sardesc Member


  • I second the english muffin pizzas. I make these with my son for lunch (5). He loves making his pizzas his own way and they are lower in calories than traditional pizza dough and much faster.
  • Not a console gamer, but play PC games with a controller through my TV. I use my recumbent bike while playing games so that cardio doesn't suck so bad and to legitimize waking up at 5 am to play video games to my husband (who doesn't play). I love Elder Scrolls III and V & Fallout 3 & New Vegas.
  • Maybe I had my activity level set too low, but I'm a housewife in the winter in Saskatchewan. I don't vacuum that much, I shovel sometimes but I guess my husband's right - nice problem to have.
  • I, too, dreaded going into maintenance. I found that once I hit my goal weight and increased my calories to what the calculators said my maintenance calories should be, my weight loss sped up. I've been increasing my calories for a month and still losing weight despite not wanting to. I'm petite and a size 2 and I don't…
  • My son's best friend has Celiac Disease. I found this website and made this recipe: as cupcakes and they are shockingly cupcake-like and delicious (even my husband took them to work with his…
  • My tactic was to only shop online from retailers who offered free return shipping when I was trying to lose pregnancy weight. No three way mirrors and unflattering lighting in my house.
  • What a strange thread. I gained weight with pregnancies in the past, but I did and now fit into a size 0, depending on the retailer's vanity sizing. I net 1500 calories a day and I'm 5' tall. My BMI is 22. Who cares what size someone else is? My only concern is if vanity sizing increases any more, I'll be shopping in the…
    in Size 0 Comment by sardesc March 2013
  • I'm a caregiver for my daughter (3 years old). She is severely physically and cognitively disabled. It is enormously stressful as she is also extremely irritable. I exercise for an hour every morning before my kids wake up and it has been, by far, the biggest stress relief I've found (cured my crying jags). We have respite…
  • I always do this in just about everything I cook. My son would rather eat greek salad (without dressing!) than mashed potatoes, so it's not that I need to hide veggies in food. It adds bulk to foods and makes meals larger than they would be otherwise. People without kids think this is a stupid idea.
  • I wear it, but don't log the calories.
  • The vanilla is really good for baking with (pancakes, Jamie Eason's recipes from, etc).
  • My chest was the first place I lost inches. I went from a 36G to 34C or 32C depending on the brand. At least now I can walk into a cute bra store and buy anything, especially the padded push up bras (which I now need). And now I can comfortably run and exercise without spending a hundred dollars on a bra. I can't imagine…
  • I always eat them back. Your net calories are what matters, but you need a good heart rate monitor to get a better idea of what you are burning. The calculators on this and other sites aren't terribly accurate.
  • You probably need heavier weights, even to start. I bought the Bowflex SelectTech's which are pricey, but I love them so much! Edit: Should also say, we also have barbells and dumbbells kicking around for heavier lifts, but for me the adjustable weights are way more convenient.
  • I went from a size 6 to a size 2 without losing a pound. Nobody can see the number on your scale (unless you have a ticker underneath your forum posts). You are doing great!
  • Make sure you aren't eating too little. How many calories are you eating a day? I have two young children and I love waking up super early to exercise before they need me. It's the only time of day that I have to myself.
  • Trust your HRM with the chest strap. My recumbent bike says I burn three times the calories that I do according to my Suunto M4 HRM. MFP almost always overestimated cardio exercise calorie burn too. The good news is that with accurate information you can better control your net calories :-)
  • As you get close to your goal weight, that number can become unimportant. I wanted to get down to 120. I have a 6" wrist and 14" calves at 5' 1, so in the past when I got into the 110's I looked bony and unhealthy. Now, I'm between 115-117 depending on what kind of mood the scale is in and I'm a US size 2. The last time I…
  • This isn't really a tip, but I reached my goal weight and then started eating more (maintenance, plus eating back exercise calories). I kept losing inches, but not weight. Kind of annoying since I've already bought a new wardrobe and I'm a petite size 2 and I don't want to shop in the kids' section. Maybe try upping the…
  • The only housework I log is shovelling snow, it's the only way I''ll get the motivation to get outside & do it. Buy a HRM and you'll quickly find out how few calories you burn doing most things. For instance, I burn almost as many calories typing as I do during pilates.
  • I'm 5' and I net 1400-1500 with eating back my exercise calories. You probably aren't eating enough, I did the same thing in my 20's and it made maintaing my weight very hard.
  • I am barely 5'. I started at 160 (pregnancies) and am now down to 119 where I'm happy. The bad/good thing about being so short is that the weight appears on you fast, but you can lose sizes quickly once you start losing fat (ie: clothing gets very expensive). I started at size 14 pants and am now at size 2, but I went from…
  • I weigh myself with the Wii Fit every Sunday morning. It's nice because of the graph and BMI tracking. I weigh myself for interest's sake, but I base my progress on the spreadsheet I made with my measurements (upper chest, chest, biceps, waist, hips, thighs, calves). The scale can't show you progress the way your body…
  • I wear a HRM and I exercise in the morning. If I've had a light snack (banana or apple) about 20-30 minutes before I exercise, I burn more calories and I have much more energy. I just skip the fruit with my breakfast later on.
  • Stay away from the scale. I'm a little OCD so I kept track of my fat loss with a spreadsheet detailing my measurements every 2 weeks. Now I measure once a month. In a 4 month period I lost no weight, but 2 clothing sizes (I lift weights and do cardio). Drink lots of water and keep eating health and exercising. You have to…
  • I'm 5'1 and I usually net 1400 with exercise so I also have to watch out for snacks. When I get hungry soon after I've eaten, it's usually boredom. I snack on almonds, veggies or protein shakes. Mmmm...I forgot about apple slices with peanut butter. I used to give that to my son when he was a toddler for snack.
  • I'm 5 '1 and after losing my weight from two pregnancies, my goal has been to build muscle. The last time I had the measurements I have now, I weighed 15 pounds less. I always eat my exercise calories back and I net 1400 (exercise usually 400 per day). It would be really hard for me to eat 1200, even considering how low my…
  • I am in pretty good shape and consider myself fairly coordinated, but I could not follow her well enough to get my heart rate up. I would need to be on some sort of stimulant to do it every day. Definitely try to find a clip on youtube before purchasing it. I agree about also lifting weights to help lose fat.
  • I'm really short, too (5' 1). I just exercise a lot so I can eat back those calories because I like eating. I eat a lot of spinach and a banana everyday for potassium.