how are you guys losing weight with stressful jobs?

Icandothis2011 Posts: 9
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I was on mfp over the summer and following the program and doing well. Once my job started, my weight loss fell by the wayside. I didn't gain all the weight back, but it's starting to creep up there. I'm a special education teacher who works with urban students with severe emotionally and behavioral disabilities. Just curious to see what is working for those who have stressful jobs or lifestyles.



  • It is extremely important to workout when you are stressed. That helps a ton! I went through a period that when I didn't work out the stress just built up and I was exhausted all the time. Even if you can get in 15-20 minutes that is better than nothing. I do all my workouts at home which helps too. :)
  • eat right and exercise! I don't care how stressed you are, calorie deficit means you lose weight. Also, working out relieves TONS of stress and makes you feel good about stuff.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I'm SUPER busy (working full time at an alternative energy company AND finishing my masters 4 classes a semester AND training for 2 half marathons) but I SCHEDULE my work outs (6 a week) just like any other commitment I have in the mornings (4:30 I wake up) and just force myself to go recalling how GREAT I feel after working out. I mix up my workouts so I dont get bored (running, yoga, p90x for lifting, spinning, etc.) This is the only time I can get work outs in so I make sure I take this time for ME.

    As far as food, I pack my ENTIRE day's food since I'm out from 4:30 am till 10ish at night. I have one extra healthy snack in case I get extra hungry, but I am under my calorie limit on average 6 days a week due to this planning ahead. I feel that planning is key and now that I'm used to it, its not so annoying anymore. Good luck.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Yeah I was doing great too and then I went back to school, after 24 years, a 42 year old freshman, and I gained back half my weight in that first term. I got a 4.0 (yeah!) and I was still working and I have kids so...the next term starts next week and I wonder how to fit in working out and eating right too.
  • I agree with Aggie. You just have to plan it out and fit it into your schedule. Do not have an excuse as not to workout. It's super important to make that time. That will help with the stress and keep you on track for your goals. :)
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    very hard, my job is at all time stress high right now :(
  • Very, very slowly. I take it one day at a time, try and log everything I eat and also talk to people about my weight loss and now healthier lifestyle. I also have some Hershey kisses around for truly stressful moments. ;)

    Hang in there, you'll find the balance!
  • darlene98
    darlene98 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, I am a nurse and what I found that works for me is making sure I pack my meals as well as snacks. So instead of going to the vending machines I can just eat my own healthy snacks. Also I make sure I eat every few hours even if its crazy so I won't over eat later. Hope this helps!
  • Thanks. I know I can do this.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    this is going to be about baby steps my friend. if you're not used to working out 6 times a week then dont put that kind of pressure on yourself try to change something about your current routine every week, like drink more water, go to the gym once a week, then try to get to the gym twice a week, then the next week try not to eat past 7pm, start planning your meals/ bring you rlunches. all these new little habits will add up and all of a sudden you have a whole new lifestyle.

    this is a huge learning experience and its going to take a lot of trial and error to figure out what works best for you. Dont give up, keep at it!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    eat right and exercise! I don't care how stressed you are, calorie deficit means you lose weight. Also, working out relieves TONS of stress and makes you feel good about stuff.

    Well the caveat to your point is the fact that stress stimulates cortisol release, which causes cravings for starchy/sweet foods and promotes depositing/retention of abdominal fat.

    I'm an ER doc so I also pack my lunch and graze throughout the day like Darlene; I make sure to bring at least a liter of water to drink as well. When I am being really good I plan out all my meals the night before. I also make sure to workout before going to work, it really helps to keep me stress free. I also like wearing a pedometer - on days I'm running around I can feel good about how many miles I'm doing.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    These responses are all SO right on the money! Planning makes a HUGE difference- I plan my food & my workouts like I plan sports for my son & Army business for my bf, they are things that just have to be done. Running is probably the only reason I haven't quit my job yet LOL
  • McFrench
    McFrench Posts: 205 Member
    I have a similar job, I work with children at risk of being psychiatrically hospitalized....and it can be incredibly stressful. I have found, packing my lunch with all healthy food, and more than I will eat, so I have several healthy choices, has helped me. And kickboxing after a hard day clears my mind completely! So does water aerobics, I find water soothing:)

    I have always been an emotional eater and am trying hard to change that!
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Definitely can identify with the stressful job. I became a supervisor recently and my diet and weight training stopped for about a month due to increases in responsibility, hours, etc. Ended up gaining 10 pounds that I worked hard to lose.

    Here's what worked for me. Hope it helps:

    1. I made exercise my number 1 priority. Instead of working out at lunch (my usual workoout time, but it became overrun by new job duties most days), I started working out early in the morning before work. Now, I'm at my local YMCA for workouts at 5:30 a.m.

    2. Keep healthy snacks at my desk. I started keeping things like apples, tuna packs, rice cakes, nuts, etc at my desk. Eating sometimes got difficult and it was easy to make a mad dash to the vending machine. Having healthy items nearby made my snacking a lot easier.

    3. Destress during the day. I would intentially block off time in my day in MS Outlook (Maybe 15 or 20 minutes) just to step away from the desk, take the stairs and walk out of the building. Sometimes I'd walk around the building. Other times I just stand out in the sun. It helps.

    4. Keep in mind that the job really doesn't care about your health. If something happens to you, you'll get some flowers and a card. But afer that, they really don't care. Your health is your responsibility. Make it a priority!

  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I was on mfp over the summer and following the program and doing well. Once my job started, my weight loss fell by the wayside. I didn't gain all the weight back, but it's starting to creep up there. I'm a special education teacher who works with urban students with severe emotionally and behavioral disabilities. Just curious to see what is working for those who have stressful jobs or lifestyles.


    Im in the same career.... stress has the opposite affect on me. I cannot eat. I find some days its so hard to even manage breakfast as the kids are coming in as im setting up and i eat with the children and sometimes they kick off or theyve all finished before me so i dont get a chance to finish my lunch.....

    I find going to the gym on the way home from work is my release! I find an hour class is when I dont have to think about work and I can get rid of all the stress so I can eat normally when I get home! :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I also have a very stressful job as I am a nurse practitioner (plus I am school for my doctorate and training for a half marathon)... and honestly the last poster is right... your job doesnt really care about your health.

    My last job was in Cardiology and I worked 60 hour weeks plus call and frequent 12-13 hour days with no lunch or break of any sort. And guess what, when the company was sold, no one cared that I killed myself for my job. What did I have to show for it... oh thats right... about a 50 pound weight gain and flabby arms.

    I started working out and watching my weight and running in June, and I havent looked back. I started a new job inm Geriatrics in July, and it hasnt stopped me from doing anyting... the key is planning

    When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
    Schedule your workouts
    Plan your food and snacks - bringing from home if you need to.
    I always set limit on myself like... ok ONE day a week I can have a dessert at work ... thats ONE day not every day... many weeks I dont even use it because the desserts on Friday arent that good!

    You can do it! :)
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    yah, you want to get out and exercise the stress away. when you exercise those "feel good" chemicals are released and then you feel amazing. i love it when that happens!!! it feels incredible.

    i get easily stressed with responsibilities and pressure on myself. my mother has been really sick the last 6 months too. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? even on those nights when i feel sad, crummy, tearful...... i get to the gym! and it always makes me feel better. or even if i don't want to get out - i stay at home and do yoga or something relaxing.

    good luck! :flowerforyou:
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