

  • you're kidding, right?
  • -18F, windchill around -45F. I live on a lake so the wind gusts are pretty gnarly. Just waiting for the wind to calm so I can get outside!
  • Are you using it with dips? sometimes having a different dip can give an old snack new life. Try hummus, tuna salad, black bean dip, cream cheese, nut butter, egg salad, yogurt, or cottage cheese, etc.
  • I feel you, I'm somewhere in my second week of a chocolate free life. I had a headache first few days, now I'm just dealing with the cravings. There's hope though, I definitely find it easier and easier to say no!
  • Good tips, thanks everyone. I'm definitely going to try jerky (I have a friend with a smoker so it will be all good stuff and no preservatives), kale chips, cauliflower popcorn, olives, and deviled eggs. Love the idea of grab-able bite-size things that pack a nutritional punch that will be easy to have on hand between…
  • Tabithamason- That's a good idea but probably won't work as I care for infants and toddlers. shutupandlift- jerky sounds great! hadn't thought of that. I think I'm going to skip the dried fruit as I'm watching fructose/ sugar. I've also never really gotten on well with the taste of coconut milk and I'm trying to stay away…
  • The things you described as most important to you about this fire staff seem to be the way it helped you make friends. But I'm pretty sure it didn't walk up to some one and say "Hi, my name's 1a1a, lets get to know each other." No, YOU did that. You used the hobby to help you, but just remember those qualities of stepping…
  • I agree with the OP about that app taking it too far. I haven't had a facebook in a few years now. The main reason I'm posting is because I wanted to let people know that when you "Delete" your facebook, it's all still there if you sign back in at any time... You have to actually contact facebook and ask them to…
  • All great ideas, thanks. I think I'll probably go with some sort of activity (+ ICE CREAM!!) as he already has a bike and a sandbox and some playdough, lol.. Thanks for the input. :)
  • I am so shocked I can hardly think. 1) you're making a meal 2) it involved avocado. :D I add pepper, tuna tends to be salty as is. Also, garlic, lots of it. chopped celery or shredded carrots are good, too, if you're up for some additional food prep. they don't get soggy and give a nice variety to the texture. Happy eatin'…
  • The main macros people talk most about are carbs (grains/ pastas/ bread/ etc) fat (oils/ butter/ nuts/ etc) and protein (meat/ dairy/ beans/ etc). Some other macros that might be worth tracking depending on your personal situation are sodium (if you're eating lots of processed foods this would be good to keep an eye on),…
  • First I thought WTH is wrong with this parent. Then I thought, WTH is wrong with these people answering. Then I started to laugh at how serious I take life. I have the same problem with my cats. I figure eventually my older cat will get with the picture and give the little one the smackaround she deserves for eating all…
  • pop tart ice cream sandwich. granted, they were homemade pop tarts and it was really frozen yogurt... Still, not going to be my go-to lunch!
  • Also, the blog Chocolate Covered Katie has some great single-serv desserts, too. ETA: On second thought, way too healthy of a blog for you to even consider looking at, Jonny
  • chocolate chips. needs. chocolate. chips. it's not a cookie without chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • intermittent?
  • work out for 60-90 minutes to earn those extra 500-700 calories. ETA: Maybe take a look at the foods you are choosing, as well, maybe there are some more filling options. And, frankly, my guess is that you need at least 1700-1900 even without working out....
  • Agree with Jonny. Make sure your calorie and nutrition goals are set correctly then eat to meet them.
  • -lemon juice with garlic, salt, cilantro, and pepper -spritz of Braggs Amino Acids (like soy sauce) with pepper -avocado, mashed, with garlic, salt and pepper -olive oil with salt and pepper I like salt and pepper, what can I say? In a pinch I've been known to sprinkle water on my salad and top with... you guessed it...…
  • Where is your daily calorie intake at? A long term high deficit could be affecting you now (even if you have been fine up until recently).
  • does 10 days qualify as a "few"? lol You know what the sad thing about this is? That's it's only a quart, too. And there's some left. We don't drink much milk around here.
  • A lot of really helpful responses. I see now why she reacted the way she did- I bet she assumed I thought the computer/ broken toy thing were related in the way I phrased the message when I didn't even think for a second they were. We talked on the phone already and cleared it all up. I'll continue to use her daughter as a…
  • Thank you, LittleMiss. I also talked about the computer thing a bit, too, though I'll add that there's never been an issue with her using it outside of my rules in the past and I'd hate to have to lock it when I know she doesn't have one at home to use online if a simple reminder would suffice. It's not an issue of…
  • My neighbor is a very close friend and has a view of my house (I'm actually sort of in her back yard!) and I always let her know if I'm having a sitter and ask her to be on call if there's an emergency as she is so close. Likewise, my sitters know they can contact my neighbor or barge in through her back door if there's an…
  • I'm not trying to start anything. I was honestly just looking for some opinions, maybe more insight into how my friend was thinking/ feeling about it, some advice on how to handle similar situations (with different sitters) in the future, should they arise. I'm a young single parent and readily admit I don't know much! I…
  • I did apologize and let her know I'd come to her first in the future and that her daughter is still our favorite choice.
  • lol... yes... possibly true. I'm not really super invested in the situation, I agreed to do things her way in the future, just looking for some perspective. I sort of agree with you... which is another reason I posted this to get some feedback. She's not the only sitter I use and it made me realize I'm not super clear on…
  • I have a feeling the majority of responses will say you can't spot tone.... That said, I think stretching and working on flexibility may help. I noticed my legs began to get slightly smaller when I started working on flexibility more. Also, all the usual butt/ thighs stuff like squats, lunges, wall sits, bridge, etc.…
  • it happens to cause me jealousy
  • Oh, the bonus bonus is that grating cheese burns 14 calories and builds muscle (which weighs more). Better log that $#!T