exp_lauren Member


  • I did the 30 day shred last year from start to finish; all 30 days. Whoo hooo! And yes, there were days when I thought it was killing me (definitely Anita days), but wow, I did notice toning results when I was done like I never got by going to the gym. In retrospect, I'd have factored in a rest day here and there and not…
  • Have you tried fitness DVDs? A tough but very effective one is Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. All you need to go with them are some hand weights and a yoga mat if you don't have carpet. These are inexpensive one-time investments ... the video is just $7 on Amazon.com right now. The workouts are killer but only 20 minutes…
  • I recently finished the 30-day shred and notice a big difference all around. It's only about 20 minutes every day, but it's no walk in the park! I was hoping to read what people thought about 6-week abs, but like the other poster says, you'll get a good abs workout with the 30DS, too.
  • I love DDR! It's a really fun way to get in some cardio. More recently I've been doing the 30 Day Shred DVD to take it up a notch with strength and abs work, too. Not entertaining, but wow, it works.
  • I understand that your body will simply expel any vitamin excess you don't require. Exceptions are vitamin D, E, A, and K, which are fat-soluble, so you could get too much of those, but most of us don't get enough vitamin D naturally. I don't know about the minerals like calcium, but I'd be cautious before considering…
    in Vitamins Comment by exp_lauren June 2011
  • Have you tried searching the internet? For example, acefitness.org has an exercise database and some workouts --- check out the 'Ace get fit' tab. I also have a website bookmarked somewhere that shows you dumbbell exercises for different muscle groups.
  • How about a baked crust-less fruit dessert like berry, rhubarb, or apple crisp with an oat crumble topping? Serve with a dollop of President's Choice or Chapman's vanilla frozen yogurt. Still a yummy holiday splurge, but a much better choice than many desserts, and you get to control the sugar, too.
    in Easter! Comment by exp_lauren April 2011
  • I've read that 30-35 grams of fibre per day is great, so no worries about going over MPF's default value. Keep up your water/liquids at the same time to keep everything moving.
  • Piller's Spicy Turkey Bites are ready-to-eat mini deli sausages with 50 calories and 6g protein. Their Chicken Nibblers are 50 calories with 7g protein. Schneider's make something like this, too.
  • Usually it's good! It's not good when you aren't eating enough to get your nutrients or so little that your body wants to store fat away because it senses a famine coming on.
  • I found this article online: http://www.babycenter.ca/baby/youafterthebirth/nutrition/dietbreastfeedingmum/
  • Some tips you might consider trying: Try challenging yourself to eat a little something every 2 hours ... if you skip a meal, your body will think "famine!!" and react by storing fat. Give it a little bit of food often ... let your digestive system do some exercise for you all day long. Plan for breakfast, an AM snack,…
  • http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=50900 Still had this page open from someone else with the same question earlier today! More than the default amount is fine ... I have my protein set at 25%. But like anything, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.
  • To reset your targets, click the "my home" tab and then "goals".
  • It's okay to go over the default target for protein; it can be a good thing! Personally, I have adjusted my target to 25% of my calories from protein. With meat proteins, I like to keep an eye on my saturated fat intake. All that said, if you're thinking of going *really* overboard on anything, it is worth a question to a…
  • Here's one idea: buy a bag of coleslaw mix. It's cheap, fresh, and lasts longer than salad in the fridge. Use as a salad with calorie-wise coleslaw dressing, a few roasted almonds and maybe a few raisins or dried cranberries. Even cut up an apple in there. Use it as an ingredient in stove-top items ... add a handful to a…
  • I'm also doing 1200 calories and aim for something like this: Breakfast: 175 calories AM snack: 75 calories Lunch: 350 calories PM snack: 75 calories Dinner: 450 calories Eve snack: 75 calories I also try to eat lots of fibre (30g - need lots of fluid, too) and protein (75g). Protein and fibre take longer to digest, so…
  • I noticed you can't do that from the database search, but if you try searching for the food from your food diary (when trying to add it to today's meal), there is a button underneath to do the add if you don't find what you're looking for.
  • Phew! Was worried for a while there, so glad to hear that it's all good! I've always considered myself to be on the short side, and 91 would be a dangerously low weight for me, so I guess it triggered an alarm when I read it. Apologies for poking my nose in. Best wishes to you both!
  • Wow - those seem like low goal weights (especially that 91 pounds) unless you are not at all tall. What will your BMIs be when you reach goal?
  • If you can get out for a minute, go where they sell pharmacy items and buy yourself a box of meal replacement bars that approximate your calorie and nutrition goals for lunch and breakfast and keep them ready to grab when you need them on a crazy day. That's better than doing the famine and feast thing ... I understand…
  • Not sure if this will work, but definitely cheaper than new clothing to try. I add Borax powder to the machine when washing smelly stuff. It boosts your detergent and is a natural deodorizer. You can find it in the regular laundry soap section at most supermarkets. Where I live, it comes in a sage green box with a…