Feeling disgusting after clothes shopping!

Am I the only one who goes shopping in a good mood and comes home feeling frustrated and upset?!

Today I went shopping for a new top to go out next weekend, and it didn't take me long to find the perfect top..and I was really happy when I tried a size 10 on and it fit me, but those mirrors in the changing rooms are so unflattering and you can see every single angle of your body!!

Eurgh, I hate it! I bought the top, but ended up coming home feeling disgusting!!!

Does anyone else have problems like that when they are shopping for clothes?!


  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I hear ya. I hate clothes shopping right now. I am 2 sizes bigger than I was before I had my daughter. None of my cute clothes fit. I constantly wear sweatshirts and baggy shirts so people can't see my back fat. I hate shopping so I wear the same stuff over and over. It just sucks.

    So yeah, clothes shopping right now just depresses me. And I agree, the mirrors are the worst!
  • Wgbn32
    Wgbn32 Posts: 38 Member
    I hate clothes shopping. Once I broke down crying in a dressing room because everything I put on didn't fit or looked terrible. That was a really low point for me. I'm hoping never to have that feeling again.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Yes! I'm really struggling with this :grumble: I've gone from a 16 to an 8 and I thought it would be fun and easy to shop but it's just as hard and annoying. I'm guessing I have some body image issues to work through. I'll get there.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Yes! I avoid the changing rooms. It's a combination of the lighting and the stupid angled mirror that makes you look a lot worse than you actually are.
  • clperrett
    clperrett Posts: 33
    I have always hated clothes shopping, right from childhood to now. If I don't like the first thing I try on because it is unflattering I know that the shopping is going to be a complete disaster.

    I barely have any clothes newer than 4 years old. I start a new job in 6 weeks and I'm dreading it because I know I really need to get some new clothes.

    I also don't go to the hairdressers more than once a year because after spending an hour looking at myself in the mirror I feel terrible.

    Body dismorphia apparently!
  • penelopeyvonne
    penelopeyvonne Posts: 97 Member
    I've spent most of my adult life feeling pretty awful after clothes shopping and for a long long time would always go on my own because of my size and weight. Two weeks ago I went - for the first time in ages - with my sister (size 10 UK) and we weren't looking for clothes for her! Anyway, came back feeling pretty darn' good as I'm now wearing clothes 2 - 3 sizes smaller than when I started out on this diet two years ago (although only been with MFP since the beginning of this year). So, all in all, been there, done that, got the t-shirt that looked like a tent. Two weeks prior to that little shopping trip I'd bought two skirts - one two sizes and the other three sizes smaller than my "usual size". So, whilst I still have a way to go... not feeling so disgusting anymore.

    Ladies, there is light at the end of the tunnel :smile:
  • sardesc
    sardesc Posts: 34 Member
    My tactic was to only shop online from retailers who offered free return shipping when I was trying to lose pregnancy weight. No three way mirrors and unflattering lighting in my house.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Suggestion - what about ordering them online? Then you get to try them on in your own home and can return them if theyre not right.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    Am I the only one who goes shopping in a good mood and comes home feeling frustrated and upset?!

    Today I went shopping for a new top to go out next weekend, and it didn't take me long to find the perfect top..and I was really happy when I tried a size 10 on and it fit me, but those mirrors in the changing rooms are so unflattering and you can see every single angle of your body!!

    Eurgh, I hate it! I bought the top, but ended up coming home feeling disgusting!!!

    Does anyone else have problems like that when they are shopping for clothes?!

    I used to work in a clothing store and I always tried to get my company to "make over" our fitting rooms to make them more flattering. The cheap lighting and such do really make most people look nasty. A store that put a little money into flattering lighting, paint on the walls, etc. would make so much more money because you might try on the exact same pair of jeans but they'd look a little bit better at their store.

    I also have a hard time finding my size due to variances in sizing, and worst of all, most stores only seem to carry items I like in certain seasons or they will have two items I like in the entire store. I hate going to a store to shop and buy all my clothes online. Not only can I measure myself and go by the store's sizing chart, but I don't spend 5+ hours looking for something I might like to wear and find nothing. Plus there are a ton of people I've met through events with etsy shops where I can custom order exactly what I want.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Yep. That's why I usually order all of my clothes online. (except socks and underwear)

    It's frustrating because I try things on and I can't find anything that fits right or looks right, so then I go and put my own clothes back on and I wonder how I found them in the first place. :grumble:

    And I can't stand dressing room mirrors either. :mad:
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    I have a pretty good idea of clothes and styles that look good on my now. I have to admit that I often buy the appropriate size (or that I hope is the appropriate size) and try it on at home.

    Also, like Sardesc, I am buying more on-line.
  • teresacc26
    teresacc26 Posts: 91 Member
    I hate clothes shopping. Once I broke down crying in a dressing room because everything I put on didn't fit or looked terrible. That was a really low point for me. I'm hoping never to have that feeling again.

    i KNOW eXACTLY HOW u FEEL....I Ab-So-Lute-Ly HATE it. My husband even prepares me now when he takes me shopping "now dont go in here and get discouraged and upset if something doesnt fit, its jus clothes" So embarrassing that he sees how it makes me feel. It turns a Joyous moment into Mourning.
  • cryswest57
    cryswest57 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm waiting to be where I want to before I really go shopping. Once my arms are toner, and I have a flat stomach again then I will go. I have cried over the changing room before.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Yes! I avoid the changing rooms. It's a combination of the lighting and the stupid angled mirror that makes you look a lot worse than you actually are.
    I'll still take bad mirrors over anything that makes you look good in the store so you'll buy (then have the clothes look terrible when you get them home and wear them out in public).

    Shopping can be frustrating at any size though!
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    I feel great until I catch a view of my backside. I've got back fat that just won't budge.
  • teresacc26
    teresacc26 Posts: 91 Member
    I have about 2 stores online that have clothes that fit me nicely but U have to pay about $100 jus for 2 pair of decent pants.

    and Majority of Plus Size Shirts are a bunch of Ugly Flowers all over with Dramatic patterns or the sleeves look like U about to Fly ( i call them butterfly shirts)..I REFUSE to wear them!!!
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    I love clothes shopping now. I am going to go tomorrow to find a new top for my date on Saturday. Of course I am much happier with where I am at now than I was before I lost some weight, but now I can't get enough of shopping. The key is finding clothes that look good and enhance your best features in your current body.
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    I cry a lot when I shop. So..I've stopped shopping. I don't weight myself either, because I don't want to go into the store and think we'll im down 5 lbs, so lets try on a couple inches smaller and have it not fit. Im just going to wait until I fit back into those coveted pants I bought 3 years ago when I was at my goal weight. They may have still been a 10 (currently a 12/13) but they were perfect. I really don't want shopping to make me feel defeated--because I think to myself... "Well im already a fat disgusting slob who can't fit into anything, so I may as well just eat myself to sleep"
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    For years, I could not go shopping without coming home in tears. Just recently, I was able to buy a few things that actually fit well. I was happy, but you are right, those mirrors are awful! I know I do not look THAT bad in my mirrors at home. I don't look good, but definitely not as disgusting as those mirrors make me out to be. It's depressing. I can only pray that is not how others see me.
  • Symphony2010
    Symphony2010 Posts: 50 Member
    I absolutely hate clothes shopping. Since I'm so big I have to shop at a special store and all their clothes r soo boring.