Bubbaluh Member


  • well IN MY OPINION a peplum dress or top would look very nice on you, you have slim arms and a larger chest and narrow hips i cant get my link working its been a while since ive done it, but theres examples! GOODLUCK http://imgur.com/XSCd1Sw
  • Ive been on metformin for a month now with diet and exercise and im still the one weight, i think things just work for some and things dont work for others. petty huh
  • Yes, i had irregular periods the heavier i got (almost hit 300lbs) i would get one every other month and the amount of bleeding was petty, Being overweight can also trigger polycystic ovary syndrome which has a massive affect, Going to see a doctor will help you figure out what you need to do for your health! I'm at 224lbs…
  • Yeah i wouldn't trust or use any over the counter weightloss, it's just companies targeting peoples insecurities to lose weight and making money from it. Portion control, eating healthy and exercise and water are all very important you're right, i also agree any prolonged medication is dangerous but so is being morbidly…
  • I was on them for 3 weeks almost 2 years ago, i went from 136kgs to 120kgs in a month or so, mixed with a bad break up and i ended up with gallstones from the double stress on my body, They lose their effectiveness after a few weeks, i take them for a week every month or so, maybe 6 weeks, this is what i've personally…
  • Problem is i don't drink or smoke or take party drugs, and i'm not sure id really say that i need to have them, i could eat 1200cal a day to maintain this weight easily but that's not why most of us use MFP i haven't been my goal weight (realistic goal for 5'3) since i was 12, i'd like to expirence the skinnier side of…
  • Yes id like to have some more people answer these kind of questions, given my BMI my doctor has suggested i eat 850-1000 calories a day and that includes exercise, id say id bump your net calories up to 800 as a minimum and eat a decent meal after you work out, we dont need to be told the basic 1200* when MFP tells us…
  • This is a reassuring thread, my testosterone levels came back normal even though i have excessive hair growth (chin, random spouts of hair on my shoulders and abit on my belly) but my endo told me that the testosterone can be all throughout your body and not just in your blood stream.. also does anyone else find they have…
  • I use 100% organic cold pressed coconut oil as hair treatments, warm it up till its a hot liquid (comes in a solid form) lather my hair in it over night and reep the rewards of strong silky shiny full hair! along with Moroccan argan oil its the only oil able to be absorbed into the hair (with heat) Time to start cooking…
  • Well being diagnosed with PCOS is a good start, but its true, you will work twice as hard to lose the weight, and will gain it twice as easy! Obviously you need to go see your doctor and get tests etc done but that will only get you so far, you still have to restrict calorie intake, exercise like mad and earn it, theres no…
  • I forgot to mention earlier that your cycle naturally has a days rest. 4-5 days on, a days break then 1-2 days of mucky bleeding again, in high school i found this was the most normal and common thing among my friends and any girl i discussed it with. I made the mistake on my very first period of thinking it was over and…
  • Thanks for this, i have a doctors appointment this friday so ill talk about it then, always good to know. :drinker:
  • I got in contact with a kitty whisperer, he said he will do councelling sessions over skype, Im so happy! Thanks for all your support guys <3
  • ' ahaha ikr! i love all these way too much!
  • Workout level = Rock hard abs from laughing :D
  • Hope this works :s
  • Rub it in! post this one https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-YvIKR8Pin04/UNH4kZFzc4I/AAAAAAAAGpE/GHP1hXMb_D4/s290/142.gif
  • i think i woke my household up laughing at this one
  • Would you do it for your cat?
  • She slept on my head last night, but mostly on my pillow, i don't wanna break up with her we've been together for 11 years and that's kinda special you know? Shes watched me grow now shes watching me shrink. Any ideas on human/feline relationship councellor's online? I just need some guidance on how to win her back :c
  • Have you tried rats fried in pig fat? It could boost her calorie intake and give her a glossy healthy coat!
  • I was a little dissapointed too :c
  • She loves it best when im in bed, she sleeps on my belly (well usually). I cant seem to capture her interest with toys sadly, and i dont want to give her LIVE mice due to diseases, shes old and snobby and thinks shes too good for everything, wont drink any water but from a fresh glass filled infront of her and likes to eat…
  • Ahaha its something i didnt feel for a really long time either, Its weird but i actually enjoy all my cramping and periods because its better than not having one at all!
  • ' Its just your egg being released! It swaps side each month, completely healthy and normal! The slight discomfort is that your falopian tubes have to cramp to push the egg down :P Happy easter, seems like your getting a different kind of egg! ahaha
  • Do you mean to say that you've hit a plateau? Are you going over any of your daily limits set by MFP? If you've hit a flatline my best advice (worked for me) was to just keep doing the same thing, change it up psychically so your body doesn't get used to the exercise you're doing. Its tough when you're working hard but…
    in HELP!!! Comment by Bubbaluh March 2013
  • You sound like youve been doing this for a while, i appriciate your kind words and encouragement, its just what i needed! Ive been scared to really do anything changing up my routine on my bike (i dont like change, who does?) But HIIT sounds like a great idea, theres settings on my bike for these things but never been game…