Calling All Busty Weight Lossers.

I noticed last night that the weight I am losing seems to be in my breasts (and other places, of course, but noticeable in the breasts). I am a 42 HH, achieved only by being over weight.

I am not, by any means, perky... never have been, just something I've had to live with.

I am absolutely horrified at the idea of losing all this weight and just having awful and ugly skin left because of how stretched out my chest has gotten.

Has anyone been in this situation? Is surgery the only way to fix this when I lose the weight?

Any help would be nice. I don't mind them getting smaller, I just don't want them to be any uglier than they already are.


  • MrsJBro
    MrsJBro Posts: 59 Member
    My chest is always the first to show weight loss or weight gain. My chest is much smaller now than it was a couple years ago. What I have found is as they became smaller they obviously became lighter, so the "sag" I was fearing didn't really happen because the weight wasn't there to pull them down. They don't look perfectly perky or anything, but my husband is still a huge fan :)
    Maybe one day I would consider surgery to add slightly more size, but it's not a big deal.
    Don't let fear stop you fom working to lose this weight, you'll look great and feel better once its off. If you get to your goal and it turns out you want surgery, go ahead. But you may get there and LIKE what you see, give it a chance.
  • hintc
    hintc Posts: 15
    I think a lot of it depends on your age, how much you loose, and what type of skin you have .... ive lost about 25 lbs over a year or so .... but Im in my mid 40s ... and my skin doesnt stretch, shrink back too well . My worst flabby skin area is my stomach though after loosing . I say, 95% of the time, others see you with your clothes ON.... so go w/ what looks best w/ that - weight loss ..... if you have a little extra skin after, turn off the lights or use firming cream .... and i bet your husband wont even notice anyway !
  • PandaPudges
    Thanks to both of you ^^ I am feeling much better about it now.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    One of my initial reasons to loose weight to begin with was to lose some of my boobage.

    I started off at about 170lbs and a 36G (UK) and I am now about 136-140lbs and 34F. There has been very little change and i'm actually pretty disappointed.

    I think how your breasts end up depends on the condition they were in to begin with. If they are already a bit saggy then yes, there will be more of that when you loose more weight. If the skin is stretched then it won't go back. Obviously there is some slight give but not half as much as you would hope.

    I would say if your breast are currently sagging then they are going to get worse the more weight you loose. The only way around that is surgery (breast lift). Don;t bother with those firming creams etc - they are a waste of money.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I've gone from a DDD cup to a D cup and my boobs are the same as far as shape goes. I looked into breast lifts online, but a lot of the "after" pictures look like my boobs now! I guess they'll never be perky on their own like they were when I was younger. I'm not going to worry about it unless my nipples start pointing downwards or my boobs start looking like pancakes.
  • CindyRip
    CindyRip Posts: 166 Member
    I understand how fast you loose the weight (slower allows the skin to adjust) can also play in the loose skin factor, but like said before I think age is one of the most important factors. I started out a G and am now an F. I have a lot of weight to loose and boob size is one reason I'm loosing. I am in constant pain and can barely bend over. It affects my sleep and my self esteem. I will be seeking surgery if this does not work. So I am really hoping it works.
  • Bubsys_mom
    Bubsys_mom Posts: 124 Member
    This reminds me I need to get a work-out bra. My boobs got even bigger during and after I had my son. I just hope they go down a few sizes when I lose this weight.

    When I told my husband that he exclaimed dramatically, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooo"..../sigh
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I went from a 42J to 36DD. Mine did / do sag and I used to joke that I had written them off and as the rest of me was looking so much better, it was a fair trade off. However, I have noticed that they have started to rally. Not sure if this is just down to time, genetics or my strength training.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Yes, mine get droopy and flat. Like pancakes. I recommend spending the extra money to get a quality bra that fits properly. Otherwise, surgery it is. Embrace them!!!!!!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I've been working my chest muscles as part of p90x and I have to say my chest looks less "deflated" than it did when I started. Things are definitely "looking up".
  • writer_chick
    writer_chick Posts: 27 Member
    This happened to me after my pregnancies! I'd only been a C cup before, and went to a DD. When I went back down, the sagging was noticeable (by me, at least--my husband insisted he couldn't tell, but he's pretty clueless about "girly" stuff like that). I read online that the only thing that helps is to have the breast lift surgery. Building up your pecs will only help to a very small extent. After that, it's you combating nature. I'm not sure I'll do a breast lift, but I'm learning that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Put on a cute bra and no one can tell the difference. :)
  • sardesc
    sardesc Posts: 34 Member
    My chest was the first place I lost inches. I went from a 36G to 34C or 32C depending on the brand. At least now I can walk into a cute bra store and buy anything, especially the padded push up bras (which I now need). And now I can comfortably run and exercise without spending a hundred dollars on a bra. I can't imagine wanting surgery to bring them back. My husband would never complain (aloud to me), he knows better.
  • PandaPudges
    You are all so helpful, even the negative Nancy's. I will be doing my best to help the girls out. I always wear a sports bra, rarely am I without it and my vitamin E cream has help me immensely, firming them up quite a bit and easing my stretch marks.

    I am not opposed to getting them lifted someday, I've wanted a lift since I was 16 and they started sagging, perhaps I will start saving up for it, as a reward for getting to my goal weight :D.

    Thanks all so much. I am much more confident and secure about it now that I don't feel alone.