyond stoked. Just the little bit has made a huge difference! Welcome!! :)
  • They will come true... they will come true... they will come true... :)
  • That's awesome! Super helpful.... I would have ended up looking in the bread aisle and been getting frustrated trying to find them!! :) I will look for them when I go shopping this weekend. over 4 bucks sounds about right. They are priced at 1.42 each on the site.
  • I think MFP is WAAAAY better. I don't feel restricted on what I can and can't eat and I can guarantee that I am getting all the proper nutrients for my body. It also forces me to work out to make that deficit in calories. I just think all around this is a better tool.
  • I am at 1200 calories a day and I experience the same thing. I actually leave them as is. I don't eat over the 1200. :)
  • I actually end up with most of my calories for the end of the day. I am on a 1200 calorie budget daily so it is a little different. It looks like you have eaten about half your calories for the day so you are good. I average about 250-300 for breakfast, 250-300 for lunch and the rest for dinner with extra. That is without…
  • Oh totally! I have only lost 7 lbs but that is a huge difference already and I am loving it! I am appreciating my food and preparation so much more and look forward to my workouts on a daily basis. When I hit my goal weight it's going to be fantastic! It will be the first time I've been there since high school. :)
  • I would work out when works best for you. I don't have children, but with interruptions that won't make for a very productive workout. I would say in the evening when the children are down and out then you can really focus. If getting up earlier will work better than do it, but don't exhaust yourself by losing sleep too...…
  • I agree with Aggie. You just have to plan it out and fit it into your schedule. Do not have an excuse as not to workout. It's super important to make that time. That will help with the stress and keep you on track for your goals. :)
  • I eat yogurt, a piece of fruit, cheese anything other than the bad stuff. Now every once in a while it is not bad to indulge in the craving. Just don't do it everyday. :)
  • It is extremely important to workout when you are stressed. That helps a ton! I went through a period that when I didn't work out the stress just built up and I was exhausted all the time. Even if you can get in 15-20 minutes that is better than nothing. I do all my workouts at home which helps too. :)
  • I reward myself with new clothes every 10 lbs or so as well. All my bottoms are too big!! That's about it though... not much else to reward myself with... oh wait.. getting my new Nike's after the first of the year! :)
  • Welcome! Whether you have a little or a lot just joining is a huge step!! You will love the tools that this site provides. I have found it a huge help and really keeping myself accountable for what I am eating. I have found ways to make the goodie treats with less calories and even bigger taste! :)
  • Also, order on Barnes and you can order and get free shipping!
  • Let me recommend some cookbooks for you. They are fabulous and give you a great array of variety to choose from. I have three cookbooks and rotate all my meals throughout. I actually use them to plan my week's worth of meals. Better Homes & Garden Eat Well Lose Weight Hungry Girl 200 Recipes under 200 Calories Eat What You…
  • I would just double your recipes and then refridgerate the rest! :) Also if you are looking for some good ones, I recommend the book Hungry Girl 200 recipes under 200 calories. She has a ton of smoothie recipes along with some other great things! :)
  • The app is my fav, but use the site for messages.
  • I prefer home. I am more motivated to do it and it gives me a great way to burn stress with adding the pressure of knowing I have to drive somewhere else. My highest weight wast 196 and I have lost 30 lbs since that point. I have lost 7 since being on here.
  • Wow... that just blows my mind. It's actually too bad that those things exist. The funny thing is eating healthy costs more money!! Doesn't make sense to me whatsoever.
  • I actually do all my workouts at home but I do a mix of cardio and weights. That way the muscle exchange will replace the fat getting leaner in shape. :) I do workouts like Turbo Jam and workouts from trainers like Jillian Michaels and Jackie Warner. I love it! I workout about 5-6 days a week for an hour at a time.
  • Welcome! You are going to love it here! I have learned a lot in just a short time period and things have changed drastically for me! You can do it and the support is amazing!!! :)
  • I'll tell you right now you are going to love this program and the tools it has to offer! I have been doing it for three weeks and I am loving it! I have lost weight, taken my love of cooking in a different direction and just really enjoying how things are happening. Welcome to the club! : )
  • I wouldn't do a fast. I did it a couple times a few years ago when I was at my heaviest. I lost about 5 lbs the first time and about 6-7 the second time around. These were about 6 months apart but then once I started doing my workouts and eating again the weight came back because the body was getting it's nutrients and…