weight loss pills?

I'm very curious to hear about peoples experiences with PRESCRIBED pills and their effect, efficiency and long term weight loss sustainability. I'm using 20-40mg of Duromine now and then as a "pulse blend" and it seems to be the only thing to make weight
go away. Healthy eating and exercise doesn't seem to like me and I've plateaued twice now, both for a month or so.

I'm somewhat genetically inclined to be overweight and if i sat on 1800-2000cal a day i would gain weight (PCOS also) even though my TDEE is 2188cal.

Does anyone else use these as a booster within diet and exercise, i find that the few people who i know to take them don't exercise or eat well, anyone else used all three combine?


  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    yes they work but are not good for your body and once you stop taking them

    someone give me this quote If you didn't need a pill to get fat, why would you need one to get unfat?

    personally i'd changeyour life style and forget dieting and diet pills

    another quote "If you did have a million-dollar racehorse, would you let him stay up half the night drinking coffee and booze, smoking cigarettes and eating junk food?" "Would you treat your 10-dollar dog or your 5-dollar cat that way? What about your billion-dollar body?"

    if you don't look after you body no-one else will

    anyone can add me
  • Bubbaluh
    Bubbaluh Posts: 39 Member
    Problem is i don't drink or smoke or take party drugs, and i'm not sure id really say that i need to have them, i could eat 1200cal a day to maintain this weight easily but that's not why most of us use MFP
    i haven't been my goal weight (realistic goal for 5'3) since i was 12, i'd like to expirence the skinnier side of life!

    Im guessing you haven't used weightloss/suppressants before @SenseiCole ? i was hoping for someone to share expirences with :(
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    I've been using them for the last 6mths.The first 3mths I wasn't exercising regularly, but ate a healthy diet, and rarely over 1200cals/day. I slowly started to see the weight drop, but <1kg/mth. The last 3mths I've been swimming 2-3days/wk and 3wks ago started some heavy weight lifting. No ongoing weight loss by the scales, but body measurements have decreased.
    I'm not going to renew my prescription because I'm not convinced that they have actually helped at all. Except that my quality of sleep was not a good.
  • amandaanderson2786
    amandaanderson2786 Posts: 95 Member
    ive tried diet pills before including alli because a friend told me it worked. well not for me the only thing that has worked ever is portion control eating healthy and regular exersice and also drinking lots of water. Also my family who are all mostky in the medical feild tell me that diet pills are dangerous and unhealthy for you and whats going to happen when you stop taking them . good luck hun! i hope this helped! sorry iabout the spelling its alittle early for me yet
  • Bubbaluh
    Bubbaluh Posts: 39 Member
    I've been using them for the last 6mths.The first 3mths I wasn't exercising regularly, but ate a healthy diet, and rarely over 1200cals/day. I slowly started to see the weight drop, but <1kg/mth. The last 3mths I've been swimming 2-3days/wk and 3wks ago started some heavy weight lifting. No ongoing weight loss by the scales, but body measurements have decreased.
    I'm not going to renew my prescription because I'm not convinced that they have actually helped at all. Except that my quality of sleep was not a good.

    I was on them for 3 weeks almost 2 years ago, i went from 136kgs to 120kgs in a month or so, mixed with a bad break up and i ended up with gallstones from the double stress on my body, They lose their effectiveness after a few weeks, i take them for a week every month or so, maybe 6 weeks, this is what i've personally found, It's also less stress on the body.
  • Bubbaluh
    Bubbaluh Posts: 39 Member
    ive tried diet pills before including alli because a friend told me it worked. well not for me the only thing that has worked ever is portion control eating healthy and regular exersice and also drinking lots of water. Also my family who are all mostky in the medical feild tell me that diet pills are dangerous and unhealthy for you and whats going to happen when you stop taking them . good luck hun! i hope this helped! sorry iabout the spelling its alittle early for me yet

    Yeah i wouldn't trust or use any over the counter weightloss, it's just companies targeting peoples insecurities to lose weight and making money from it.
    Portion control, eating healthy and exercise and water are all very important you're right, i also agree any prolonged medication is dangerous but so is being morbidly obese, thank you for your time to read this, and goodmorning! goodluck to you too!