
What are the best vitamins to take? Should i just try muli-vitamins or can i take a variety? I could do with calcium vitamins as i dont eat much dairy but would also like some to help improve skin (is that omeaga 3??) Would multi-vitamins include everything i want, or could i take multi + calcium & omega 3. Is it possible to OD on vitamins?? Thanks :)


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I take a multi and a omega 3-6.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    It is possible to OD on vitamins, but pretty rare from what I understand. I would talk to your doctor. He/she will use your eating habits, workouts, family history, etc. to help you decide what you need.
  • ljsmamma07
    ljsmamma07 Posts: 30
    i just take a multivitamin but i should prob take a calcium one too since i dont seem to drink much dairy now either :(
  • dida0721
    dida0721 Posts: 107 Member
    I like to take a women's multivitamin and the viactive calcium chews.
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    have started taking multi vitamin, CLA, amino acids, and vitamin C just recently and can already tell such a major difference!! so, definitely do some research, find out what you need, and start taking them!
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    I personally take a multi vitamin, 1500 calcium, vitamin C, B complex, fish oil, I have done this for a few years now and have not had any OD problems.
  • Kristin111365
    I take a multivitamin , Calcium with Vitamin D 1200mg, and Fish oil 1000mg. This is what was recommended to me since i am on a 1200 calorie diet and dont eat alot of dairy. I know you body flushes what it dosent need so it can be hard to OD on them.
  • exp_lauren
    exp_lauren Posts: 29 Member
    I understand that your body will simply expel any vitamin excess you don't require. Exceptions are vitamin D, E, A, and K, which are fat-soluble, so you could get too much of those, but most of us don't get enough vitamin D naturally. I don't know about the minerals like calcium, but I'd be cautious before considering mega-doses. For Omega 3s, I use fish oil capsules -- I read somewhere that it wasn't necessary to supplement omega 6 and 9.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    It is possible to OD on vitamins, but pretty rare from what I understand. I would talk to your doctor. He/she will use your eating habits, workouts, family history, etc. to help you decide what you need.

    Not quite......

    Take LOTS of vitamins!! Have you ever seen the DVD called FOOD MATTERS??... It's all about the importance of getting all your vitamins from healthy foods and staying healthy thru vitamins and food ALONE- no pharmasutical(sp) medicines. It is INCREDIBLY GOOD!! Plus you can NOT over Dose on vitamins as this other person says.... You can OD on Iron but you have to take like a bottle of iron!... It is one of the BEST movies I have ever seen!! Yes- it is a documentary but it's not boring and you will be SHOCKED at all the information kept hidden from the public about our health care system, meds, foods etc..... Like did you know doctors are trained to treat the SYMPTOMS....not the actual problem.... Doctors are not trained hardly at all/ if at all in nutrition.... Diet nutrition...vitamins play the BIGGEST role in our health!! A doctor may say to take a multi-vitamin....but you CAN take more! I certainly do am I am hardly ever sick.... I usually just get some allergies one or two times a year at spring and Fall and that is it....& I have two kids in school so you'd think that I'd constantly be sick from what they're around?... If you take like one or two multi vitamins a day remember that your stomach acid is actually going to destroy a lot of that vitamin before it ever gets into your system. Also if you take a vitamin and get a headache or feel sick....go eat and it will go away... Also when you first start taking 2-3 vitamins a day all the nutrients are going to start kicks all the bad stuff in your system's Butt so you may not feel better right at first!! Like they will basically be detoxifing your system and getting rid of all the bad junk in your body from bad foods, pollution you breath in, medications etc.... It goes away tho and you will feel great.

    Vitamins are the trustest medicine and superfood!! Dr. Gerson spent YEARS on a book about ths!

    I take Alive! Women's Energy Multi-vitamin mineral with added fruit and vegetable supplement. You can get them anywhere-mine are from Wal-Mart.


    It'll change your life!